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Everything posted by slice

  1. Welcome John, as long as you ride a bike your welcome here, but it's nice if you actually own a YAM, Welcome to the YOC.
  2. Hi just to say that when I did mine I held the fork in a vice (top) well packed against scratching it and used a wooden mallet to whack the allen key sharply down to break the thread, same for doing it up really, there are some vids on Youtube that show you how to do it you just have to work your way through the dross. Best of luck.
  3. Not quite sure what to say to that! Agree with calling the cops tho, 4 pints and he's in his 80s & he's driving home Christ on a crutch!!!! ALL drink drivers should be banned I don't care how old they are, well done Noise.
  4. Hi Grouch welcome back, should not PISS out but will probably leak a bit, best not to. Fit new gaskets first then oil it up.
  5. Hi Wireless I think what he's saying is that this area is for INTROS not questions, like anywhere really you say Hi before you ask a stranger for his opinion, as Above you should do another intro and THEN go to the bar area and see if anyone has an idea for the best tyre for your bike (sorry that should be TIRE of course) someone will have an idea about your problem I'm sure. Other than that WELCOME to the YOC. PS if you can't stand having the piss taken then you really are in the wrong forum, good people on here Bits Yanks Indians and many from the Colonies (Australia New Zealand) and such plus loads I haven't mentioned (sorry all) so you will get a lot of stick before your one of the boys.
  6. slice

    S H E D S

    NAH! Lord Lucan is not there but I bet the bike he left on is!!!!
  7. I worked in the Ambulance service for 30 years and I know what happens when you go to hospital, I have myself SCRUBBED the road grit out of road rash and believe me you can actually stand on your hair! For those that don't know how road grit is removed in Hosp here's how. First cut off whatever they are wearing then wash said area in HOT soap and water then get NAIL BRUSH from sterile packet and SCRUB the shit out of any and all cuts and grazes, this can take 5 to 20 minutes depending on where the rash is and how much shit is in it, and NO it don't help if they yell and call you names cos it's not MY skin that's peeling off!!! Sounds harsh but it's either that or sepsis.
  8. slice

    S H E D S

    Stu I'm impressed not only is it a "PROPER" man cave ie, no girl would be seen dead in it, but you know where your tools are, now that's lots better than NAMING them. With that shed your a man to be reckoned with.
  9. As Airhead (OG) says it MIGHT be possible to use it again, depends on how much metal has been gouged out of the seal bearing surface, if you try a dremel and small grinder on it you might get all the burrs off and a flat surface to work with, it's not just the inner part of the seal that need to "seal" but the outer edge goes against the inner raised edge and also keeps oil in, if you can just take off only what's sticking out and leave as much of the old surface as possible there's a chance that it would still work ok. The only way to find out is to try it!! Good luck.
  10. You have to bin it I'm afraid , you MIGHT get it to seal but how long for is anyones guess, how much is a new/replacement leg?
  11. Ok Sacha "HOW DO YOU KNOW?" starting to wonder!!!!!
  12. Buy it Matthew buy it!!!!!!!! Don't think about it just BUY IT. That is a pretty little bike, you will be kicking yourself if you let it go by.
  13. Hi Matt, Welcome to the YOC.
  14. Hi Ben, It's normal to do an INTRO (new members section) BEFORE you start asking questions, imagine if you will walking into a strange pub and shouting out your questions to a bar full of strangers, you might get an answer but more likely you will get shown the door, we WONT do that but we might not answer you till you say Hi, not much to ask when you think about it! Someone on here will no doubt have an answer for your problem but not before you intro yourself. PS Welcome to the YOC by the way.
  15. Hi Oliver, well like most things electrical you need a DIAGRAM, it's not really possible to say exactly what you need to do unless you can either visualise the thing or follow the drawing, it's quite easy to show you how to wire up the brake light but near bloody impossible to tell you over the internet without spending 2 hours describing what you need to do which would really only be a vague description at best, get a manual off ebay or such and that way you will know what goes where, a few quid spent on the right book can save you hours of frustration and blown fuses. If you don't have the slightest clue how to do most of this then mate your in for a really frustrating time, it's not something that just happens you have to learn how first, sorry to be negative but just picking other peoples brains wont cut it.
  16. A new selector fork won't cost much and it should only take about 2 hours to fit it that's in the worst case, it might be alright and it's a nice bike anyway, no matter what bike you buy it's going to need fettling.
  17. Steve the MT09 is a nice bike at almost 7K it's not a bad bike & cheaper than the Fazer by about 3K so an easy decision for me but you might be a bit flush, wish I had that problem.
  18. Thank you Blackhat I had forgotten that one and I might still have my BELLBOTTOMS in the cupboard!
  19. Christ on a crutch, you DID tell them it wasn't a push bike? £56 I pay more for my washing machine insurance!!!! and it's only the wife that will fall off of that!!!!!! I am in SOOOOOO much shit now. <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/sPGZgwUII9g?feature=player_detailpage" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> P S THAT is NOT my wife you understand!!!!!! Although we have had 3 machines in the last 2 years, OH! I see now.
  20. Just shows where your mind is j0hn!!!! (down in the sewer with the rest of us)
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