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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice


    From the album: Suzuki

  2. slice


    From the album: Suzuki

    Rebuilt the bike from the rough thing it was, I am quite pleased with the results, sorry it's a Suzuki but it's all I could find for this years project 2013.
  3. Not to be a party pooper but is that epoxy fuel proof? just thinking that ethanol will melt most so called "FUEL PROOF" glue and such, might be an idea to soak it first before you attach it to the engine! Hope it is and will watch with interest your fun and games with the problem you are having. Best of luck.
  4. slice

    XJ600 Project

    Wish you luck with your move and hope your wife keeps well, it's at these times that family and friends come into their own, don't be to proud to ask for help if you need it. Take care of yourself as well.
  5. Hi Craig, Welcome to the YOC.
  6. Oh God me to, what were we thinking listening to this stuff?
  7. If you can just push it to full compression then there is a problem, you should be able to squash them down a bit but all the way is unusual to say the least. It might be best if you were to get someone to have a look at them for you, your local bike shop might be able to tell you if there is anything wrong. The springs do loose some of their springiness? over the years and can become permanently compressed but that only happens if they are under stress all the time I think. How loud is this squeak? is it just a chirrup or is is a full blown graunch noise? that might give you some idea as to how bad or not it is. Not trying to worry you here just trying to get a handle on the actual problem
  8. AH airbrush in first picture, didn't see that (DOH!) even better then really smart.
  9. slice


    I'm sure DWERP is impressed!!!
  10. I like the graphics, are they new ones or old stock? Looks like they did back in the 70s/80s nice job. My back wont take a rigid frame anyway but that is RIDICULOUS!!! Just joking looks like you have spent some time and money on it.
  11. Welcome to the YOC, hope you enjoy being here, lots of advice on here from folks who know your bike front to back, love the INTRO.
  12. Does that make US famous then Mike? I'm sure my brothers wife's cousins uncle who was married to a German had a sister who's friend's mate shook Adlof Hitlers hand.
  13. Thank you Feliks, the next Harley I pass will get the middle finger and if stopped I will tell him you told me to!!!! There's a new member on here called Harley, I don't mean him.
  14. EPIC!!! He's the guy that made a wall of death out of pallets and bits of plywood you gotta love the British in a shed mentality. LMAO
  15. If your young enough to do it then go for it, by young enough I mean that us old f**kers have done it before and have the sore back and shoulders to prove it, you will also find that your arse will get cold before your head as it will be 2 feet above your head, it's fun to ride like that until you get to lights then you look like a dick cos your trying to look cool while scrunched up in the most unnatural position possible. They are easy to fit and can help you get round corners fast but you limit your vision and if I remember right you limit your turning circle as well, one good thing tho is your really near the ground so it's not so far to fall when it all goes wrong.
  16. You had better ask for it now Andrew, we can start a new thread called "Nobodies heard of them but their famous HONEST!" Do you want to borrow my shovel Andrew? PS I went to school with Rick Parfett (Status Quo) yes and I know you have never heard of him Andrew.
  17. Just a quick question Nigel, What would the difference be between the bike with present mileage and if it had the "proper" mileage on it? If your talking a couple of grand then you have every right to be pissed but if your looking at say£150 then is it really a problem? Not my bike and not my problem I agree but are you going to go all HULK on them for that amount? It might be an idea to squeeze a "sweetener" out of them say a new jacket - pair of gloves or something else you might fancy. Just a thought.
  18. slice

    Helmet LED Mod

    What a good idea "BUT" don't the gas stations around you have lights? Should have made them red and scare the local devil worshippers.
  19. slice

    86 FZ 600 questions

    Ah Yes Feliks there's always that, if you don't know ask is the best way but if some numb nut's tells you this is how it works what can you do?
  20. I like RUDE!!! and it helps keep the rif raf away.
  21. Hi Welcome to the YOC, I'm in Stroud just up the road from you, will wave as I pass you!!!!
  22. Thank you Feliks what a nice way to end the day.
  23. Thank you DT, was going to say "if you hum it we will sing it"
  24. Just love it!! A nobody that tommy has already dressed and classed. Dron writes a regular column in Octane. He is the author of several books including Porsche: Engineering for Excellence (2008) and Alan Mann - A Life of Chance (2012, with Alan Mann). Sounds like just the guy you would want to meet at a party, engineering for excellence YAWN. Sorry Andrew but REALLY!!!!
  25. Tasky, What a really nice thing to do, full marks on improvisation as well, Yes I agree that's a real biker, shame they don't show this sort of thing in the adverts for motorcycles ain't it?
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