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Everything posted by slice

  1. I'm with DT on this ABS is good but it's about having fun on the bike for me so if you want a commuter that gets you to work and home with no fuss then you have to have ABS but if you want to get a bit wild now and then it will stop you cos it's safe. Nothing wrong with safe but it's BORING !! Pull the fuse or put in a broken one and tape over the light till you get an MOT and enjoy your ride I say.
  2. slice

    Deja vu

    If someone stole it Grouch you could get your money back on the insurance or most likely they would break down in your drive
  3. slice

    Deja vu

    A "BENT PRONG" FFS what are they talking about? don't phone go down and see the guy in charge and ask what the problem is, if you feel the need ask a mate (who knows about bikes) to go with you and have your bullshit radar turned on as well, sounds like your about to be feed a line here Grouch. If I didn't see it for myself I would start to wonder if you had been bad in a past life Grouch !!!!
  4. Me to "Lest we forget". Well said.
  5. Hi Nick, I think they may be mixing up the Honda Pan with the Yam, the Pan has a terrible speed wobble with luggage apparently, not seen it my self but lots of stuff about it and the Police have started using the FJR now instead of the Honda because of it. I have not heard about the Yam having problems with the sub frame only the problem with not servicing the rear shock mount/swing arm. That's enough really as that is a bugger to get at and service, loads of guys and girls swear by the Yam for long distance work and never heard of anyone getting a numb arse with the comfy seat it has, my test ride was brilliant and I envy you yours, give it some beans when you have a go on it and hold on tight it's just like my first ride on my old Bonnie lots of power in the low range and a good top end as well. Enjoy.
  6. I'm with Campaman on this you mess with the settings on your bike and the insurance companies will drill you a new arsehole. Any excuse not to pay out, and quite right to really as they insure your bike as it was from the manufacturer not how you have fiddled with it. You might get to insure it after you tell them what you have done but the premium usually goes up after a MODIFICATION.
  7. Almost certainly will be a table of settings in the manual, usually under the TUNING heading, best you can do is have a look on Google and see if there is anything online that can help you out. You might be lucky and find a PDF file that you can download or sort through.
  8. I always thought that the ABS could be disabled or turned off on most bikes, if it fails or has a fault then it reverts to a non abs version, same as your car, but not sure if it will be a MOT failure if you turn it off and it is supposed to be fitted, might be an idea to talk with your local garage and see what they say before you jump in.
  9. Hi Mc, I have seen several ways to get dents out over the years and the latest one is where you attach small bits of metal rod to the outside of the tank with a heat gun, bit like a spot welder, and then you pull on those to get the dent out, it does mean that you have to remove the paint at the point of the dent and then respray it but does a super job, the other is from the inside with long steel rods that reach round to the dent and gently work it out but that takes some skill and patience, I would suggest that you check out YOUTUBE for a few ideas that's what I did. Good luck. try here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro-Oy073k-U or here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyadH7arQxA
  10. Not sure about your exact bike but usually if you get the milky gunk in the engine it's a head gasket problem, just my guess you understand.
  11. Grovel grovel grovel. I think he might be ok with that now OG !!!!!!!!
  12. Sorry Sniff, got to 7 hours 53 minutes and 29 seconds and had to go for a piss, must have missed the interesting part while I was away? I suppose I could watch it again tho!!!!
  13. I would suggest you try EBAY first if not them then just Google it. Some one on here might have a spare so bung an advert in the wanted section and see what happens, the pipe might be an overflow from the engine it is just probably bunged up so if you can get it off try giving it a good clean first to see if that makes it better.
  14. Most bikes (I think) have a left and right hand thread on the mirrors it's just the way it is. Someone on here a while ago had a theory or fact about why that is I'm sure they will be along shortly to share.
  15. Hi and Welcome to the YOC, it's usual to do an INTRO (new members section) before you ask a question or in your case several (lol) do you have a manual for your bike? that is always a good place to start and saves you from asking simple obvious questions, they are obvious once you have a manual !!! We like new folks to join in and it keeps us on our toes answering questions but imagine if you would that we are strangers to you and you are a stranger to us if you walked up to a bunch of guys in the pub and started asking questions without saying "Hi" first they might not be to happy about your style !! Buy the manual first and read it. Looked back at this post and decided that I had been a bit blunt when I had not intended that, so MILKY brown liquid is not normal you might have oil contaminated with water or moisture, change the oil. Next Q2 you need the manual to tell you what pipe goes where, sorry that's how it is. Q3 read Q2. Not sure if your bike should have a cut off switch but I would fit one, also check the throttle/twist grip to see why it's jammed or jamming could be a couple of things 1 broken frayed cable (renew) or at the carb end might be jamming in the throttle itself just needs to have some lube put on it to free it up but READ THE MANUAL.
  16. You got it, it tells you what to do on the tin.
  17. They also do a motorcycle specific one if you want that as car ones have the wrong additives.
  18. My favourite is MOONFLEET aka del boys garage, he makes me laugh and has some good ideas on how to save money and still get the job done. Plus MOTO GP channel for when the racing is off the telly.
  19. Oh I do love a cunning plan !!! What a pretty little bike, you must be quite chuffed with it. Will keep watching with baited breath (WHAT does that mean?) also like the idea of not messing with it to much, good luck.
  20. Hi, I have a mate who has some VINTAGE cars, he has to on occasion get new tyres for them and he has a guy who actually makes these tyres to order, if you look up any decent vintage car club you might find his number (there are not a lot of people doing this obviously) and then you can contact them direct, otherwise I will have a word when I see him next and get back to you, just a word of caution though it's expensive to have tyres made to order like this and so I hope you have deep pockets, as an aside to your question they also make wooden wheels plus all sorts of other wheel related stuff so they might be your one stop shop as it were !!! Hope some of that is of use.
  21. Your 19 that about says it all !! When you get to 59 you can look back and say I pay 1/5th of that now. All insurance is loaded against you, if you were female you might get it a bit cheaper (not allowed now, thank you EU) but for now you have to suck it up and smile like you enjoy having your arse reamed.
  22. Hi Nick Welcome to the YOC, it's normal to do an INTRO (new members section) before you launch into a question, perhaps you might do that next? As to your question it's one of my must have's, I have looked and ridden the bike and can tell you that it is a really comfortable beast to ride, there are a few odd things you need to be aware of especially the rear swing arm linkage can be prone to failure, the only way to cure it is to remove said swing arm and re-grease it or replace it, but you have to take the whole of the back of the bike off (lower) so that leaves you with no centre stand to support the bike so it's a garage only job unless your really good at fabricating. It's actually the rear damper lower attachments that you have to service but that means the swing arm has to come off, there are a load of people out there that can do it for you and it's not to expensive, there is a guy you might want to contact who is regarded as the "GO TO guy" for all things FJR he is in Gloucestershire Dursley area. FUDGE MOTORCYCLES (FJR CENTRE) Look him up on the net if your serious about buying one. All these big heavy tourers have one thing or another that you have to be aware of the Honda has a stability issue at speed and the Suzuki is a bit of a mare for service intervals so they are all a bit of "do you don't you" about them, wish you luck with your hunt for the perfect bike!!!
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