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Everything posted by slice

  1. The fuel filter is usually a one way thingy, it might be the wrong way round, take it off and turn it round see if that makes a difference.
  2. Nut jobs everywhere mate, just feel lucky the crazy bastard didn't try to turn you into a hood ornament.
  3. HI Wayne, if the plug is dry then there is no fuel getting through, don't matter how much you clean it if it's blocked you have to do it again. Pour some fuel down the inlet and see if it runs if it does there's your problem solved. Use some EASY START and squirt it under the throttle slide, just a quick squirt will be all you need to see if the problem is the carb.
  4. I am bloody "SPEECHLESS" Grouch, not sure if even talking to you is safe, some of your LUCK might rub off !!! PS as DT says nice to have you back tho !!
  5. Welcome to the YOC John. Oh you are in for a right pasting now, you ask this lot for a name for your bike and it's going to get rude. But I will try to keep it clean and suggest "PRISCILLA" queen of the desert fame, as it's a draggie !!! PS if you haven't seen it and want a laugh (especially if you like ping pong) then watch it today. PPS there's another name for it PING-PONG ???
  6. FFS Grouch if you didn't have bad luck you would have no luck at all. Go with the used motor and get the battery fitted, don't go to another garage just do these small bit's yourself, we will all help out if you need it. Just "ASK BEFORE" you do anything in case there is problem don't start till you have the job sorted out in your head first. Good luck mate.
  7. You were making a lot of noise Feliks, perhaps you woke him up and that's why he was cross, or it could be that he's just a tosser. Go figure !!!!!
  8. Result !!! Well done nice job that man. looks ok for an old bike and can only get better.
  9. DT, They are so far past playing nice that it's become a little intriguing, who will give in first I wonder? Or is this destined to go on for weeks and weeks of petty wrangling over who is right and who is wrong, I for one have to occasionally look back at the begining of the thread to remember what it all started with. Someone will eventually get fed up with this and just stop answering, perhaps that would be best. Thank God it's on here and not in person punches would be flying by now.
  10. Thought Hein Gericke went broke last year ???
  11. slice


    one pound (£1) 6 shillings 4 and 4 pence 3 farthings, that would be the 1975 price.
  12. That looks like a plan, what's to lose?
  13. slice

    Thank's Foam's

    Tommy looking good mate and no one pointing and saying "is that how you say OWNERS?!
  14. 1 Carrot and a packet of peanuts.
  15. Just connect the wires in the top box to the wires on the bike, Brake light to brake light and indicators to indicators, connections usually under the seat somewhere, really easy to do, should take no more than an hour to get it all working if you go slow. Don't forget to tidy up the wiring after you have everything connected as wires hanging loose are a hazard and look awful. Use cable ties or tape which ever your most comfortable with.
  16. Your going to have to measure them and see what's out there, not much else will do really, I suppose you could give a Yam dealer/workshop a call and see if they have any info on the diaphragm data.
  17. Can't you just shove it into the right position? rather than fiddle around with knobs and stuff just push it where it needs to be. My XJ has these fiddly bloody Philips screws that are made out of toffee and so I just wedged the damned thing where I wanted it.
  18. Hi Ruddy, it's usual to say "Hi" before you jump in with a question, just like you would if you asked a stranger to comment on your engine, if you go to the "new members" section and say Hi there then more folks will talk to you, it's NOT enough to just say "Hi" either that's taking the piss !!!!! Other than that Welcome to the YOC it's nice to have new people join in.
  19. HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!!! Can I have the BROWN one please? Thank you Sniff I laughed out loud (lol for those of you that can't spell) Magic.
  20. It's dead Matt dig a big hole and bury it !!!! No really it might be an air leak or you have in fact got a fuel starvation problem, check to make sure that all the bolts are tight and the gaskets are not leaking first. PS have you checked the crank case seals?
  21. slice

    Deja vu

    Oh the wishful thinking of youth, can I come and live in your world Grouch? sounds idealic.
  22. Otherwise get yourself a 7 year old they can always fix your phone/telly/computer or anything that has a manual that you are "to bloody idle" to read yourself.
  23. Ah Ok Bob I see where you going now, thanks for that, was a bit unsure as to the meaning of your comment, you seem like a nice bloke and all and you have an opinion on the type of bike you prefer so why have you decided to come on a bit strong with your comments regarding the Draggie, if you don't like it don't ride it !! you obviously have a bit of experience with bikes in general and it seems to me that you prefer to ride the pocket rocket to the cruiser so why haven't you just swopped out your 125 for something bigger and faster? Just asking you understand as I'm a bit curious as to why the whole DRAGGIES are death traps and I own one when you could say the same thing and say you got rid of it cos it was horrible. You seem to be a bit of a split personality to me on the type of bikes you ride and those you want to ride if you get my drift?
  24. Have a word with Lee Bike insure he will tell you how to get round this I'm sure, very helpful people, send him a PM.
  25. I was not going to get involved with this thread just watch it play out but I'm a little confused by it now Bob, you started off by saying that the bike you had/have was built badly and dangerous to ride round corners and a lot more, then you launched into a long discussion on the various merits of the other manufacturers bikes HONDA KAWASAKI and so on, now you have just said that you liked the NSR125 much more than the draggie 125, correct me if I'm wrong and I will be the first to admit that it happens now and then, but what bike do you actually ride? cos there could be no 2 bike more dissimilar than the 2 you have mentioned, one is a speed machine with all the bells and whistles and the other is, well to put it politely, a cruiser and I can't think of any way you could possibly compare them except they have 2 wheels and a seat you sit on. As for respect for being able to put 1 foot down while having the other doing gear or brake can only be described as laughable, I did this when I had a push bike and so can most people, what actual point were you trying to make as it seems to have gone straight over my head? Sorry mate but if your trying to be subtle about something then please feel free to be a bit more blunt !!!
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