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Everything posted by slice

  1. Yep MOT fail all day long and it's illegal I'm afraid plus one of the reasons they were originally fitted was that they can be seen at night unlike the old tin ones. You'll get a unfit notice from the old bill and if you fail to remove them it's a whopping great fine and points.
  2. Yep me to, been happening for a while, just sent a message to Alex and hoping to find out what's wrong from him.
  3. The wonders of being human Jimmy, would any other creature spend so much time and effort in trying to just have fun?
  4. Don't know your bike in particular but it only takes a small bit of crud in the float bowl to jam inside the float mechanism for it to leak, if it's stopped then pretty sure your ok would only worry if it keeps leaking or does it again on a regular basis.
  5. Welkom op de YOC. That's it my Dutch is all used up.
  6. He's right you know it's a washing line not a drying line but you could call it an "air powered wet washing drying line I suppose"? Going for a lie down now !!!!! PS I like the paint work.
  7. Sorry to hear your news Steffan, Sometimes there is nothing you can do but live through it and remember the best of times. My condolences to your family on their loss.
  8. Fitted loads of these things Shaun, not difficult to do and should take no more than an hour or so. Loads of different types out there but if it was me I would buy the cheapest one that comes with a spare bulb, they get hot and can blow the bulb after a few months if they go on and off a lot, one of those PIR things so that it goes on when there is movement should keep the bastards away, some have a camera as well but not sure what your finance is so stick with frightening them off rather than a set of holiday photos. PS it's your bike taking the holiday !!!!
  9. Your not wrong Preload, this one is your typical Suzi and very buzzy, only seems happy at around 7 to 9 thousand revs and really has no torque as such but when you wring it's neck it really gets a shift on, got 2 NOS pistons yesterday as 1 of the originals has a sodding great hole in it from the broken valve stem, big and small ends are both ok and have good tolerances so was lucky not to explode the entire engine all over the floor when it failed, thanks for the offer of a note but already told her I've bought the bits so to late but appreciated all the same, just waiting now for the head and pistons to arrive and can get the thing back together quite good fun really as I was getting a bit bored with scraping the rust off of the FJ.
  10. Ah camping !! supposed to be nice isn't it? No dt I am informed it's ok for me to buy the part as it will allow me to sell it, my wife has become her "MOTHER" bloody hell !!! But back to the other points, it has no shims as such just the usual lock nut and screw head adjusters so an easy thing to do, I do not like BBQ's as had a bad experience with an undercooked chicken leg as a kid and I have no wish to spend the next week or so in the toilet Tommy. Thanks for your help fellas been nice to have someone to moan at that actually understands what having your bike fall apart feels like.
  11. I thought so AH and the photo was a really good HD one so pretty sure it's in good nick, I will be removing the valves and checking the springs and relap the valves before it all goes back together so with luck should have it all together by Wednesday or Thursday at the latest.
  12. Well just an update, bought a complete head inc cam shafts and valves for £75 which is not bad as the price for a "SINGLE VALVE is £48 + vat" so Monday morning while your at work I will be in the garage rebuilding the Suzi, bloody thing had better work or your all invited round for a BBQ as I set light to it !!!!
  13. Toilet paper, you really don't want to forget that as it not only makes a mess but no one will take your money if your down wind of them plus eating with your fingers adds a whole other element to the taste of things.
  14. Thanks fellas will look at both of your sites, Preload the problem is that a full set is about £145 and to be honest I really can't be arsed with it any more and if her indoors hears that I have spend another hundred or so quid on "THAT BLOODY BIKE" I might have to look into camping as a way of life, Ho Hum never mind.
  15. As some of you know I picked up a couple of Suzuki Bandit GSF400s from my local bike dealer that had been left or abandoned by the previous owner, I got them home got one running and flogged on the other one as it was a complete basket case, so finally got it finished a couple of days ago and decided to take it for an MOT back at the shop, long story short a slight tapping became a rattle and then as I pulled over to see what was going on the thing just stopped dead about a mile from home, got it back to the garage to find it's dropped a bloody valve and I have 2 broken valve springs, lots of swearing later I have it all apart and am looking for a pair of valve springs and an exhaust valve, the original is free and not bent but going to replace it anyway, if any of you know of a good supplier of old Suzuki Bandit parts can you let me know as otherwise I may have a ritual burning of this bloody thing. Not really the bikes fault as it appears that it was last on the road in 2001, still the last thing you think of is that it's going to throw valves away. Oh well will keep me busy for a couple of day's I suppose.
  16. No sorry mate your best bet would to take the bulb from your bike if you can that way you know it's right.
  17. HI FJ welcome to the YOC, I envy your bike but have the earlier FJ1200 so just as fast but not so expensive well if you don't count all the new bits I've had to buy that is !!!
  18. Welcome back and yes a nice little bike you have there
  19. I'm with Grum on this, your best bet is to get it painted as at least it will keep the rust away for longer, you could get it clear coated I suppose but don't know how long that would last. Chrome wheels have always been a pain in the bum, someone on here used a spray on chrome paint a while back that looked quite good and it polished up to a sort of hard chrome look sort of duller than the shiny stuff but reasonable when you think it came out of a tin !!
  20. Usually the bulbs go in through the bottom of the casing, at least most of them do, my best advice would be to look underneath the rev gauge and see if you can get at the bulb holder from there and swap out the bulb, other wise try the net for a picture of that piece of the wiring loom and see how it all fits together. Do you have a manual? cos that's the best way of finding out how your bike works.
  21. Once again welcome to the YOC, try the ideas in the previous post and if that don't work come back and we can try again.
  22. Hi welcome to the YOC, my first thought would be a faulty earth wire or just a crappy connection, might be something more serious but these old XJs are just about bomb proof. Might be an idea to do an INTRO (new members section) you will get more feedback.
  23. Yes I should think so as it is an aftermarket item and might effect the value when it comes time to pay out.
  24. If all else fails you can borrow blackhats lawnmower !!!! Tho don't forget to bring it back when it runs out of fuel :biglaugha:
  25. There's no actual BD rating for bikes in the UK Joe, it only seems that the tester will think it's to loud and fail it, you might fall foul of the boys in blue if they have a BD meter with them or if it says "not for road use" on the can other than that you can pretty well fit what you like but the neighbours are going to burn you at the stake if you keep them or their rug rats awake.
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