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Everything posted by slice

  1. Yes Foamy but I bet he will keep his trousers on, whereas you on the other hand !!!!!
  2. Typical of the BAY really, your definition is always a best guess, at least your new one is in one piece, mine is a bit worse for wear, think I will run without it as it only seems to be cosmetic.
  3. That was ME Jimmy and it worked to I forgot all about that, getting old I suppose !!!
  4. Oh FFS that is just sick, I really want to see the inventor of this horrible thing used as a test subject for his wonderful invention. Or perhaps he should be made to watch while someones child is slaughtered by this thing.
  5. Yes mate go to and watch this, should tell you all you need to know. Hope that helps?
  6. slice

    Dont Text

    That should be on the telly NOW it really seemed to have an effect on the audience, if you save one life it might be mine!!!
  7. Er SLEDGE HAMMER perhaps? Or take the wheel off so you can see the other side properly and see what type of fitting is on there, might just be a case of getting it at the right angle or lining up a gap in the bolt hole.
  8. Actually that's a good question when you think about it, what other carbs will fit other bikes? I mean if you have an older bike but need a carb upgrade why not use ones off of something else? Yamaha will not spend any money they don't have to if they have carbs that work on one type of bike then simply re-jet and fit them to another bike and save all the R & D money. Unless you know different of course !!! I mean my XJ has the same engine as the 650- 700 - 900 so in theory the carbs will fit or am I missing something (insert joke here) obvious?
  9. Guess he's not coming back then !!! Didn't like my answer to his question perhaps ? Oh well never mind .
  10. Because your trying to get a fast spinning shaft to connect to a slow spinning shaft and if you "BLIP" the throttle then the two shafts usually line up better than if you just bang it into gear. Look up a video on YOUTUBE if you really want to know how a gearbox works.
  11. Now that is a clever photo, not so clever for the poor bloody German laying there, but I bet it would be a surprise to the family there if they could see into the past !!!
  12. Er High octane ? I thought it was just a standard 97 octane with no Ethanol in it, might be wrong but that does not make it high octane just higher than normal run of the mill ethanol 5%-10% crap that is out there. And YES you can run your bike on the higher octane fuel mate. Anyway nice of you to join us Andy, Welcome to the YOC, it's usual to do an INTRO in the new members section before you ask a question, just so we get to know about you a bit, as we get A LOT of one hit wonders on here who want advice then are never heard from again, not saying that's you just be nice if you said Hi first.
  13. So your not going to be "WASHING" it then? Ha Ha Ha
  14. Back on topic Mike, why not one of the bigger Yams? Tasky Dutch and I have the FJ and the FJR is a nice bike, they don't cost a lot to buy and go like stink, easy to service at home and don't have all this fancy electrical gubbins that seems to be the rage at the moment, plus did I mention that they "GO LIKE STINK" !!!! Just a thought but you should have a look at one, the build quality is ok and the parts are not to expensive plus there are a load of people out there that really are the best at everything FJ (Fj owners club) and if you can get to Fudge motorcycles down near Dursley (Gloucestershire) they will welcome you in with a cup of tea and fix your bike while talking about bikes. As I said just my ten pence worth but if your not looking for a NEW bike then you could do worse.
  15. Hope you have a few mates coming round DT as if you eat all that yourself I will hear the explosion down here in Gloucestershire !!!!!
  16. What a great set of photos Mailee, looks like folks were having a good time to, just goes to show that not all bikers are bastards, I bet the local shop keepers were happy to. Is this a regular thing in Louth?
  17. Don't know where it is Drewpy but why have they put them behind chains? they wouldn't start even if you tried to start them well the BSA and the Triumph anyway and anything from the early 70s would be rusted solid by now !
  18. Take her with you !!!!! Tell her that as it's a special occasion and you want her to have a good time on her birthday and you found this wonderful place that you could take her for a holiday and "Oh yes and there seems to be a motorbike race going on Isn't that lucky !!!" You never know you might survive the first ten minutes :biglaugha:
  19. HI Martin and Welcome to the YOC, hope you find the answers to your questions.
  20. Hi Mikthor and Welcome to the YOC, it's usual to do an INTRO in the new members section before you ask a "how do I fix my bike" question and you will get more feedback if you say Hi first, as we get a LOT of one hit wonders on here who want advice and without a "Thank you" are never heard from again, not saying your one of them just nice if you intro yourself, My advice for your bike would be to look for a manual or microfische that will tell you how the pipes and wires are supposed to run on your bike, you might get lucky with an on line site that has the details or if you go to your local Yamaha workshop and ask the guys there if they have any idea of how it should be put together. We CAN'T tell you how to find on line manuals as they are usually copyrighted and it's illegal to copy them. Hope you stick around and someone has the right details for your problem.
  21. Sounds good to me mate, actually when I saw this I was tempted to have a go myself, so if you see a very old XJ750 or FJ1200 outside a tent in your field stop to say Hi.
  22. Well Sniff that's bloody pointless isn't it? It has 4 wheels and can't overtake like a bike can't dodge between traffic and has to stop at traffic lights and X roads whereas a bike on the run will do none of these things and will be a spot in the distance before he reaches 2nd gear.
  23. Try these people they seem to have it all sussed out. http://www.iomttbreaks.com/packages-and-tickets/isle-of-man-tt-2015 found that in about 2 minutes of looking !!
  24. Hi and Welcome to the YOC, it's usual to do an "INTRO" new members section before you launch into a "how do I fix my bike" type question, and you will get more feedback if people don't think your a one hit wonder as well. Hope you stick around and enjoy the site as it's always nice to meet new folks.
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