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Everything posted by slice

  1. Welcome to the YOC mate, we like insane people they seem to fit right in for some strange reason.
  2. OK I will put you out of your misery, this is the new member INTRO area NOT how much is my bike worth section, here you are supposed to say Hi and this is what I do and anything else you might want to throw out there, but you rocked up and the first thing you wanted was to ask our advice about how much your bike was worth and then bugger off without so much as a "Thank you" or Goodbye, as I assume once you had sold it there was no further need for you to come here again, I may be wrong (it has happened) but I bet a pound of potatoes I'm close. So if your serious about being a MEMBER of the YOC and want to join in and generally be a good bloke then you will redo your (for lack of a better phrase) INTRO otherwise we will continue to be a right bunch of unhelpful bastards.
  3. Poor FOAMY we are all now thinking of him trying you grab his KNOB with that suit on. Ha Ha Ha !!!
  4. Ah I see where your coming from then, ok first things first, we ARE NOT ALLOWED to give out information that is copyrighted ie the wiring diagram, if we do, then the might of the British law will fall on us like a ton of bricks so that means if your actually looking for someone to copy and paste a set of diagrams to you then that's not going to happen, sorry and all but it's just how it is, my best advice would be to go on the net and see what you can find yourself cos the info your looking for is not here nor will it ever be here. The owner of this site has made it quite plain that if anyone does put up what your looking for then they and the person asking will recieve a note telling them that their company is no longer required and don't come back. Someone MIGHT!! be able to help you but I doubt it will be anyone here. Sorry mate but that's how it is. GOOGLE is your best friend.
  5. I know this is probably something you have not done but just asking, have you put the right oil in it? if you have used car oil then it's buggered as that stuff has additives in it which wreck motorcycle clutches, just asking you understand as it has been known for folks to use "CHEAPER" car oil.
  6. £50 and a bag of carrots. Anyone else?
  7. Basically your fucked then, if I were you I would get another set of connectors and rewire the thing back on, as trying to just make do and mend your going to end up with a cooked CDI unit unless your really good. I bought an old loom of off ebay for about £20 and chopped off what I needed and replaced all the broken cracked connectors that mine came with. Someone on here might have a better idea but really you should stick with the original setup. I know that was not what you were asking but that is my best advice if you just want to make it go like it should.
  8. What you did Matthew was get out the drill & polish all the crap off the inside of the ports then hone your valves to within an inch of their lives (if you have any) polish the pistons get the barrels chromed and drill the con rods to make them lighter, used to be called STAGE 5 TUNING I think, at least when I was racing anyway, then go lay down and try not to cry when you got the bill .
  9. Jimmy your a BAD boy !!! And yes that sounds like a plan only thing is I would have to leave home about 5AM, not happening lads.I will see you there.
  10. I'm coming from the south west so don't think I will be anywhere near you but if anyone is going from the M5/M4 direction give me a shout and we can roll up there together and maybe pick some folks up on the way!! I hope to be on the FJ by then so will be it's first long ride out, might need the help of others to get the thing there
  11. Hi Kyle, Welcome to the YOC.
  12. OH F**K look like it's my turn to play hide the sausage !!!!!
  13. 1 night for me Drewpy but don't even think about saving me a tent spot as I will be in the nearest hotel with a bar and pretty barmaid!!!
  14. Hi and Welcome to the YOC.
  15. Go Have a lie down DT you must be exhausted mate!!
  16. Valves SHOULD NOT squeak !! so either you have a broken spring or the cam shaft/valve lifter is worn, just my thoughts on it you understand but you have to have the cam cover off before you ride it any more cos if it's either of those you could loose he whole engine, should only take a few minutes to get the cover of and have a good look at what is going on inside, I would do it straight away unless you really want to hear what an engine sounds like with a broken valve rattling around in it sounds like. Been there done that.
  17. Cos that's HOW IT FUCKING WORKS on here mate, we are not here to answer your questions nor are we here to be told we have been doing it wrong in your opinion, so get over your self and do what 99.9% of the people on here do and treat the site as a group of guys and girls who like biking like to help out but DON'T like to be told in your first post that we are a bunch of tossers who are doing it wrong. We will help you out if you post in the right place or you will be ignored. The reason we like questions in the right place is that it makes it easier if you don't have to jump all over the place to find the stuff your looking for and it gets confusing if everyone just dumps their question anywhere they please and then demands to know why no one will talk to them. We get A LOT of those, so as above play nice, we want to like you, we want you to find the site interesting and fun and we even want you to stick around so stop being a
  18. slice

    sloe gin

    That's alright mate you see more on the telly anyway and you don't get rained on.
  19. Sorry don't know your actual bike so would you say exactly WHAT VALVE is squeaking?
  20. No I was not being sarcy (at least not intentionally) what I mean is that it can be one of so many things that unless you describe exactly what it's doing and what you think it should be doing there's not a lot anyone can say to help you out. Pay no attention to other peoples opinion on the claimed top speed cos as I said they ALL lie through their teeth, look up the top speed that the manufacturer says it should do and if your way off then you have a problem! but if it's just a few MPH out then your stuck with it as it came out of the factory, you have already done the easy things, wiring and new reeds, but there has to be a lot more that you can do but it gets expensive very quickly when you are buying special mods or any bike. Plus the more you push he engine the more delicate it becomes just cos it's not designed to go twice the rated speed, you can make it do that but it WILL go pop.
  21. Ok this is the sort of thing that is always coming up on here "Why won't my bike do 400MPH?" It depends on loads of thing really how big (fat) are you what fuel are you using what tyres do you have what is the pressure in said tyres, I could go on and on about this and still it won't go any faster, sometimes you just have to accept that this is how it is, you might have a problem but just saying "my bike only goes (this) fast" is no help at all FFS and telling us that you have fitted after market bit's and bob's all over it is of no help at all we need to know specific things about your bike to suggest what you might be able to do to get it to go faster, and just cos someone says "my bike does 80" does not in fact mean the it does cos most people lie to your face about how fast the bike they have actually is. We had one kid on here who insisted that his little 125 thingy would do 100 MPH cos of all the things he had done to it, but after a severe ragging he never came back. One suggestion I do have is try ragging it down hill and see how fast it goes then you just MIGHT get 80 out of it.
  22. Enjoyed that Drewps, thanks mate, recognised the tune but can't remember the name of it?
  23. I see now what your saying, don't think I can help then as if it was mine I would rip the wiring out and redo it, there must be a fault either in the light switch or the ignition switch as that's where the lights draw their power from. Best I can do mate, it's a trip to the workshop I think unless you can get a mobile electrician to come visit, there is a guy where I live who will turn out to sort your electrical gremlins but it's not cheap, look in your local directory to see if there's anyone close.
  24. Should say on the TECH SPEC sheet that most bikes have in the manual (oh you don't have one, bugger !!) best try the net to see if you can get anything for free but usually under BORE & STROKE (don't tell Foamy about that he will get excited before he reaches the end) then compare the overall stroke on the 2 different bikes to see if they fall into the same amounts if not your wasting your time mate. PS you could try looking at the difference between BDC and TDC that will give you an accurate measurement of the amount of throw you have. F++king difficult to measure without some really special kit I'm afraid as you need measurements in the micron range.
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