Ah I see where your coming from then, ok first things first, we ARE NOT ALLOWED to give out information that is copyrighted ie the wiring diagram, if we do, then the might of the British law will fall on us like a ton of bricks so that means if your actually looking for someone to copy and paste a set of diagrams to you then that's not going to happen, sorry and all but it's just how it is, my best advice would be to go on the net and see what you can find yourself cos the info your looking for is not here nor will it ever be here. The owner of this site has made it quite plain that if anyone does put up what your looking for then they and the person asking will recieve a note telling them that their company is no longer required and don't come back. Someone MIGHT!! be able to help you but I doubt it will be anyone here. Sorry mate but that's how it is. GOOGLE is your best friend.