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Everything posted by slice

  1. I'm only doing the mechanicals at the moment, not bothering with what it looks like, going to get it painted in the winter, strip the bike right down again and have it all done, thinking of candy apple red for the fairing and white on white for the wheels and frame. If I get it up and running then I will be on it for Squires but it will look like a piece of shit till I get it sorted.
  2. Yeah white ones TASKY, could not find anyone that did 10 bulbs until today, just popped up this morning on the bay. Cost about £19 for the set I think. There is a guy on here who has a 125 I thnik and he put these type in his bike and it looked just like an LCD display, can't for the life of me remember what his header was but have a look for something similar in the old posts and if you find it they look really cool.
  3. Yeah you could give lessons on INTROS Andy, Welcome to the YOC.
  4. Just be careful VR not to do the bolts up to tight, they are aluminium threads, so if you gorilla it your going to have fun with a helicoil set. I have a spare in my garage for my XJ, if your having problems then just look on EBAY and wait till a cheap one shows up and swap out the old one.
  5. There are no daft questions just daft answers!

  6. Bloody hell Tom that's a hell of a question!! Your going to have a lot of people scratching their heads over that one. First thought is if you have fuel injection then the mountings are different so bunging carbs on a FI model is probably a non starter but others may have more ideas. Looks like another FRANKENBIKE in the making.
  7. Like the exhaust Mc, hope your sitting down when the bill arrives for that engine !! Never heard of anyone making up bearings before are they really that different?
  8. Do you still have your frilly shirt Drewpy? Mine is probably still in the back of the wardrobe Ha Ha Ha !!
  9. Hi Jason Welcome to the YOC, hope you stick around and join in, biking is fun and gets better when you have a larger bike.
  10. As above mate, stuck needle - float to low or float bowl seal is in need of replacing. PS the intro should be in the NEW MEMBERS section (hint)
  11. No Tasky those are the later ones I think. I have just bought a set of 10 from the bay and should be here in a couple of days. These should be about right.
  12. Thanks lads, thought it would be as easy as swapping them over but sods law says that it will get complicated. Told you!! Just looked at those bulbs Tasky and they are the wrong ones so I will have to find them myself but thanks for looking mate.
  13. Always nice to know that there is never a shortage of organ donors for the sensible people. There's fast and smart there's fast and stupid, then this guy who sits in the wants to be THE GHOSTRIDER category.
  14. Just a quick query, can I change the old bulbs for new LEDs in the instrument cluster on the FJ? I only ask as I have it all in bits and while I'm at it I thought it would be a good idea to change the old bulbs out while I can as it's a bit of a bastard to get at when the fairing is on, in there at the moment are the standard 3.4 watt capless white bulbs and after seeing someone on here change his bulbs out was wondering if I needed to change anything vis-a-vis the voltage output, or can I just chuck the existing ones and replace them with new shiny LEDs? Any help - advise - comments on previous experience appreciated.
  15. Hi Matt, Welcome to the YOC, always nice to have new people join in.
  16. As above really, but just one or two things, are you a car driver? or are you a new bike rider? cos if it's the first then this is not a car gearbox, you need to treat it differently, be firm in your gear changes and don't be girly about getting from 1st to 2nd if it's the second one then you need to practice gear changing, simple as that really, try changing gear on the centre stand with you sat on it, yea I know it can be dangerous cos you could take off like a rocket if the back wheel hit's the ground but if your careful and keep the front brake on and the revs low you should be ok, just try to see if it will change gear when your sat on it, if not then your doing something wrong if you can do it by hand but not with your boot. Just my opinion really so take this with a pinch of salt, I could be completely wrong, it has happened before !! PS if you would be so kind as to do an INTRO in the new member section so we can get to now about you, that would be a good thing to (hint).
  17. Good luck mate but truth be told unless you can convince the DVLA to cough up the details of the present owner your on a hiding to nothing, Foamy on here has been looking for his old DT since Adam was a boy and still no luck, you never know tho some kind soul out there might take pity on you and tell you it's in their shed.
  18. More girls, this place is becoming Foamys best dream !! Welcome to the YOC Rokkchic nice intro.
  19. I don't think she can SMILE with that Drewpy
  20. slice


    I carry a bike pump (high pressure) about 6 inches long and it can at least put air in the tyre plus a can of compressed air, enough to put about 20Psi in the tyre, and I filled the tyre with GOOP as that will stop most small punctures like nails or general road crap. Plus I have breakdown cover so if all else fails I let someone else fix it!
  21. Very pretty mate, should think you will be ok with the new stator as long as the short circuit has been sorted properly, best to check the voltage output before you go out tho.
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