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Everything posted by slice

  1. Same for me Foamy if you want to have a go I'm always up for a ride out and my new baby just loves long runs, as above really it's not till you realise how other bikes are put together that you see how simple it is to work on these things. Seat off tank off and it's all there for you to fiddle with, take it out for a ride and your going to be sold on it, they are a bit heavy to chuck around tho but otherwise not a thing I can say that Tasky won't already have said. The owners club are very good at getting parts and they are loads cheaper than the other dealers out there even beat the prices on EBAY quite a lot of the time. PS just wondering, are the 1100s the ones with the steel rear swing arm? If so you need to check for rot in the arm, some, the 3CV,has the ali arm which some have swapped over to. Also check the rear mono shock is ok and the adjusters actually work (very expensive) front fork seals and steering head bearings as they are a heavy bike and a lot goes on at the front and finally if you have the VENTED disc at the back check to see how much meat is left on it as it's U/S at 7.5mm mine was down to 5.4mm and a fail for the MOT. All these bit's are dirt cheap to replace and easy to get at except the mono shock.
  2. This post is 5 years old so the chances of a reply are slim to none. As he has not been back online since then.
  3. There should be someone on here who can tell you what will fit, try a new question along those lines and see what comes up. Best I can think of, you never know till you ask !
  4. Yeah Katie it's called a "CORSET" and no self-respecting red-neck would be seen dead in one !!
  5. You can never rely on someone else's opinion of a bike as they have different needs to you, your best bet is to try and get a free test drive of the bikes your interested in but as your not allowed to ride on the road yet that's going to present a problem for you and the seller. Most of the bikes you have listed are good machines and not a lot of difference between them I should think, but it might be an idea to find out what servicing/garages are in your area so you don't have to travel to far to get it fixed after you break it, you WILL break it we all have, ask the local riders around your area who fixes their bikes and how good they are, then go with the bike that seems to fit you and the local arrangements best. PS ask your Dad to help you out that way you will get at least one parent on side to help persuade your Mum to come on side.
  6. Looks like no one has what your looking for handy, have you tried your local bike shop? They might have the official Yam handbook with all the details your looking for usually on microfiche or something similar.
  7. slice

    Passed it's MOT !

    Thanks all, glad you liked it, next time I might even get round the corners without using all the road !
  8. We all have the same problem mate, parents are only concerned for your safety, but sometimes you have to stretch your wings, try joining a local bike club that does the sort of riding you want, even if you have to sweep the floors and make tea someone will offer you a ride just to shut you up. I wish you luck and don't take "NO" for an answer just turn no into "MAYBE one day"
  9. Ha Ha Ha think he was a bit of a 14 hit wonder
  10. slice

    Strange Question !

    Ok lads all fixed, Jimmy your a star mate, Neo your info is spot on tried the drill and managed 42 MPH at 1800 RPM so think I would die of old age before I got to 000000 !
  11. slice

    Strange Question !

    Ah never thought of that I am without doubt starting to lose the plot.
  12. slice

    Exhaust paint

    I use UHT paint from the local car shop and cured it with a hot air gun for about 15 minutes, it chips a bit from road grit and stuff but to be honest if you just slap it on and don't cure it then it will peel off.
  13. Ok boys and girl's here is an odd one for you to think about, I had to change the original speedo on the bike for a recon one, fitted straight in no probs and all seemed well till the other day when I noticed on my way to the MOT that the speedo was stuck or not working, long story short I have just discovered that dumb arse here has only fitted the thing with the needle on the wrong side of the stop post !! I mean FFS. Anyway I have run the bike for about 60 odd miles with it like this and want to know if I have damaged it before I put it all back together, or better yet how do you test it on the bike BEFORE you put all the fiddly screws and whatnot back on? Seems an easy problem but can just turning the font wheel by hand give any indication that the thing is actually working let alone correct. Any comments solutions appreciated even ones about people who are to stupid to check that the needle goes round DOH !
  14. You need to look at the post date, this is 5 years old !!!!
  15. Saved me a job! Welcome to the YOC always nice to have new folks join in
  16. Your Dads very clever and VERY patient, not many have the skill to do something like that.
  17. slice

    Passed it's MOT !

    Ok thought you might like to see a short vid of this machine, only been riding it for about 20 minutes when this was taken so forgive the crappy cornering and as for the overtaking just got carried away !! Sorry about the quality but youtube likes to dumb it down! Oh and just so you know the speedo was not working so had no idea how fast I was going when I spotted the camera, didn't flash tho
  18. dt you have really thought about this haven't you? But then it did make me laugh linking all those threads together
  19. Sell your soul or better yet someone else's, buy the bike mate as Jimmy says some decisions are obvious !!! As an aside Andrew believe it or not when I took the FJ down for an MOT on Saturday there was a VERY ROUGH Duke 900 Monstor sat in the yard, the owners wife is selling it as he had passed away 2 years ago and it's been left out in all weathers and blown over by the wind a couple of times, so I offered £500 for it and am waiting for a call back, the wife will kill me when she finds out and I am off to the Horse Piddle soon but some things you just cant walk by and ignore.
  20. Hi and welcome to the YOC it's usual to do an INTRO in the new members section BEFORE you ask for advice or help just so we can get to know you type of thing, bit like meeting a new friend you say "Hello" first. Posting pictures is a bit complicated but first you will need a POHOTOBUCKET account or something similar then you transfer the photos over from there using the URL code attached. SOunds horrid but easy when you figure it out, get an account first then come back and someone will talk you through the posting procedure.
  21. slice

    Passed it's MOT !

    Just got back, I have to say that this bike is so much more than I imagined, fast responsive and pulls in what ever gear your in, have a broken speedo unfortunately but easy to fix so not sure how fast I was going but everything seemed to be a bit of a blur !! Made it to Ledbury ,25 miles, in about 30 minutes and it takes me in the car about 3/4 of an hour so I am one happy bunny.
  22. Just to let you know the FJ has passed it's MOT this morning , Yippee, so off and out today before the rain gets here to have a bit of a blast round the local roads. Going to go to Ledbury for a trip out to pick up the wife's birthday pressie and a good excuse to blow the dust off of the bike. Going to use the camera to take a video of the trip so I can get an idea of how it looks from the cockpit, this thing is AWESOME it goes like a bloody missile. Tasky is right this thing is a motorway muncher.
  23. Yes mate I will send you the bill !! Only reserved it and the nice lady was very understanding.
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