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Everything posted by slice

  1. Son of a bitch that thing is fun, I like the sound of the turbo but was expecting a sparkly hole to appear and someone to say "warp speed achieved Captain" Oh well at least you will have the fastest arrival at the pearly gates St Peter will have to be quick on his feet to welcome you to Heaven.
  2. I have always thought it was daft to not MOT old vehicles as the older they get the more bit's drop off, well it's happening to me, and I have just sold the XJ 32 years old FFS! and my NEW bike is only 24 years old ! Motorcycles are different to cars in that they really are mostly built for speed and the old XJ would do 100MPH + if pushed and I don't know about you but the thought of that speed on a machine that has no test is to say the least worrying. Perhaps I'm in a minority here but personally I will be taking my bike in for a test regardless even if I can't say it's MOT'd I can wave a bit of paper saying it's been looked at. PS BUGGER I just reread that and I am now officially my Dad FFS
  3. Thanks Tommy but I think someone (AH) has got his eye on it already.
  4. Have you seen the PRICE of those things? They make stupid money, but having said that if I can find a doer upper then you never know. But saw a Vespa frame plus V5 on ebay and it went for £900 a few weeks ago.
  5. Do you know what Jimmy that was exactly the picture I had in mind, must have seen it at the pictures and was stuck back there in the not any use file !! Tommy Kev will be having a few WORDS when you meet a Squires.
  6. I will take it to Beachy head (Cliff top) and I bet it's doing 150mph by the time it reaches the bottom Ha Ha Ha.
  7. Ha Ha Ha that's not a smirk it's a grimace. he revved the nuts off it, oh well now have to find something else to fiddle with, was thinking a 2 stroke as everyone on here seems to think they are the dogs nuts. Might look at one of those little 125 jobbies.
  8. The neighbours are going to just love you if your on shift work. Every rug rat in the area is going to be whining.
  9. Yeah about as useful as indicators on a BMW !
  10. Just saw they were £99 on FJ club site, you better hurry mate ebay calling !
  11. Tommy, went this morning It was bucketing down and the guy had a 2 hour journey, it's never been out in the rain since I had it, was expecting it to melt like the wicked witch in the West !!! I shall really miss the old thumper
  12. That is really smart mate, if you look back at some old pictures of the Norton dominator racer you will see that you have more or less copied the tank decal from back in the day, a really neat job, one of the best Cafe racers I have seen in a long time, most are a right dog's dinner of odds and sod's and yours is just about perfect.
  13. Do NOT bodge the rear axle it holds your life in it's hands ok, replace it with a new one or a good 2nd user one if it comes loose while your riding the chain will snap and jam either the rear cog or the engine drive cog both of which will spit you off like a greased bullet under a bus. Don't care how rare they are your life is worth more than a glorified nut and bolt ! No one on here will give advice on how to bodge a fix like that as we all know what the consequences are. PS It's usual to do an INTRO in the new members section BEFORE you ask a "how do I fix my bike" question just so we can get to know a bit about you, so if you would trot over there more folks will try to offer suggestions on a fix for you.
  14. slice

    My ride

    It's the dust in the crack of my arse that is giving me the problems dt.
  15. I'm old to Tommy, never even noticed that there was no rear light DOH!
  16. That's cos your OLD Tommy
  17. Just so you know "SOLD IT" good old ebay comes to the rescue again, got my asking price and hopefully someone will have the pleasure of tootling around on it for a good few years to come, sad to see it go but always better to have a bike on the road then gathering dust in my workshop.
  18. Sweet sounding bike (except for the rattle !)
  19. Yes your right it is a very smart look to the bike and only joking about people laughing about it. As an old fart I can say that it is either a Norton or Triumph tank style from back in the day (1960s) it will make a few folks look twice when they see it. Nice Job.
  20. Is that a NORTON tank ? Shades of Harley Davidson tank on a Yamaha, you gotta paint it or someone will be laughing or shouting at you !! PS I do like the look tho, very retro. Also I ain't seen clip-ons in YEARS.
  21. Ok I saw it and now want to know WHY ? Very clever tho.
  22. That is a sweet looking bike PW, we all know your a girl cos it's clean !!!
  23. slice

    My ride

    Nice bike mate, I really envy you the seat, mine is at the stage where it's gone from soft to rock hard, wonder if it would fit the FJ ?
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