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Everything posted by slice

  1. Yes it's the starter almost without a doubt, it might need new brushes in it, so when your nice new manual arrives get the thing off and see if you can get it apart and what the brushes look like, the same thing happened to me on the XJ so it's easy to do just fiddly. PS PLEASE be careful when you take it apart as the connector from the battery goes to a bolt that is mounted via a PLASTIC clip that will snap like a carrot if your rough with it.
  2. Just got a Yamaha YB 100 off of ebay, 1989 29K on the clock and has been dumped by the PO, a young lad who knows nothing about bikes or how to fix them and a Dad who wants his garage back ! So I am the proud owner of a 2 stroke which I haven't had since 1967ish ! Winter is sorted then just need to find out if it will run and ride plus what if anything needs replacing, I will be back with questions about 2 strokes soon. PS anyone got a manual?
  3. Hi Mate you should look at the date stamp on this post "DECEMBER 2011", started on JUNE 2010 don't think anyone will get back to you, so try a new post in the WORKSHOP section.
  4. If you want professional then you should go down the HONDA route, not saying anything about other bikes here but Honda's start run and generally give no problems, they are after all boring and old fashioned which most folks seem to think means your competent and level headed, when you get home dump it in the shed and take the YAMAHA out and rag the shit out of it !!
  5. Ok Clive if your unwilling or unable to do the fix yourself then your left with the alternative of finding your local bike shop and asking them to come out and collect the bike and fixing it for you. Normally they will charge you for collection and delivery plus the price of the fix for the problem budget around £150 to £200 for the complete fix of your problem, the other method is BUY THE MANUAL and fix it yourself. Even if it takes you a week to sort the problem out you have saved shed loads of money, most bikers are able to take their bike to bit's and rebuild it, all bikers can change the oil and filters plus the usual maintenance jobs this is just a bit more complicated and takes longer, do ONE THING AT A TIME and don't rush, you'll be surprised how easy it is and well chuffed when you have it fixed.
  6. Either the starter is jammed or the power is not getting through. Try putting the bike in 2nd gear and rocking it backwards and forwards that might unjam it also check you have power to the terminals on the starter, clean the earth cable might just be a dirty connector.
  7. If you haven't already seen this then it's time you did, very sad and all but if your doing nearly a ton in a 40MPH zone and someone turns in front of you then your gone.
  8. Glad you all made it and are having fun, see Tommy got to sit next to Bippo then ! I will make it next year.
  9. Check oil - tyres - lights brakes and clutch, wait till winter and take it all apart and rebuild it ! Oh yeah wash it even if it means driving through a puddle to get the worst of the crap off, cos it's your hands that get shitty if you don' clean it.
  10. Been there done that still getting the flashbacks !!
  11. Hi I just fitted these, a proper ebay job, cost £6 for 10 should be similar to mine,.
  12. Hi and welcome to the YOC don't worry about car drivers cos they don't worry about you, your best bet is to think they are going to hit you and avoid putting yourself in a position to be hit, it's not their fault really I mean how often have you heard anyone say "look out for motorcyclists"? Other than the odd sign or 2 your on your own and to be honest your quicker smaller and much better at getting out of the way than they are, so don't sweat it just be friendly and if someone does pull out in front of you or cut's you up don't get angry just move on.
  13. Hi Woodzy and welcome to the YOC, might be an idea to (as above) put your problems a bit clearer, we can't be expected to "GUESS" the problem and fix the problem as well mate. We're not being funny or awkward with you this area is to say "Hi" not my bikes broke.
  14. Hi Dave, Welcome to the YOC anyone that rides on 2 wheels is welcome mate.
  15. slice

    19080 250xs

    The worst it is when you start the better you feel when it's done. Remember 1 thing at a time, if you try to do it all at once your in for a right mess. Good luck mate just trying to keep an old bike road worthy is a cause for celebration.
  16. Yeah my best guess as well is the fuelling, you could fit a fan from another bike on it but to be honest it would look an bit of a dogs dinner. You might also try a thinner oil as that will cool the engine better than a standard oil if your using a 20/50 try a 10/40.
  17. Nice bike Chris, glad you got to scratch that itch anyway and as we have already said your always welcome if you have 2 wheels and wave at us !
  18. They did cos you couldn't go round corners if you didn't have them, sweet looking bike mate just about as minimal as you can get. I like the fact that you have binned all the crappy plastic stuff as well.
  19. You do know DT that when they take over the world you'll be first up against the wall ?
  20. Yeah WOW is about right, I took 2 years to get good at Ali welding and now anyone can do it ! That is impressive none the less, I might be ordering some if I can find it in the UK. Just think of the things you can do if you can weld Ali to Ali on the bike, a new set of carriers on the back perhaps or repairs to peg hangers even, the list is almost endless and that cracked engine casing alone could save you loads of money.
  21. As it's new then your best bet is to check the clutch adjustment first then check oil levels (assuming you have been using bike oil and not CAR oil here?), then if that don't fix it take it back to the seller and see what they have to say. If you try to do anything that has major mechanical work involved then you might invalidate your warranty.
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