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Everything posted by slice

  1. slice

    1990 FJ1200

    Have you checked the diaphragms ? If they are leaking then getting it to idle will be a problem, if you find that the diaphragms are holed then you can paint then with a rubber solution to seal over the leaks, I have used in the past PLASTIDIP paint, it's flexible enough to move with the rubber and is not affected by petrol. To check take the things out and hold them up to the light, if you can see through anywhere then that's your problem. If you want to buy new then you had better be sitting down as they cost a bloody fortune, the cheapest I have found in the UK are from the FJ owners club and I think that was something in the region of £144 for the 4 follow this link http://www.fjcatalogue.com/catalog/item/7220095/7430630.htm to see them for yourself. Hope that helps if that is your problem. Other than that I have heard that if the bike sits with fuel in the carbs for a while then it tends to block the air ways inside the carb NOT the fuel channels but the air flow, the only way to clear them is to get them into a sonic bath and leave them for hours as they are really difficult to clean, from those that know it has been known to have to actually ditch the carbs altogether as they can be impossible to clean. Sorry about that but them's the facts that I know, if you read the back issues of the FJ owners club magazine you can read all about it yourself. Just had another thought on this and as it's the number 4 carb then it might just be that one that's blocked inside, especially if it was on the side stand for a long time, number 4 carb would be the lowest due to the lean of the bike, just a thought really might help you or might not.
  2. Hi, It's usual to do an INTRO in the new members section BEFORE you have a "how do I fix my bike?" question. just so we know your not a one hit wonder, we get a lot of those. So if you would be so kind to nip over there and post a hello we would be much obliged. Welcome to the YOC
  3. When I joined the Ambulance service in 1971 they never showed that as a technique! And why were all my CPR patients always big fat fuckers?
  4. If you have the owners manual or even the owners workshop manual it should give you all the details you need in there, if not then loosen the 2 adjuster nuts off at the back of the bike swing arm, undo the large spindle nut that runs through the rear wheel, make sure it is loose, then tighten the 2 nuts up on the rear adjusters until the slack has gone, do not over tighten it as this will lead to chain and sprocket wear, also make sure you adjust both sides the same as this will also wear out the chain and sprocket, when your happy with it all being lined up tighten everything back up to the required torque. Do you know what the slack should be? most bikes have at least some slack in them usually measured from mid way between the front and rear sprockets, mine for instance is 25mm from the centre point, if you don't know DON'T guess, find out and then adjust it, look up a youtube vid if that helps, some can be really good.http://youtu.be/kCK5339cSpQ This vid might help.
  5. I'm retired so will NOT work even for Hundreds of thousands of dollars, take your work fold it into a small spiky ball and shove it where the sun don't shine !!
  6. Well that don't happen every day does it? Good for you NEO.
  7. Just a quick story, guy gets a parcel, opens parcel and finds it's not what he ordered, he phones the supplier and tells them the problem, they say "have you opened the parcel?" yes he says, well once it's opened you own it he's told ! This is not how it's supposed to be and it's all BS! So if you were supplied the wrong parts due to size or any other dimension or just the plain wrong item SEND IT BACK you can only find out if something don't work if you actually try to use it a lot of the time and this sounds like one of those times, so if it's covered in oil that's not your fault it's theirs cos you had to try it to find out if it would work or not right? Just my thoughts on it you understand but I think you have been screwed over!
  8. I was 14 and my brother had just bought his first car so I got another hand me down, rode it to school and most weekends went off on it to see what was out there, never got stopped or asked for my licence and that included when I hit a cyclist up the back cos the girl on the pavement had a miniskirt on !!Yikes!! Finally took my test in 1968 and have been riding more or less ever since, except when the kids came along as SWMBO was worried about me feeding her and the rug rats. Now 62 and still trying to get it right but when you do oh my you can feel the grin start, first bike was a Fanny "B" and wish I still had it, not cos it's worth more money than a car just so I could look at it and pretend I am 14 again.
  9. Yeah you MIGHT have to change the oil and filter, these things are bullet proof and if treated right can go round the clock before you need to tinker with them.
  10. It's all about geometry, if the forks are the wrong shape/length/diameter then your on a hiding to nothing but as long as you have the whole front end then should not be a problem, in my opinion anyway, the only thing is that it's usually better to use the brakes that the forks came with or your going to have to make up all sorts of brackets and crap to get the old brake calipers on. As long as your happy with the result and it's safe why should anyone laugh? It's been done by others before and most don't look like a frankenbike, it's usually only the anally retentive that whine about "it's not how it came out of the factory is it?" You should say "NO it's better, now fuck off!"
  11. Timmy this post is months old and doubt that you will get much back from your post, also it's polite to do an INTRO in the new members section to say Hi otherwise most folks will take you for a one hit wonder, we get loads of those, so if you would be so kind as to pop over there now that would be great, thanks.
  12. Brembo or EBC are supposed to be good but watch out for foreign counterfeits that are out there, sort of made from the fluff you find under the bed ! Other than that it's a case of what you can afford, remember your life depends on them so buy cheap get a bed booked in your local hospital. Buy from a reputable dealer NOT ebay or some such as you don't know were they come from or who made them plus you can take them back if they are shit. Also remember to bed them in before you cane them, like most things if you treat them properly they will treat you the same, check your discs for crack or rough spot before you put the brake pads in and make sure that there are no leaks in the hydraulics and use good quality fluid as well, cheap stuff will boil if your heavy on the brakes.
  13. Hi and welcome to the YOC First big bike and it's a 900, wow !, well the 900 is a pretty docile beast but like all of them it will hurt you if you forget that it's capable of over 120MPH, slow speeds are easy on it as it's just an upgrade to the 750s, heavy of course so be aware that even in slow traffic you will need space to stop, brakes are ok on most of them more to do with what pads you use rather than trying to upgrade them just for the sake of it, should cruise at a steady 80+ on the m/ways and will be fun round the twisty bit's but it's built as a long legged cruiser really so don't expect blistering acceleration or wheelies out of it, tho it can do that if your dumb enough to go down that road. Just treat it like any bike really don't thrash the shit out of it and it will last for years and servicing it regularly will make it a joy to own. Loads of them out there so spares are cheap good fuel mileage and lots of low down torque make it a good all round bike.
  14. Oh we have all been there, some of us a LONG time ago, it will have it's moments tho. Don't get cocky remember the golden rule "they will try to kill you" so use your senses and always put yourself in a position to be able to escape. But other than that it's just great to have someone else find the fun in riding a bike.
  15. Congratulations mate hope all goes well.
  16. Lots of manufacturers use the same kit on their bikes but just cos it looks the same don't usually mean they are the same in my experience, it's similar to is not the same as it's identical, your only way to tell is to try one and see if it fits and runs I would think. Someone on here might know but don't hold your breath waiting for a definite answer as I bet most folks have never even thought of Huqvarna parts on a Yam.
  17. Sorry to hear about your phone mate but if you get a call from a BIG HAIRY ARSED truck driver to meet somewhere private so he can give you your phone back take a friend !!!!!!!
  18. Drewpy if you want to get "PRIVATE" with Foamy just ask him !!!! :biglaugha:
  19. Only reading what it says not saying it is a factory bike just that if you put something like that on it it might be a special in which case it's NOT just a clutch cover is it?
  20. If you look close there is something like FACTORY ? RACING on the clutch cover so maybe it really is an improvement? You never know it might go like stink.
  21. He's still a "FRIEND" mate just made a mistake is all, we all do it!
  22. Try EBAY first they seem to have about everything under the sun or Google just put what you want and it will find someone who makes it or knows someone who does, any good seat refurb site will also sell you a cover but then your looking at loads of money usually. You just gotta keep looking till what you want pops up.
  23. So you have 1 exhaust that goes into 2 sets of end cans that probably cost more than the bike, even tho it looks good it is pretty pointless and all told if you want a bike that has 2 tail pipes then buy that bike is easier than pissing about like this. PS unless you live somewhere really COLD then at least your pillion will have a hot arse.
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