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Everything posted by slice

  1. If you get it wrong it will get hot and melt the housing, like most of these things you can't just bung what you like in them cos the standard is usually about 10% under the max allowed so anything above that will lead to problems. Work out your max voltage output then deduct everything that you can turn on, lights rear - indicators - horn - side lights and anything else that you might have attached to the bike then what you have left is the max voltage you can get away with subject to the heat it will generate. remember the brighter the light the hotter it will get. Has anyone used an LED headlight? if they even make one and it would need an inverter to convert the DC to AC.
  2. Seller is from California so that will be the ECO one then !!!
  3. Was a good year mate, went on for much longer than usual, even today I though. the suns shining just time to get a quick ride in, the wife thinks I'm mad. But this is one of those better weekends.
  4. Got you to look at his advert tho Andrew.
  5. Ah shit Katie not you as well !!! Got some numb nuts on the telly telling me Christmas is coming. Don't you know it's October ?
  6. slice

    Ready for winter?

    Welcome back Grouch !! How you been mate? If all else fails wear a bin liner/black sack under your coat, you feel a right tit when you take your jacket off but your dry.
  7. If it's number 18 then it's over £50 so take it off and store it somewhere safe
  8. Ok this is another "T SHIRT" thread isn't it? If you lot actually agree to ANYTHING I will go but you only have till August to make up your minds so can any of you actually think of a date? let alone a place.
  9. slice

    Dt 200 wr

    Hi Paul, First you need to do an INTRO in the New members section, just a bit about yourself so folks know your not a one hit wonder, then someone might have a few ideas about your problems or queries, so if you would pop over there now and do that it would be great. Welcome to the YOC and we hope you stick around.
  10. Ok we get this a LOT, so usual questions - how much do you weigh? - did you do the adjustments to the bike or did you get a "MATE" to do it for you? - what size sprockets do you have on it Front and Rear tooth count? - what fuel are you using? Tesco fuel is crap as is most of the cheap shit that superstores sell, are you using high octane non ethanol fuel? - there are so many things that can make your bike go slower than you want including "THAT'S HOW FAST IT GOES FFS!!!" Plus how fast did it go before or has it just started going slower? If the latter then you might have a problem with spark plug - ignition timing - fuel lines, shall I go on? you need to be a lot more specific about what it's doing before anyone can pin down the reason it's not doing what you want it to.
  11. Vaseline is old hat now Drewpy all the new boys use KY jelly !!!! Don't see why your fix won't work Tommy, as far as I know the ECU only gets warm not hot, what about that ACF50 stuff everyone is always banging on about won't that keep the water out? My ECU has a rubber sock thingy over the end of the ECU but it's pretty limp after 20 odd years so I wrapped a zip tie over the end to keep it in place, could just as easy have used gaffer tape I suppose.
  12. If you have no registration plate then I would say no but if in doubt call your local Police service Traffic division they should be able to help. Just don't tell them the right date cos they will say YES then nick you as you leave the house !!!
  13. Think it depends on how long you leave it! If it's just a couple of days then no problem but if, like me, you lay the bike up for the winter then drain the carbs.
  14. Nope your right, no lever there is there? Buggered if I know then maybe some kind soul on here will know what to do with it, but time to confess that this is a bit of a mystery to me. But the large round part could still be a diaphragm inside, does it come apart do you know? ie unscrew or can you just get inside it? If that is a diaphragm then if that is holed that might explain your problem with fuel flow.
  15. Thank you for that. Ok most of these bikes have a vacuum system for the fuel, so your fuel tap should have "ON" - "RES" - "PRI" , that is On-reserve- prime, there is no OFF on these it only draws fuel while running, reserve is obvious as is ON but prime is for when the carbs have been emptied or run dry for some reason and it should only be used to fill the bowls then turned back to ON, try the prime position to see that fills the filter on your bike, if not then it's the wrong way round (arrow should be facing towards the carb) and that might be the cause of you fuel difficulty. Just my thoughts on it.
  16. I don't care that it's 25 deg in Spain and that the roads are empty nor do I care that here it's about 5 degrees and blowing a gale and pissing down with rain !!! Yes I do and that was brilliant mate, really liked the vid as well, not jealous at all (MUCH!!) You lucky bugger.
  17. You need a manual for your bike, if you don't know how it works how can you fix it? Even the basic manual that comes with the bike would do as it usually has the smaller details inside, should cost about £3 from ebay or some such. Look online to see if there are any diagrams or photos/videos about your bike and look at or watch those. It's usual to do an INTRO in the NEW MEMBERS section before you ask a "how do I fix my bike" question, we get a LOT of 1 hit wonders on here who want info but can't be arsed to say thank you or even Hello. Not saying that's you but ask yourself this, if you walk up to a bunch of complete strangers and start asking questions about how to fix your bike without saying "Hi" or introducing yourself how many will help you out or just ignore you? So please pop over to the above section and say Hello, that way folks will feel you have made an effort to be polite and will return the favour. Welcome to the YOC and hope you stick around.
  18. Good luck with that, hope you find it.
  19. slice


    Go for the DUKE then, no practical reason it's just that they are mean looking little f**kers and everyone around you will be avoiding you catching their eye as you can roast them from the lights. Don' keep it long enough to have it serviced tho as that will take the shine off. Don't forget to come back and show us what you got tho as we all like to see what the wild side looks like.
  20. No I'm with Andrew on this, but make sure you have an escape plan.
  21. slice


    Nope, no ideas at all, as it's 2012 it's probably got all the bells and whistles that it needs so adding stuff would be pretty pointless in my opinion. So if you want an Italian stallion go buy one! We all like a change, if your hankering for a new experience then just adding stuff will not make it a better bike. Sell it to someone and move on. I've had Honda's Suzuki's Triumphs an AJS Norton's and they have all been different and fun in there own way but like anything sometimes it's just time to jump ship and try out another experience.
  22. Ah I see sorry just a random thought, thanks Jimmy.
  23. Triumph then or Norton they had Kickers as did Matchless and AJS some of the early Harleys till the pussies started buying bikes. Then there is the very early Honda and Suzuki's but truth to tell most of that old stuff is pretty expensive to buy and maintain.
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