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Everything posted by slice

  1. Ok I looked at all 3 of them and the XVS is fugly no other way to say it I'm afraid, I like the Hammer tho.
  2. Nice bike Mc, can't go far wrong with a Honda really as they are well made and if looked after then will, like the Yamaha, go round the clock with no trouble. Seems to be a good bike in the photo but you can't tell till you ride it, what's the mileage on it? when was it last serviced and was it used as a courier bike at any time? those are the questions I would ask. Also check the thickness of the brake discs to be sure they have enough meat on them cos like most bikes the cost is in the replacement parts you have to buy and the discs are usually really expensive, other than that can't think of a thing that the Honda isn't pretty good at but like most of these old thumpers the brakes are usually pretty shit, my old Super dream had brakes made out of some sort of Japanese toffee!
  3. Hi John, might be an idea to do an INTRO in the new members section.
  4. Nice looking bike Mc, perhaps he was using one of my fake spark plugs? Those scratches look pretty deep mate ask your local engineer if he can hone them out, would bet not tho, best to bore it and up a piston size, that way you know it will last.
  5. No No No No !!! Never again ok. Poor Lassy is still trying to get over the last time.
  6. None if you have the tools to hand, undo the rear spindle nut and loosen off the 2 adjuster nuts, try to undo them the same amount, then move the wheel forward and inch or so then take the chain off, after that it should be pretty obvious what comes next. Remember to readjust the chain when you put it back together, do you know the amount of slack needed? Usually about 20mm or so but check in your manual to be sure.
  7. Hi Taffy, Welcome to the YOC.
  8. Looks fine to me Seb, if your happy with it then that's all that matters, we all like different things so if your into rat bikes or classics doesn't matter cos all those who ride 2 wheels are welcome here. Nice job on the paint work mate looks very neat. As to where things are attached to you need to read the manual as that should tell you where all the various wires and cables should be routed and attached. One suggestion tho, next time you rest it on that hunk of concrete put something under the frame so as not to scratch the paint off as that is where the rust will start.
  9. Very sad, if that happens to me, take me round the back and shoot me!
  10. Sorry to hear that Foams, not much anyone can do about it I'm afraid cos passwords are meant to be difficult. I write all mine down in a book just cos of this. Oh and welcome to the Peasantry.
  11. Glad your back IKE. Good call on the valve gear as you say no point in doing a job just to throw it away and having to do it again.
  12. slice

    Fake or not ?

    Ok Jimmy thanks for that, I have seen this before and it was one of a number of items on the net that said fake NGK plugs are bad but if you look close at all of them they are made and distributed by NGK, I have yet to see ANY report of someone who has had a problem with their plugs genuine or not, most tales are word of mouth but when you try to search it out there is little or no evidence to support the premise that a spark plug has actually let go in the way that folks say ie up through the tank or into your leg let alone a dent in your bonnet (hood for the colonials!) If you can find someone who has actually had any of these problems get them to write a report so we can all hear and see what damage,if any, they might be capable of, cos right now I remain to be convinced that the photos on the NGK advice aren't just from engines that have been neglected or driven hard, if you look at the stills in the video all the pistons are from cars. PS as an aside if you look at the final still of a piston and plug that they show the plug has been melted and the piston holed right through, I bet a few on here that own 2T bikes can relate to that !
  13. Yeah got to agree with AH, that bike looks a real show stopper ?
  14. Yeah me and dt are on the same page here plus if he cleaned that carb without disturbing the dirt outside then he's a f**king genius.
  15. slice

    xj 600 parts

    Sorry can't help with that but any good website that has a write up on your bike should have that info or best bet just type in "chain for" on Google and see what comes up.
  16. slice

    xj 600 parts

    Yes have to agree with Drewpy, buy cheap get cheap a simple as that really. Though ebay can have some good deals and most that sell on there are good traders who want your repeat trade.
  17. Go for it Jim might make a fine post so folks can just look it up rather than ask the same question over and over.
  18. Is there nothing on the GIVI site to tell you how to fit the screen you have? Cos if there is it should be a direct reversal of the fitting instructions. PS it's usual to do an INTRO in the NEW MEMBERS section before you ask a "how do I fix my bike question" just a quick hello will do and a bit about yourself so folks know your not another one hit wonder. Welcome to the YOC
  19. slice

    Fake or not ?

    Ok this is the question. Are fake spark plugs actually bad for your engine? I only ask as I have just bought 4 plugs off of ebay for the FJ, they are normally around the £4/5 mark each but on good old ebay they are selling them (same numbers and size stamped on them) for about £1.75 each, now I have to ask, having looked at the plugs and compared them to a "genuine" one I can't for the life of me see any difference, I know all the stories of sweat shops and bad conditions for the workers and I'm aware that they may not last as long as the originals but I fail to see what if anything they can do to my engine other than go a "SPARKLY BLUE" colour when I apply a current to them!! I have seen the holed pistons that the manufacturers put out there to convince you that the "counterfeit" plugs are bad but has anyone actually seen a piston with a great big hole in it from one of these things? I have scoured the net for info and the only time I found a negative report it was issued by the manufacturer to the press trying to sound scientific and frightening. So my original question, are these things actually bad or are we just being told to buy more expensive plugs cos the makers are losing money? Any and all thoughts on this are welcome cos right now my FJ is purring like a kitten with these FAKE plugs in whereas with the ORIGINAL but old ones it popped and farted like an asthmatic steam engine !! PS Yes they are made in China and yes the working conditions for the workers are a concern, but if these people didn't work for the guy who's making these then they would be working for the guy making fake trainers or worse still fake aircraft parts.
  20. Well done Bips, just in time for you butt to come back to life !!
  21. Hi Andy Welcome to the YOC
  22. Just so you know, having read this thread and wondered can it be done I have just turned the FJ round on it's side stand, I have a back injury so am not able to heave gert lumps of iron around normally but it was surprisingly easy, as dt says it's about balance and once you find the tipping point it rolls round like a squeaky whale. Having said that I would not want to do it on a regular basis as it is a right mare not only in weight but length. On my old XJ I could do it on the centre stand by leaning against the bike and tipping it on to one leg of the centre stand.
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