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Everything posted by slice

  1. You should meet some of my old girl friends you'll need more than a wire brush and a scraper
  2. Looks like someone used a shorter spring so either made up a bracket or used one from something else, my best guess anyway, but Yamaha have been known to use the parts bin approach when it comes to finishing a bike run off.
  3. F**k me and I worry about WASPS!! Snakes for God's sake.
  4. If he and his mate turn up in a van Mc you had best have a padlock on all the bikes and a shotgun on show, been known that someone shows an interest then robs you while your out, he might be a great guy but it pays to be paranoid. What's your address by the way? been meaning to visit !!
  5. slice

    xj600 powerband

    Hatty, This is a 2009 post, your not likely to get an answer mate as this is well past it's sell by date plus 4 stroke don't have a power band as such it's usually 2 strokes that have an actual sweet spot. Might be an idea to do an INTRO in the New members section as well. (hint)
  6. Hi Morne and welcome to the YOC I bet you are not turning the rear wheel as you try to get the bike into neutral, unlike cars bikes need to have the rear wheel or rear sprocket moving slightly to get the gears to change, try this, put the bike on the centre stand, hold the rear wheel with your right hand and use your left to move the gear lever rock the rear wheel back and forth while moving the gear lever that should solve your problem or sit on the bike and rock it back and forth while changing gear with your left foot.
  7. Easy Walrus, people are trying to help, they are doing their best. Perhaps if you could show a picture of the fitting at the bottom of the tank one of us might have an idea as to which tank will fit, as you know most are a slide on type fitting but they do differ in size and shape so if you would be so kind to put up a few shots of the tank in question folks will try to help out.
  8. Hi Welcome to the YOC , it's normal to do an INTRO in the new members section before you ask a "How do I fix my bike" question. That way folks know that your probably not a one hit wonder.
  9. Yeah at the very least plunk it in a parts washer and leave it for a few hours and give it a good wiggle during that time to loosen the crud up, if you can find a way to get a hose inside the thing and squirt fluid around the back of the crank then you should be able to get most of the crud out, unfortunately MOST might not be enough.
  10. slice

    CBT Renewal

    Grouch your not STUCK with the WR it's a good bike plus when you bought it and put the photos up on the forum it looked a smashing little bike, just take your test and then if you want you can buy another bigger bike when you have paid off the WR,
  11. Tonyyam. This is a 2010 post your about as likely to get a reply as to win the lottery !!! Try an INTRO in the new member section and then a question in the WORKSHOP section, it's nice to say "Hi" before you ask for advice. Welcome to the YOC it's always nice to have new folks join in.
  12. Sorry Mc have to agree with NEO, I know you don't want to but splitting the cases is really the best thing to do. If you washed out a load of crap then there is still a load more smaller crap in there, just one small shaving will turn your nice rebuilt engine into a paper weight. I watched a mate of mine, many years ago, take a large 5 gallon drum half fill it with paraffin drop his engine inside then shove his air line into the engine casing and bubble the thing clean, he left it for about 4 hours and pronounced it clean, 2 days later he seized it on the way to work.
  13. All bikes twitch when you go over grooves in the road, it's just the way it is, usually you can put it down to tread pattern or tyre pressure on the tyre or any one of a hundred little things, as long as you have no play in the head stock or rear swing arm bearings it has to be the tyre and as I said all tyres twitch when the road surface changes. It's not dangerous and it's not unusual so just deal with it like all the rest of the road. Try going over a manhole cover at 80MPH on a corner and then you will know what a "TWITCH" is, you won't need a seat belt you can cling onto the bike just with your arse hole.
  14. Other than that why not just stick another head on it? Plenty of spares on ebay and will save time and frustration. My FJ had about 3 broken off and all were throughly fubared, so £50 later a nice head with all new bolts plunked down on the welcome mat, plus I got a spare set of cam shafts and valves out of it so a winner all the way as it would have cost £30 a hole at my local engineers and there are 12 of the buggers.
  15. slice

    Yamaha XS250 1978

    As Drewpy says just a few raggety edges, get your angle grinder out and chop off the crusty bits then rebuild it with some fresh metal, welding isn't a dark art it just takes practice so beg borrow or steal one and have at it.
  16. Think it was the A team or possibly the Dukes of Hazard?
  17. Just a question, what is a spark plug temp gauge? Never heard of this & what does it do and how do you know what temp your plug should be when running? Sorry to hijack the thread but Blackhat has me curious.
  18. Oh I like the Raider that is a pretty bike.
  19. Ok Mc so a rebore is not going to happen, but if it was mine I would split the case and clean the crud out, but some will say not, there does seem a lot of crap in there so if the bearings are ok you might get away with it but still going to be a worry if some of that got into the crank bearing. Just my ten pence worth but your the one who has to do it.
  20. Comparing Sacha Bippo and Katie to a stray Afghan cat is a way to get your nuts ripped off Foams !!
  21. Sacha Bippo or Katie might volunteer if you ask nice, they would look MUCH better Noise. PS Sorry Kev!
  22. You just couldn't make it up could you !!
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