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Everything posted by slice

  1. What world do you live in Drewpy? I had no idea this even existed, as Blackhat says what a sheltered life I seem to have lead.
  2. That is a sad fact mate, tho perhaps they should make the car driving test as strict then we might get the angry - mono maniacs & completely insane drivers off the road? Just a thought mind cos BMW / AUDI drivers will still be able to afford their Germany Kampfpanzers.
  3. Stick the key just in the hole,open up the keyway, then squirt it down the keyway that will get deep inside, don't soak it just enough to lube it not take it swimming.
  4. Wire wool and Brasso for the spokes Mc, much easier than trying to clean them with a brush or cloth.
  5. Hi Naomi welcome to the YOC. This years best buy !
  6. Talk to your neighbours as they might have seen something and might even know which little scrote took it. Look on ebay and gumtree to see if the parts from your bike start coming up for sale, sorry and all that but if you see someone who is not a dealer selling parts for your bike and they live local nip round with some mates and a baseball bat and have a "conversation" with them.
  7. slice

    Your thoughts

    It's about what you like really, I would not buy a Harley or even entertain one I'm afraid, your buying a name and a brand with a life style and the price of even the most basic spares are just silly, VMAX oh yes we all want one of those but it's a case of would you be alive to sell it? It's a nut jobs bike raw power and lots of growling noises your going to have to ride it in a pair of budgie smugglers and flip flops, Xv 1600 nice bike but BIG, XVS nice but again a BIG bike. You pays your money and live with it for a while then move on I suppose, best of luck finding a bike that fits.
  8. Not sure about pay & display, someone will have an idea just hang around and an answer will arrive. As for pavements well as long as you don't block access or get in the way it's not really a problem, tho if your thinking all day parking then you best have a few quid in your pocket to pay the recovery charge cos they will take it away. This gives some info that might be of interest http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CDYQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.parkingforbikes.com%2Fparkinginfo%2Fmainparkingoptions&ei=TiFvVM7XM4f2OozvgagD&usg=AFQjCNHxi_Vps7GczTbiUwqjBQsghib6DA&bvm=bv.80185997,d.ZWU Sorry don't know where you are in the UK so can't say for certain that this applies to you. If you add the info to your ident status then folks can offer more relevant info for you.
  9. Welcome to the YOC As to your question about parking as long as you don't block exit or entry points or park on yellow lines your going to be fine, you usually find a spot near the end a row of cars or in multi story car parks that have a M/C painted on the ground that's where you dump your bike, and usually your up the front so most times you get the short walk to the shop's.
  10. Been there done that didn't wear the jacket !!! and yes it hurts. Oh and one more thing if your worried about hurting yourself on your bike I have 40 yards of bubble wrap if you want it ?
  11. Bravo Bippo, about time some sense was introduced into this thread. I'm sorry that the lady feels she has been wronged and that she feels the need to vent at Tasky, I'm sure he meant no offence and that an apology was offered and refused, none of us wish you harm dear girl and as Bippo says we are all glad that you are still here and able to comment on your own accident, however if you take offence so easily then it's perhaps best if you stand back from here and just pretend that none of this happened and as you say you know what happened and that after all is all that matters, if you don't care or want others to understand how this happened to you then that's ok to, just please try to be a little less judgemental when someone makes an honest mistake with information supplied either 2nd or 3rd hand. On a personal note to you Fazerstun this is a forum to supply information to each other and hopefully help other less experienced rider learn to survive and thrive on their motorcycle, if in doing that we make a mistake then someone hopefully will come forward and say "that's wrong" and correct any errors that we make, we're not infallable nor are we monsters who derive pleasure at others misfortune, so at least understand that no offence was meant and the apology was not only from Tasky but all of us on here who would rather have you as a friend than an enemy.
  12. Fuck you very much now I have to buy more eyeball bleach !!!!!
  13. slice

    Lock picking.

    No you seem to have the wrong end of the stick rossonza the idea is to NOT go out picking locks just that you can, Tasky and up-yours know what I mean, it's that you can if you want but don't cos you can, going for a lie down now starting to sound like Terry Pratchett !!
  14. slice

    Lock picking.

    Buy them Katie, you will be surprised how much fun it is to get into stuff you shouldn't !!!
  15. Thanks for that dt didn't know about MEK being a drug item. as long as they don't light a match when they are looking around my garage then it will be ok I suppose otherwise we will all be waving at the space shuttle as we go by!!
  16. Thanks dt going to try a gallon of M E K first then a gallon of Acetone, if neither of those work it's cut it in half then scrape the crud out and weld it back up.
  17. Hi Mitch welcome to the YOC I'm in Gloucestershire to so nice to have you join in perhaps I will see you about?
  18. Ok boys and girls have a question for you. I bought a spare tank for the FJ (thanks foamy) good tank and all but it has been lined (I think) at some time with one of those liquid sealer's to stop the tank leaking or even to protect it from rusting inside, well anyway the problem is that the stuff has started to come off inside and in fact there is a great big lump of stuff rattling around inside about the size of a packet of fags or bigger, is there any way to melt this stuff or otherwise get it softened so I can get it out of the tank? I don't know what the guy used to seal the tank but was thinking if petrol don't melt it what does? Any advice greatfully received as I'm a bit stumped as to what to do other than reach in with a long rod and hammer the shit out of it till it's small enough to come out of the filler hole which I'm loath to do as I really don't want to dent the thing or crack the paint. Thanks all.
  19. slice

    Lock picking.

    Can just imagine it Tommy you bending over the door and a bobbie asking "and what are you doing?" over your shoulder. You can carry a set with you but then you run the risk of trying to explain why you have them on you. Mine stay in the garage.
  20. slice

    Lock picking.

    Thanks mate thought I would give it a try, still new to this and astonished how easy it is to open locks my back door (burglar proof) according to the makers and my bikes can all be opened in about 2 minutes flat.
  21. slice

    Lock picking.

    Just bought this from Amazon £15 is a bargain really
  22. Steve mate we're not allowed to offer info on Manuals on this site, most are copyrighted, so that's a big fat NO-NO on here. Suggest you try Google and see what's out there or even ebay might have on that's the best you'll get I'm afraid. Hope you find what your looking for perhaps someone on here might have a spare that they don't want anymore. Found this inside 30 seconds http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-Owners-Manual-New-And-Used-Choose-Model-Fz6-ybr-yzfr125-yzf-R6-sr125-xvs-/351212294843?pt=UK_CarParts_Vehicles_Manuals_Litterature_ET&hash=item51c5e252bb
  23. slice

    Psychic Wizard

    Ok tried it, first and most important "IT HAS AN ATTACK VIRUS" associated with it, my Norton has seen and killed it but I suggest if you use this then you run a virus scan afterwards. Second I BEAT IT !! Would you know it didn't know about Sylvester Roper the first man to die on a motorcycle !!! Oh and he invented the first motorcycle (1867, Roper had built his first steam velocipede) NOT Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach in Bad Cannstatt, Germany in 1885.. Roper was an American by the way. http://jalopnik.com/the-inventor-and-first-man-to-die-on-a-motorcycle-is-an-664814075
  24. Scott, any bike shop worth the name will fix your bike mate, but they will also ream you a new arse hole when it comes time to pay, as above undo all that you did before you fitted the new speedo and then see if the problem is still there, it's been known that another problem can come up while your fixing something else, if your bike starts and runs when it's back together then you know it's the new part but if it don't then it's something else that has come loose or broken while you were frigging around inside the headlight or the engine, again as above look for broken wires or even loose ones, try a multi meter on both ends of any suspect wires as they can be broken some where in the length of the cable plus make sure all the switches work as they should. Good luck mate.
  25. I'm with Tommy on this, 10 years that battery has been in the freezing cold gone 3 and a 1/2 billion miles and then works right out of the box, mine sits in a warm garage for 6 months then f++king well throws in the towel when the sun comes out.
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