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Everything posted by slice

  1. Just a quick question folks, I am going to replace the filter on the FJ but have decided to go with the pod/individual filters instead of the single flat filter, main reason for this is it's much easier to get the carbs off with out the filter housing and it will give me much more room under the seat for another place to have some storage that's out of sight. My problem is that I don't know if I have to uprate the jets if I do this, is it normal to rejet with this mod or can I leave the existing jets in for now? The FJ club does a rejet kit but it's in the £100 range and I have to drill the old jet ways out for the new jets to fit, has anyone done this to any of your bikes? any advice on this would be most helpful. This is the kit supplied by the FJ club This kit contain 4 individual S&B performance air filter and LEDAR air corrector jet kit plus bigger main jets.
  2. Foamy we all know your insane you just won't admit it, now go back into your nice rubber room
  3. Are you really telling me sniff that you didn't know they were a bunch of self serving tossers.
  4. Hi Andrew, Welcome to the YOC.
  5. Unlike some, bikers actually like new people joining in, we get a kick out of the questions and the noobs get to learn a new way to look at things, after all what's the point of spending the best years of your life up to your armpits in grease if you can't share the dirt and grime around?
  6. Hi Mallet, I had a similar problem with a Suzuki that I bought, not been used for some years and the plates were welded together, I had to dismantle the clutch and hammer the plates apart, they would not break apart even with the engine running and the rear wheel spinning, sometimes you have to just take them off and fix the problem, not sure I understand about the car oil but if someone has put car oil in the engine then the plates are buggered I'm afraid as car oil has additives that will wreck the cork plates on your bike, loads of folks try car oil thinking it's a cheaper oil but don't realise that it's meant for car's not bikes. Someone might be able to tell you how to clean them off but I think that once they are contaminated you have to replace them,l sure that's not what you want to hear.
  7. slice

    Loomies... saved?

    It actually wasn't Foamys fault it was all of us, no one could decide on a design and it was batted backward and forward for about 6 months, foamy retreated (sorry advanced to the rear) Lassy got pissed off (fell about laughing waiting for a decision) cos we couldn't make up our bloody minds and it all desolved into a bit of a nightmare that no one could think how to end. All in all a bit of a lesson learned, so if you want a T-SHIRT go buy your own !!!
  8. slice

    Loomies... saved?

    Oh I bet their neighbours are just over the moon about it! A meet there sounds like fun but NO T-SHIRTS ok foams.
  9. slice

    Helmet dryer

    Have you ever tried putting the lining in the tumble dryer? Wrap them in a cloth bag and set it for cool and leave it till it dries, not the cheapest way of doing it but it does dry quite well in about 4 hours. Most modern helmet linings do come out and you just have to be really sure you know how to rebuild them.
  10. Hi Tim and welcome to the YOC, sorry to hear your news mate, what a bastard thing to do, as above a BIG chain and lock will keep the buggers away, and again the only way to go is buy the right thing not the cheap thing. Online if you must or your local dealer is better as that way you have someone to talk to who knows what parts will fit you bike.
  11. As above not a real problem just something that annoys me, don't want an argument and glad you came back to explain your reasons, all welcome on here even those who don't ride but find an interest in the site and what goes on here. I hope your event goes well and loads of peeps turn up, again as above, some photos and info from the event would be welcome after it's all over.
  12. Funnily enough I was thinking the same thing Ian, went down to the south coast last August and filtered for about10 miles on the A43 and M3 going into Southampton never seen so much traffic and the only things moving were me and 2 other bikers. .
  13. Interesting point DT, I wonder if it might be to do with the cost as much as anything? Cheaper tax and better fuel consumption.
  14. Yes I'm with Meatloaf on this, if you go to the event and enjoy it then by all means share your experiences and put up some photos of it, if as you claim it's a good thing to receive SPAM in all it's forms then please tell me if you like all the crap that appears in your email in box, I for one don't and this is on a par with that, if the person had asked for permission to post then by all means have at it and good luck to them but the fact is as stated before they rocked up dumped their junk and dissapeared, I have no quarrel with you wanting to go and I'm sure you and your mates will have a great time but it's spam anyway you look at it and it's rude to just dump and run.
  15. Nope he's not and I still don't care cos this post is SPAM and as such should be treated as a waste of space, now I just know your going to disagree and before you launch off into a "I have a right to my opinion moment" let me be clear here, if you ask to put your SPAM on here and it is of interest and relevant then ok some might find it useful BUT if you just dump your junk and piss off then to be honest it's like throwing your rubbish over your neighbours fence and that is just rude. So if you still disagree then that's fine to cos you have the right to be anything you want and I will fight to the death so you can have your say no matter how much it might offend those around you. PS also look at the "other guys" post amount, have you done that? now it should say "1" that is one post now tell me in your opinion is that because they really have nothing else to contribute to this site or may it be that they are in fact EMPLOYED to post on any and all websites that might spend money at their event thus increasing their revenue. Again you can disagree, you are after all allowed to have an opinion on anything you want, but like you I have an opinion and that is I DO NOT LIKE SPAMMERS no matter their motive or method.
  16. Don't worry Dutch, you can hide in my loft !!
  17. Well good for you, so glad you enjoy what you do for a living. Now why should I care?
  18. Buy them Mc you know you want to!!
  19. Thank God for that, it was going to get lonely out there with just old farts for company! Not that they are not good guys and all but new blood makes the whole thing exciting and fun. Plus we get to laugh at the antics the noobs get up to and feel important for about 10 minutes when they ask for advice on stuff we know. With my memory if I can remember the time of day I'm lucky.
  20. OH NO !! If your a Harley rider where are you going to get your fix of chrome from? I know, Harley will start selling more expensive chrome products from 3rd world countries, they do after all need the money, don't they? Never mind that some poor soul from these countries will get cancer, it's a small price (for someone else to pay) for looking cool after all !! EDIT: you might notice a smidge of sarcasm here (not at Drewpy) that is the point, not all things that the EU do are intended to f**k you over sometimes it actually makes sense to remove stuff that actually hurts the people employed in these industries. I mean if you asked people to work on building sites without a hard hat all of the people would be up in arm about it cos people die without them. That by the way is an EU directive EU Directive 91/155/EC
  21. Time for a photo then Foams and a price, haven't had a good laugh in ages
  22. OH Ian DON'T go there, you will have Foamy giving it large on how bad the world has treated him !!
  23. I Imaging because it's so expensive to get a full licence for a bike whereas if you want to drive a car it's about 10 hours with your Dad in the car and the price of a test !!
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