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  1. connorstephen316 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    alot of people dont like the top speed of the yamaha dt125r im on my 2nd dt125 the 1st was an 89 bt ive got a 92 nw and tbh the power is less the newer the bike i found out if you strip the engine right down and put a tzr 125 2rk gearbox in its got a nice tasty pick up aswell as top speed would like to know if any1 has any other idears for tuning the good old dt125r as im really keen on the dt125s bt im waiting to strip my spare engine to bits to get my tzr gear box in hehe if any1 knows any other way of tuning please please let me know
  2. connorstephen316 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    hey was wondering if any1 knows of sumwhere to get a full big one exhaust system and race filter and carb to suit becuz i had a dep full system and it just didnt deliver that same kick as the old big one system i had but my dep system has snaped so i need help asap as my bike has been put off the road till i get an exhaust but i also need a new speedo cable but ive ordered that and should be here soon any help would be much appreciated thanks