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Everything posted by Joeleol

  1. Joeleol posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Hi all, Just a quickie, I have acquired some of the lovely (looking) XS400 '80 wire wheels, both drums. The front is the twin leading shoe model (if anyone has these?) I was just wondering how good they are? I know they are going to be worse than disks, I am only interested in fade characteristics and life of the shoes. Thanks in advance, Joel
  2. Joeleol replied to Hornix's post in a topic in Classics
    Haha! Me too!
  3. The '79 XS 400 has everything you want. I just bought the whole setup from the states =) The front has a nice twin leading shoe design,
  4. Joeleol posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Hello all, I'm currently looking for my next project as the 250 is not far from finished now. (I got some wire wheels off the bay for £50 wohoo) Preferably something nice, old and oh a complete pile! I don't want to spend more than a grand so any ideas? Thanks in advance, Joel
  5. Joeleol replied to Joeleol's post in a topic in Classics
    Tachometer is 5:1, found a sweet veglia one!
  6. Joeleol replied to Joeleol's post in a topic in Classics
    Ok, thank you, I will measure the ratio myself (I was just being lazy) and let everyone know.
  7. Joeleol replied to Joeleol's post in a topic in Classics
    Bump! Helppp please
  8. Hi PorkChop, I would pack it as per the manual. I didn't think to check the quantity when I rebuilt mine. When the clutch lever is fully disengaged there should be no play in the plates whatsoever (i.e. they wont rattle). So just do whatever it takes to achieve this.
  9. Joeleol posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Just off the top of your heads, does anybody know what ratio the speedo drive and rpm output drive are on the xs250? Thanks in advance, Joel
  10. Joeleol replied to Mberg9000's post in a topic in Classics
    Where can I get a timing kit like that for my XS250 (its the same as the 400 I believe) I really hate points.
  11. Joeleol replied to Joeleol's post in a topic in Classics
    Its some light bronze metallic colour, It was the colour of my last bike and I thought it would look good. Now its done, I'm not over-keen, but its different so I think its going to stay like that for now.
  12. Joeleol replied to Joeleol's post in a topic in Classics
    Thankyou! The black paint is halfrauds high temp black and the silver is krylon hightemp radiator paint (we use a lot of it in F1 . Yeah it has been completely rebuilt, new bearings, reground nearly everything, its like brand new but better
  13. Joeleol replied to Joeleol's post in a topic in Classics
  14. Joeleol posted a post in a topic in Classics
    And best of all it's not a question! Its a quick update on my project. Here's some eye candy...(for me if not you!) ENGINE BEFORE ENGINE BEFORE AGAIN ENGINE AFTER
  15. Joeleol replied to Joeleol's post in a topic in The Bar
    Ahh, what kind of dimensions do they operate in and how many axis? I can always do a two or three part mould =p (I'm just being a cheapskate really, 5-axis machining around here is £45+ per hour =(
  16. Joeleol replied to Joeleol's post in a topic in Classics
    Ok, So I checked the resistance between all four while cables, If i leave one of them out completely (Whatever you connect this one to reads 1ohm) When I check resistance any of the remaining three in any order I get 0.6ohms. Should I ommit the one that always reads 1ohm?
  17. Joeleol replied to Joeleol's post in a topic in Classics
    ah I see, so the condenser earths the coil whilst the points are open. I seeeee. I'M HAPPY NOW
  18. Joeleol replied to Joeleol's post in a topic in The Bar
    I need a pattern machining for the tail/seat of my bike, So I can make it out of CF. I've nearly finished the model. I'm just being lazy not making one out of allybaba.
  19. Joeleol replied to Joeleol's post in a topic in Classics
    Ahh, so whereabouts to I put the condensor into the circuit? Can you maybe photoshop/paint it onto that diagram? (which I must say, actually put a smile on my face for the first time this week)
  20. Joeleol replied to Joeleol's post in a topic in Classics
    Aha, now that looks more like what I'm working with! I will copy this exactly! Although there is no condenser any more =( Shall I just leave it out?
  21. Joeleol replied to Joeleol's post in a topic in Classics
    On the xs650 coils, from the coils, where do the red and brown wires go?
  22. Joeleol replied to Joeleol's post in a topic in Classics
    Ok problem solved! I bought some different coils! I guess I will have to sell these other ones!
  23. Joeleol replied to Joeleol's post in a topic in Classics
    This sound like what I was thinking, by putting a separate relay in that is deactivated by the points (way to much hassle)
  24. Joeleol posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Are there any machinists on here? CNC is preferred. Regards, Joel
  25. Joeleol replied to Joeleol's post in a topic in Classics
    Thanks for your inputs everybody, I guess I need to find some new SUITABLE coils.... Does anyone know which ones I could use? Without going to wemoto and spending £30 per coil. Thanks, Joel