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Everything posted by smokinmonkey

  1. I wasn't using the choke since I thought it was flooded / flooding and thought choke would make it worse... tried it with choke on after the replies and it started first time... Now I feel a little stupid lol. Ah well, I'm only learning.. Took the bike out for a rip straight after and got pulled by the police. Thought I'd done something wrong but it was a routine checkpoint.. phew
  2. Before.. all the first post happened within a few hours on a single day
  3. Also I have access to a pressure gauge but don't know where to check it to check the compression. Search the internet for an answer but had no luck.
  4. I should have mentioned in the top post I changed the plug about a week or two ago.
  5. Ok so my bike just suddenly stopped starting on the electric starter (no kick start). Started in the morning, I drove to work. After work it wouldn't start. It was my first time at work with the bike and a few people went out to look so I assumed they flooded it as I forgot to turn the fuel off. So I turned the fuel to off and hit the starter for a bit until the bike got a bit of life ( around 10 min later).. turned fuel on and it started very weak, then built up. I assumed the problem was flooding so drove home no problem, parked the bike up and ate dinner. Went to go out about an hour and half later. Same problem. I knew it wasn't flooded. But I turned fuel off to clear it out. Then fuel on and tried to start... nothing. So I pushed the bike forward and back a few meters while trying to start, the headlight got brighter, wee bit of life in the starting sound and then finally started, but again very weak. Drove to my friends house. Left about 3 hours later. Wouldn't start! I was 1 in the morning so I wasn't standing out all night so I pushed it up a big hill at his and bump started in first gear.. flying home! First I thought weak battery because of the light being dull and then brightning when I was pushing the bike forward and back. But the electric starter is turning over ok and at it's normal speed etc. Battery doesn't sound weakened. So what could the problem be? I read on the internet somewhere to clean the carb and the air filter.. I don't know how to start aobut cleaning the carb. Everyone must assume we all have Haynes manuals or aren't bike newbies lol.
  6. Lol def not. Anyone looking to buy a jacket? Size Small / 38? lol
  7. smokinmonkey posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi all, I just bought a new motorcycle jacket (I say new, it's my first and only jacket). I bought it used off eBay and I went be the size I take in a suit, 38. So the jacket arrived today and it is SUPER tight... nearly a struggle to get it closed. Below is the eBay auction I won and a mobile photo of my wearing the jacket fully zipped. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260670671122&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT
  8. Na the bike wasn't starting on that plug.. I checked the plug though and it was sparking, but it was a very weak looking spark. eBay, £1.77 for the new plug, couldn't beat it! Bike is running great now.
  9. As title, but I want to know was the old plug looking alright. I know you can tell a lot from how the spark plug looks.. So I took a few pictures. Also I don't have a torque wrench so just tightened it by hand and then put a half turn on it with a normal wrench. Hows that old plug looking?
  10. smokinmonkey replied to up.yours's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Loving the yellow.. What exhaust is that? Couldn't be the original ??..
  11. smokinmonkey replied to a post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Beautiful bike.. What year is it?
  12. smokinmonkey replied to wild foamy's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Love the shape of that bike... and a good price, well done!
  13. smokinmonkey replied to DutchXJ650's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Very nice bikes... Loving the second one.
  14. Haha yeah ir's a typo.. I own a Honda car and go on Honda forums too. Yeah oil was visable in the window after the change, I don't get it. So what am I checking the radiator for? You are saying the oil should change to a milky colour over time?
  15. As title, plus the bike won't start. Bike: 2006 DT125R SM Well went to take it out this morning.. started and let it run while i ate my breakfast.. went out, stalled it.. then it wouldn't start again. Just keeps turning over, I turned the throttle a little.. nothing. I only noticed the transmission oil as I was checking all the vitals on the bike. Here's a photo incase I am wrong. But to my view there is no sign of oil in the window. I changed out the transmission oil last week, it was a grey colour... didn't look healthy. Plus I thought transmission oil didn't change colour like engine oil etc ?? I added the amount it tells you in the Honda book, 0.7 Litres I think it said.. Can't remember. Might I add I know little to nothing about bikes. I read a few other threads and maybe the bike is flooding / spark plug and/or carb needs changed.. I might just take it to a mechanic, I don't know yet.
  16. haha really? Nice! I visted China for two weeks back in Jan / Feb... Went to Shanghai, Beijing, Wuhan and Jingmen. The building behind the scooter reminds me of China. Then I realised it was a battery powered scooter and I've only seen one of them in China lol. The username Sky also made me think you were Chinese because I met a guy working in a nightclub in Shanghai who called himself Sky. Did you import the YBR into the U.S. then?
  17. Nice YBR.. and nice camera work. I was going to get a YBR except I came across a good deal on a DT125... BTW where are you from. The pictures remind me of China.. ??
  18. smokinmonkey posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Bike Model: 2006 DT125R SM OK since I have bough the bike I haven't got a chance to ride it, been working everyday etc. So it's just been sitting covered out the back of the house. A good thing too, as I noticed it is leaking oil, just a small amount over the period of 3 days so far. The oil is black, so I'm assuming it's 2 stroke / engine oil thats leaking somewhere. I'm off again on thursday so will try and see where it is coming from. Q1. Are there any common oil leak problems with the DT125? Q2. Am I right in assuming that the 2 stroke oil is used as engine oil as well as being used to mix with the fuel? Also is it possible to drain the 2 stroke oil? I want to add my own, not sure what the guy before was using.. Also a good thing I didnt take the bike out yet as I noticed the (transmission?) oil is low. I'm guessing its the transmission oil as it's the oil thats not the 2 stroke oil! haha... Yeah I don't know anything about bikes. Q3. Should I just top up this oil? I read in the book it takes 10w30 ... or should I do a full change? I also noticed two open ended plastic pipes, like over flow pipes? Can anyone tell me what they are for?
  19. pictures are up:
  20. Hi, new member here. Just bought my first motorbike yesterday and looking forward to many happy years together with it I am the third owner of this bike, the first was a bike mechanic (appartently), the second guy bought it, hardly rode it and it sat up in his garage until I bought it. The bike is how I bought it. Going to remove and sell the storage box on the back as it doesn't lock. I might get a luggage rack instead... Front Brembo: DEP pipe: Oil in exhaust (is this normal? I read it's a side effect of some two stroke oils?): In need of a clean and polish. I might heat wrap it? : Mileage:
  21. I see my first post has turned into a social gathering on here. I'm in Newry, Co. Down.. right on the border I think the reserve is down to its last legs... didnt want to risk it cutting out on me. Thanks for the welcoming messages everybody, I can see you will all be helpful.
  22. Hi all, just bought myself a black / silver 2006 DT125R SM. Less than 3000 miles on the clock. This is my first ever bike. Still not rode it as it's on the reserve and I need to get a wee petrol can to put some juice into it. It's got a DEP exhaust and a front brembo brake. Will get some pictures up tomorrow and hopefully be taking my first ride!