Hi all,
bet not many people have heard of this one, but I have a yammie V90 from 1979... been in the shed for nigh on 15 years oiled up but is now a restoration project. For those thinking what the heck am I on about, the V90 was Yamaha's answer to the venerable Honda C90 except at a 2 stroke jobbbie. Rode it for about 2 years before shedding it but gave it a prod today and there is still life in the spark system.. Cleaned the oil off and it looks fairly fit.. alas the fuel tap leaks like a BP oil platform in the gulf.... Anyone know where I can get a replacment... long shot I know but other than this I will have to find a different fuel... If memory serves me right, its also pretty undergeared as I don't remember getting much over 45mph out of it but that'll be for another day.
Anyway I am hoping someone may be able to advise on the fuel thingy as other items like seat cover etc I can get along with cables and brake shoes etc...
Some may be thinking why not dump it and buy a honda 90... Could do but I figure if this things lasted over 30 years and still has the integrity to give me a spark at the plug then thats pretty cool... plus its more fun with on two stokes and takes me back to my FSIE days