Everything posted by BlackTiger
N West Rally Blackpool
Hey John, you can def go, bike or nae. You only ever manage two strokes, ha ha.
anyone remember this?
I had a Vanden Plas and it never had one of these horrible contraptions. Would have been out the window if it did. Hey Drewps, any of you guy's heading to the Ace cafe this weekend. John and some of the guy's from our end are heading in that direction I believe. Long way for the H2. Hope the weather holds out for them. Chow the now.
New Member
That doesn't bare thinking about. We have to do that all the time offshore. The good thing is it can be anybody you want.
New Member
I hope you guy's manage to have a couple of beer's for me. Stuck offshore. Hey Drewpy, cracking picture. If not sure where the Congo is we do now. Hope the weather holds out for you all.
New Member
Hi Paul, Met a few of the guy's through Jake. Seems like good crack. Heard Jake mention you. Sure we'll meet at some point. Take it easy. Sye.
New Member
Hey Pat, How did you likeyer nicht oot in Forfar. You were just up the road from where I stay. Did you venture out. At work in Congo and busting a gut as know you guy's are all heading to Squire's. Maybe manage a beer for me. Later Dude.
New Member
Hi All, New kid on the block, well maybe nae a kid, but def young at heart. Joined the club as met a few of the guy's through Blackhat250 (John) and liked the crack. Cheers.
Barky, Blackhat250, 2Wheels and Si
Hey Mate, Sye here, just joined. It was a great day out. Hoping for many more. Back to work this week so praying for good weather when I get back mid September. Later, Sye.