Everything posted by slow13
r125 probs/comin probs
moduole 1 help and advice/tips cost me 15 pound
just too let all the lads an girls ive got a full licence now so eney help give me a shout trained my self only took a week ov trainin and at my own pace no stress well chuffed saved my self hundreds 600 in total not bad for self trainin chuffed too bits passed 2 weeks ago now just saving for a bigger bike now dont get worried if u want help just send message happy t o help
r125 enigne problem/bigend
moduole 1 help and advice/tips cost me 15 pound
if use want to pass lads try this as its cheap and wont hurt u as much as 250 sqid if ure skint if u fail least u will no wat u done wrong wethere u pay 15 or 250 cash but u could do it just dont hit cones or put feet down wen doing slalom/figure ov 8 and say for 30 sqid u could pass by eg failing it and relisein wat u need to work on at local car park or at home street for30 including resit or pay 250 for same stuff and fail it and have to pay another 15 for test fee and more lessons ect easyer on ure own no pressure just let bike cool down if getting hot and have a half tank ov fuel less top heavey on the day and keep tyre pressures a little low to help prevent skidding ure choice just take care and keep practicing sam as cbt but in ure own time at home or work ect but is worth it if u guys need eney help at all let me no i got 00 minors with full marks perfect the boy was a nice guy though to mussleburgh/edinburgh near aldas if thats the name aldayz somfin like that nere petrol station in musselburgh
module 2 help!
just wundering wat to expect on bike test next week chares lad eney videos or info would be a great help as cant offord trainin and been trainin over a year on my r125 so just doing everything i was tot on the day and ive got this far thank god! defo
moduole 1 help and advice/tips cost me 15 pound
watch youtube mod 1 helps alote and its 15 pound do the trainin in ure own time if uve been on the road over a year via cbt and cant do these simple minouvers with practice u need to keep tryin as ive been on road over a year and practiced for 2 weeks on and off dont stress ure self and 3 hours of trainin every second day so it just comes naturlay or space it out upto u wat ever works but dont dont do it as u will loose the feel and it takes time after a week or so to get right back into it hope this info helps and contact for eney help chares hello i just passed my module 1 bike test were u told u need training well! u dont i was told it would cost 250 to get me through mod1 but wat i did was get som plastic cups pint ones and lay 6 out at a gap between {11feet} to 13maximum as ure test day will be 14feet and a half always do the life saver before moving off always check [lifesaver] wen doing {u.turn} before u move off and wen ure about to {u.turn} practice 75% front brake and 25% rear for emergancy stop saves skidden and failing test for the avoidence just make somfin to dodge {eg}tar on the road white lines if no ones around ect just make somfin up in ure head and dodge it play around a bit and then once u can chuck it about abit try slow speeds a 1 part is slow moving at examiners pace here are the stages as every 1 does it [watch youtube for even more idea] .park in garage marked with cones and put stand down get off .figure ov 8 is next with 6cones to go through the last 2 u have to figure ov 8 .avoidence minouver at leaast 31mph on speedtrap and u have to go for it if ure on a 125cc .{u turn}wen told u should do ure checks{lifesaver}move to white line {lifesaver}moveoff and then {lifesaver} then turn .just playingaround at low speeds to get a feel .emergancy stop at 31mph at least.{elps}this way as u will .u will also get guided so dont worry they explain everything and its only 15 sqid rathere than 250 so think after the first atempt u can try again about ten times .and u will no wat u done wrong on the day so second time will be so much easyer trust me but if in dowt get trainin but if been on road for abit an get the drift go for it better than spending 250 and failing if u no wat i mean just dont be a fannys ok dudes i no how easy it is just take my advice and do as u please with it eathere way u will be happy and u could save cash as i did as was broke ...tips.. .always use a life saver no matter what ok! .wen u have time play around at low speeds to get a feel for ure bike worth it trust me .use hands for signaling if in dowt or just to help ureself and other drivers .always remember/will come to u/rome wasent built in a day i no {counter steer} aplize after 15 to 20mph .wen traveling at low speed use back brake a little a slip clucth .wet clutches to help at low speeds+use back brake slightly to keep the bike pulling .try and use brakes/even clutch with fingers rather than hand dependin on situattion try it
module 1 help
i just past my module 1 today well chuffed didnt need trainin just watch video and got the cone gaps and practiced the emergency stop and hazard avoidence u will be able to do it just practice with 12 foot gapsr as they are 14 at center spot on tighter to start with the better best i done was 11feet iam a size 8 to
R125 insurance - £1700....?
also mate ment to say ive got 3 points 87.9mph in my punto gt i was lucky as was slowing down for cars in front was clocken nearly 135ish before i passed them bastards my own fault though hope this helps r125s are good mate iv e had mine over 1 and a half years and u just tweek it every couple ov months to keep u satisfied
R125 insurance - £1700....?
alright mate iam with h&r insurence 400 fully comp for a year iam 22 and if i was to insure 3rd party 230 so try them as that is a joke as they just take the piss hope this helps moneysupermarket is the way to go as go compare and all that shit are 2 deer for me and ive been tryin insurence compinies for over 4 years and moneysuper,market have never let me down even for my cars ect
module 1 help
thanks apreciated i hope i pass ill let use all no if i do or dont will be gutted if i dont propper
module 1 help
module 1 help
also ive been driving for over 4years and had a bike for over 1 an a half so have a little skill not the best but all comes in time just hopeing examiner is ok as i always try my hardest and iam not a robot
module 1 help
right lads i have my module 1 in 2 weeks iam practicning like mad but not sure if i should pay to get trained but even still they trainer will be booked so iam just wundering wat to exspect eg will he tell me/explain wat to do or will he just exspect me to no as iam worried as dont no wat to expect please gimie sum help thanks
got my theory for my test today
chares mate apreciated
got my theory for my test today
chares mate apreciated
got my theory for my test today
just to let u no mate i passed and thanks for u add never expected the help from som 1 chares again and realy apreciated can u help me on module 1 eg wat to exspect am i going to turn up and he wont say eney thing or will he guid me through it ect thanks
yzf r125
also u dont have to spend thousands just do ure maths more air in means a little more air out as once air is exploded there is less to put out eg thats why exhaust valves are smaller but if u are giveing ure bike more air make sure u ithere make the exhaust more free flowing or port the exhaust valves easy to do i learned in collage but watch on youtube the same idea just watever way u preffer just take care around the valve seats but is easy to reseat them with profesinal grinding paste supplyed in valve kits or seat kit also u can fit the cam with out even removing the engine or head ect thats on youtube to but ive done all my work my self and my dads help hes being doing this since i was in the sack if u no wat i mean if u want to remove rev limiter u need to get a crosser carburatorbut watch for top end as u could run lean and u dont want that lean means not enough fuel instead ov exploding it it burns witch wont move piston down also u can go onto areo dynamics or weight diet have a shit befor riding have a piss dont carry a phone ect hahah just use ure head its very simple dont be scared as the engine are a peny a pop litturley and are easy to fit same as a care the connecters usaly can only go to 1 place as not all sensor are the same if u are worried just mark them or tag them simple iam just giving u ideas/ things ive tryed over the years and they all work nothing has poped yet aslong as u maintaine it u wont have a prob and regular services ect well oiled engine is a relible 1 in my eyes rust dont treet it like shit simple i hammer mine all the time but i maintane it also jst gettin through my bike test as its too exspencive with me have a few cars eg escort rs turbo ive also had ax gt x2 .saxo vtr. saxovts. punto gt . corsa sxi . ford ka. clio. micra 1.1punto .106 rallye 1.3 and the rest thanks for readying lads and take cares ov ure beest
yzf r125
its all in the sprockets if u give it more power yes u will be limited due to rev limiter but if u change the sprockets eg to take longer to turn from gear box to back wheel u will get longer revs but slightly more sluggish but u will get a higher top speed as the bike is moveing furthere due to the sprocket being bigger=gearbox gear slightly longer ask eney crosser racer they will tell u go for small sprockets as engine turns faster/more freely but revs out so fast listen to avreage crosser they rev out realy fast due to short sprockets not box thats why if u make a crosser road legal /super moto u put big sprockets on to get u up to speed and its slows it down slighty as if u put a crosser with road tyres straight onto the road u would flip it unless u feed it in so bigger sprocket = longer time to turn but a furthere distance u will travel draw it on a bit ov paper small sprocke then a big 1 then dd ure chain u will see use a little maths u will figer it out just getin ure head around it my friend has been racing in the maxxis rally for years and the lantinlees stage in duns anothere way to figer it out is eg if u put 17"alloys on ure bike and u hit 85 flat then u put 13"on u would only get around 75/80mph as the wheel turns faster because its smaller there for the gear box has less strain/less movement/turn= less travel/distance u notice a difrence with eney car slash bike i have been moding cars/bikes for over 10years just have a good think its all in the maths to make it simple just draw a front and rear sprocket in a couple ov sizes eg small too big big and big small to small its why trials bikes and push bike have small sprockets and big ones as u go up the gears u move further foward but becomes harder to pedal/more strain on ure engine wen i was a kid gears were a luxury so wen i got a shot ov friends bikes i tried to figger it out but now adays just play about on a push bike skiping through the gears/sprocket gears u will get the point/my drift its easy once u get ure head around it
yzf r125
i got a new tyre and now can hit 89/90 on mild hill as the turnin circle will be a fraction bigger like a sproket kit wen bike was standard i could hit 85 off the rev limiter bounce wen my tyre got low/illegal from burnouts ect and wheeling keeping tyre flat to make it easyer eg so more tyre touches road and bike doesnt want to fall over eney way was 85 but wen tyre gt very low i was rufley getin 82/83 maybe but its only a slight difrence but wen ure bike aint that pokey and ure always flat owt u do notice i have alote ov tight roads were i live and jumps so its like a ilse ov man tt circuit but better a wen u come over the yumps on the back wheel standing up at 80 the cars comin towards u always shit them selfs or evn give u a thumbs up an thats wat its about
got my theory for my test today
got my theory for my test today
yeeha av passed ma theory test today so onto the next part just hope its easyer as the hazard perception is a night mare but done it thank god well chuffed tryed ma hardest
got my theory for my test today
bugger failed my theory boys had been practicin for ages got the theory down its just the hazard perception that got me my scores were 47 out 50 and hazard 75=pass mark 44 i got 39 gutted as had my hart set on module 1 but booked again for this tuesday so fingers crossed al let use now am gutted totaly
got my theory for my test today
alright lads just gona practice a little more as my theory is in 2 hrs just thought i would have a brake and let use no iam hoping a pass it as i realy want this like wen u wanted ure car licence its a night mare any tips on doing module 1 if i pass ill let u no wen i can but i dont want to dry my self out if i fail as i wanted this for a couple ov years now just never had cash or balls as a no wat am like wen a put the helmet on well take care lads and al get back to use later hope fully with good news
derestricted/top speed with 15 tooth sproket
haha ure right bud am 23 and have had many fast cars jsut went onto bikes last year and building my way up but i no wat u meen wen u say dont be to keen on big bike as u cant always go flat out but its more for the freedom ov taken passengers and mates take piss alote about no power but wen i get a big 1 who will be laughen haha bet my mates corsa 1.2 sxi and my mates 1.5 proton and my mates 206 gti only cause he missed a gear all the better for me though all these were acheived 0to70
derestricted/top speed with 15 tooth sproket
hello lads was out last night flat owt on ma bike ive got a 15 tooth sprocket on the front got it from ebay handy u get about an extra 5 mph more in every gear and i was tucked in knees and elbows down a 30.40% hill and manage a impresive 88mph just like back to the future haha but eney ways b4 i wen to this hill i found the steepist hill and couldnt get passed 86 but with a nice long not steep long flowing hill i hit 88 flat i recond i right windy condition with wind behind me a could see 90 maybe but think the rev limiter would maybe hit but it struggles to pull past 85 but least it doesnt bounce of rev limiter as i was a night mare wen on a bend flat and it stuters with fuel cut /rev limiter dodgy hope this helps lads but think ive got the fastest 1 in my area at 88 as i said pull good to 75/85 then eney thing after that is a luxury/bounus ps at 88 was mad as felt fast as fuk as never usaly get that speed haha also lads ive had a punto gt ax gt saxo vts mr2 gts and now own a escort rs turbo but nothing compares to a bike so iam currently going for my big test just thought i would let use no as ive had over 130 no probs in a most ov these cars except the ax as carbs and toped out at 110 ish fast 0to100 though catch yaaaaas