Everything posted by Leatherat
New Member :)
Has he been yet????????
Hello, new member here.
Never mind the value of Enduro's..... did you realise that your name 'Endurowings@ is an anagram of 'Drowning Sue'? Subliminal messages often bring things to the fore....So the question has to be......... Who the hell is Sue? and what did she do to piss you off?????? Is there something you need to tell us?????
XVS 125 - throttle stop screw
Steady on chaps, this thread is turning into a carry on film script!
Hi from XJ600BULL
Northerner, definatly! With a T' rusty divvy he's got to be a Northerner Welcome along, we have Ferret racing every other thursday out t' back by the coal shed, see ya there.
New Bike owner from New Hampshire
Oh, what terribly bad luck after such a long wait Welcome along, you're lucky to have found us........we're usually out at the bingo on Wednesdays!
Umm hey
Hey, Umm hey! The R1 is a great bike and I can see why you want one. As for which one? well, it's a well known fact that the Blue ones are much more reliable than the Black ones but neither are as fast as the Red ones......hope this helps.....and welcome
hello everyone
Aay Aay Aay, Calm down Calm down......Day do doe don't day doe. F is for Ferry...'cross deh Mersey. Welcome
hello everyone
Hi plz there you go....done.
125cc: Dragstar or Shadow?
The bikes I have highlighted are mostly buy it now prices, so well within your budget. There are many more out there. The Direct access course is perfectly acheivable, even by someone with no experience, and yes the training is perfectly adequate to enable you to ride safely on the road. In my opinion, larger machines are in many ways safer than the smaller 'learner' options. Fuel economy is of course the casualty of the senario. I would expect between 45-60mph dependent on which machine you end up with, but believe me, the reduced mpg is well worth it as you get many more smiles per hour.
125cc: Dragstar or Shadow?
As I said in you're introductory post, you would be far better served by a direct access course. If you were to follow you're initial thoughts of a attending a CBT course then buying a 125 Dragstar you would have to spend....... 1. Average CBT cost £100.00 2. A 125 Dragstar worth having will set you back around £1500.00 Therefore your budget should be no less than £1600.00 If you were to do the dirct access course........... 1. Average cost £600.00 (CBT is included) once passed, gives you access to all sizes of machine. 2. Theory test £30.00 3. Which would leave you around £1000.00 to purchase various bikes including these...... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1997-Yamaha-XJ900-S-Diversion-/170638662841?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item27badb5cb9 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1996-YAMAHA-RED-/170641227612?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item27bb027f5c http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1981-HONDA-RED-/280676583764?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item4159a0c954 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HONDA-VF400R-1983-NICE-BIKE-/180665982468?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item2a10881e04 or if cruisers are more to you're liking..... http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1994-KAWASAKI-EN500-CUSTOM-CRUISER-LOW-RIDER-VGC-/280672813399?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item4159674157 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/RUDE-REG-INC-1981-CLASSIC-KAWASAKI-750-LTD-CRUISER-Z-/230614403480?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item35b1b08998 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/YAMAHA-XJ650-MAXIM-1980-US-IMPORT-CUSTOM-CRUISER-/190532938356?pt=UK_Motorcycles&hash=item2c5ca5ea74 Surely this route is far more sensible........don't you agree? Oh, and as for the windshelid....... on a 125? yes it would slow the top speed, however on the 900 diversion........well, I'm sure you get the picture.
Hey there
Direct access would be a far better idea. Although cheap to run, 125's of whichever denomination are expensive to buy and quite honestly horrid to ride. Save you're cash and get a full licence. Then you'll have a pléthore of machines to choose from, which will not only far better suit your height, but will also be much more fun to ride. Good luck with the test.
new here. hi to all
Well, either measure it, or get the DUDE at Yamaha to tell you what size it is. At a push.... buy the mirrors that you dislike but fit, buy some mirrors you like, cut the stems and weld them together, no biggy really.
Drag Star 1997 XVS 650 Fuel Cap
You can get them via your local Yamaha dealer for only.......wait for it, wait for it.......£99.02 You might have to search the breakers for a secondhand tank, be a bit cheaper, but maybe not by much.
new here. hi to all
Mirror arms are usually 10mm whether they're right of left handed threads. Aftermarket mirrors are available from pretty much everywhere, just need to look out for ones you like. Simples
650 Top Speed,,
Yep, 80mph is about right, mine creeps up to 90mph on the motorway, but it takes a long time, with no headwind or uphill gradient. I've changed the exhaust for straight through drag pipes and that doesn't seem to have made any difference at all. I don't think the UK model was any more restricted than any other countries model (in the UK there is a restiction on horsepower for young/inexperienced riders for the first two years of having a full bike licence, complicated law but basically they can only ride machines up to 40bhp and it is fairly common for larger machines to have restrictors fitted to reduce the power output, however as the XVS 650 only produces 40bhp as it coes out of the factory, I very much doubt any restrictor has ever been fitted to one) You just have to accept that a relatively heavy bike which only has 650cc and 40 horsepower ain't gonna be fast. Ride safe.
650 Dragstar rear tyre choice
Well, thanks for the replies. After wading through the mountains of information gleened from the various 650 owners on this site, I opted for the Bridgestone G702 again. This decission was mainly influenced by availabvility in the end. I rode the bike into Pro-tyre of Bristol, who did the job very efficeintly & relieved me of £130.00. Once again, my heart felt thanks go out to all of you who took the time to reply with suggestions, it would be somewhat crass to name names, but you know who you are.
paint help
Here's the Yamaha paint code list http://www.pure-2-stroke-spirit.info/download/yamaha_color_codes.pdf this site might help too...... http://www.cyclecolor.com/id33.htm
Newbie in everyway!
Essex is a big place, but these guys know what they're talking about http://www.easterncruisers.com/index.htm
Lean mean noisy machine
Hi, A.N. Idiot here.......... I've not re-jetted my XVS650 since fitting drag pipes, and apart from the noise level, I've noted no descernable changes. Having spoken to several people, including the guys at Matt's Custom Motorcycles in Bristol (Who don't appear to be idiots, and I wouldn't tell them to their faces if they did......big scary dudes) none of them, with the exception of Ttaskmaster has been the slightest bit bothered about re-jetting. Their words were pretty much 'fit the pipes and ride it, if there's a problem come and see us'..........there hasn't been so I haven't. Good luck.
my journey has begun
You're FIRED!
New to biking
Hello and welcome Colin. What the hell would you want a sports car for?????? Your Thundercat will be Quicker, Faster, a lot more fun and will twang knicker elastic at 500 yrds! and......there's nothing wrong with having a midlife crisis at 40 yrs old, as long as it is mid life. Take it steady and treat every other person, on the road or pavement as idiots and you'll have a better chance of reaching 80yrs of age. Good luck with the test, don't forget to let us know when you pass! Ride safe.
New to forum, but not Yamaha's.
I want one of those magic sponges you've got, Before you washed it the TZR seemed to be on the Chatsworth estate, but after a rub with the 'Sponge of Destiny' the surroundings are idilic! Can't see much difference with the bike though
25yrs old and still a student, lazy good for nothing lay-about, get a job! Oh yeah.....welcome, can we call you Grant?!
My XVS 650 on going project
COOL! You made a cracking job of that! I hope Darth is very happy with his new aquisition
New to the forum - Hello everybody.
Hi, and welcome. It sounds as though you may be Scotish ........ anyone see the irony of the Tight chain? No? Oh ....... just me then .......... I'll get my coat