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Everything posted by Leatherat

  1. Leatherat replied to Ttaskmaster's post in a topic in Yamabyss
    WHY?............WHY NOT? If the guy or girl riding the bike wants to spend X amount of £'s on some shiny new loud pipes, who the hell are any of us to say they shouldn't. Of course there's the legal noise limit argument, but that's the same as the speeding argument, if they're willing to chance the pull from the rozzers.......... and don't assume that because the bike is a 50/100/125cc machine, the person riding it is a learner. Admittedly it's likely to be, but not everyone who rides a small capacity machine has not passed the test. My 125 dragstar gets me the 20 miles to work and back for a lot less than my 900 divi. After reading several of the OP rants I have come to the conclusion that he really needs to get a life and live it, rather than posting his objections to the ways others live theirs.
  2. Talking of which....and I realise this is not my first post and therefore may be a little late...... but I have these round black rubber zig zagged paterned things on my bike that keep wearing out, any Ideas?
  3. Thanks Chris & Paul, I have re-tensioned the drive chain, there's much more slack than I would have thought sensible, it's certainly looser than my GS550's but it has stopped or at least reduced to almost nothing the noise which is a good thing. As an aside, panniers are extremely handy but when coupled with the lack of a centre stand, they don't half make working on the back end a pain in the 'arris!
  4. Tee Hee! I think you've just answered your own question there, In my 'umble opinion there's nothing more camp than a set of full leathers (especially the power ranger types) I mean....... thin blokes or fat blokes just never look any good do they? You've got to be adonis to have them fit properly and after looking around there's not too many of them is there? Present company excepted of course.......although I think I may be anerexic because everytime I look in a mirror I see a fat bloke! And then theres the bikes, fast yes, boy oh boy yes.......but remind me of my white plastic kettle in the kitchen only with wheels.But as you say......... And there's the rub. Each to there own. I ride not only a girls bike but a learner legal little girls bike. But do I care?.......well yes frankly I do, which is why I bought the GS550 but thats by the by. My little girls bike looks soooo pretty and costs soooo little to run that it is used a lot more than the suzuki. Returning to your girls bike.........I think they look great whether your a boy, girl, woman or MAN but don't they ever hold their price! anyway its difficult to convey contextual meanings including sarcasm on these forums, the little smiley faces don't really work do they, so take this, along with any other drivel I might contribute to these forums, in the spirit was meant. Best regards, Leatherat
  5. Thanks for the replies, I just gave it some beans in neutral, and it's difficult to say if the noise is the same really. I'm going to go and slacken off the drive chain again, difficult job with only a side stand, and I'll let you know what happens. Would the drive chain being too tight cause the top end speed to be reduced?
  6. Jinx presumably .
  7. Any help appriecated. My 2000 XVS125 dragstar has just past the 10,000 mile marker and has developed a noise. The noise is pretty difficult to explain in words, but here goes...... It sounds like a high pitched Grrrrrrr almost like a chain hoist being pulled quickly, and rises and falls with the engine speed. Not so noticable when stood still, but on the road above say 30mph it builds to a disconcerting point, however it is dramatically reduced, to a stop when the clutch is pulled in. My thoughts are that the tappets (valve clearances) need adjustment, but hey what do I know! What are your thoughts? The bike has been regulary serviced by a Yamaha main dealer throughout its life, the only thing I did to it just before the noise started was I had a punture on the rear tyre, and obviously the drive chain had to be refitted. I think its the right tension, but if it were too tight might that cause the problem?
  8. Hi and welcome to the wonderful world of motorcycling. The only advice I can offer you is that 1. Damage to the plastic chrome is perminent, cannot be repaired and is I'm afraid scrap (or just use it as it is) 2. The proper chrome can be cleaned of rust marks using any chrome cleaner including Autosol chrome cleaner (dont use the cream in the toothpaste style tubes called autosol as this is very abrasive and is used for polishing alloys etc) Polish the paintwork and chrome parts with a good quiality wax polish (I use Turtle wax in a tin or Autoglym)and this will keep the rust at bay but it will always try to return. 3. and this is the most important bit! Wash, dry and polish the bike EVERYTIME you return home. Be lucky.