slow dt??
I will ahve a look tomorrow and get back to you mate Thankss
slow dt??
oww it Rectangular with two curved edges
slow dt??
It is like this guys :- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4Xhmw5zIi4 And i have not checked the exhust, is its not open fully on the exhust do you just puch it open? Cherss matee
slow dt??
Hello everyone. I have a 2001 dtr 5000miles, i have brought a new exhust, taken out the reed switch and unpluged the PV and put it fully open. But it still wont go past about 65mph and there is no drive in th gear if anything it gets slower in 6th? Dose anyone know if there is a different restriction on it or any other way to improve the bike performance? Any Adive greatly appreceated
Yam Dt125 Sprocket
Yoo Does anyone know the best chain/sprocket for a dt125 2001 for acceleration? If so were could i get it from ? Thanks Everyone!!
Power Valve Help!!!
Thank you Vezz
Power Valve Help!!!
How do you position it because when i try to pull it over the hole when i put the key in it just moves back? Thanks for the help
Power Valve Help!!!
Hello again I have a 2001 dt125r and was wondering if you can upgrade the power valve? or tune it? i know on older models you could keep it open for more rev.. but on the newer models the valve is electric so is there any way of gettin it to stay open? Thanks everyoneeeee
next step
yo, I have unrestricted my dtr125 2001 and put a big one system on it, i was just wondering how i could improve the performance more any suggestions? Thanks everyone!
- Paint
Dt convert
Yeah i know but would be fun to do
Dt convert
I would love to do that to mine
Do you know the best place to get a 240 jet? Thanks vez always helpful
Hello! Im gettin a big one full system for my 2001 dtr 125, but i wont to also re-jet the carb Can anyone show me how to re-jet pleaseee Thanks as always
Fuel Gadge?
Is it difficult to rejet? Also How
Connor dt
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