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  1. that would be handy but not even seen another fzr600 around this way,Got mate who`s a motocycle breaker but he has no cdi, Something caused old coil to pack-up & ive checked wiring all way from coil 2 cdi,(no breaks)so really that only leaves cdi,but been told if cdi theirs either spark on both or none at all, Im gona get cdi soon as i find one & try,Thanks 4 taking time to reply,will post result on here soon as i try & hopefully will be cured,cheers Billy
  2. thanx for taking the time to reply,Have done that thou & at first coil was faulty,Replaced that & new one sparks if i use feed wires from other coil but dont with its own feed,Also replaced magneto coil,but still no luck, getting pi-sed off with it & skint lol, cheers billy
  3. Could the cdi cause sparkin to one coil but not the other if faulty?? Does anyone Have a cdi for sale? Call or text me on 07796 780263 thanx Billy
  4. Have replaced ignition coil, (original one was faulty) but no life getting to coil,Traced wires all way through loom (no breaks) replaced magneto coils but still no spark,If i swop feed from 2 3 coil 1 4 coil sparks,guess i`ll have to try replacing cdi unless anyone cAn help with other options, Also Does anyone have A cdi 4 sale ?cheers billy
  5. if the 400 is anything at all like the 600 you wont be dissapointed,i`ve got a 1991 fzr600,Had it bout month now & well impresssed,Had it upto 120mph in 3rd gear Done over 1000 miles on it already
  6. billy_fzr posted a post in a topic in Naked
    Have replaced ignition coil, (original one was faulty) but no life getting to coil,Traced wires all way through loom (no breaks) replaced magneto coils but still no spark,If i swop feed from 2 3 coil 1 4 coil sparks,guess i`ll have to try replacing cdi unless anyone cAn help with other options, cheers billy