Everything posted by JonRisby
DT125 Lights
im not sure if i wanna sell it... i was thinking of putting it back on the bike when i sell it and sell the dep seperately although make me an offer and ill let ya know.
My Bike
cheers alan :!: couldnt find out how to insert the image but thanks again.
- My Bike
Don.... Dont worry! Talking to Mr Mozz
DT125 Lights
WHAT A BRAIN BOX :!: It worked and the engine now chrages the battery and powers my lights... they are much better now. WOOHOO
Cadwell 15th 16th May
Yeah im good with that.. ill do both days and sleep in the car. My name is Jon Risby email me if you want or msn on [email protected]
DT125R Ignition Keybarrel
There is a way round that problem of only having lights when the engines running... read my post on DT125 Lights in the general forum.
i did tell you the condition it was in,in the description... oh well never mind. have you got a bike yet?
DT125 Lights
i have an after market one its just that i dont like the idea of having no lights when the engines not running. where can i get a bigger battery from? capacity wise any idea what my charging current is???
DT125 Lights
DT125 Lights Im just wondering if there is any way i can change my lights to run from the battery than running from the engine.... at tickover you can hardlly see the lights :shock: Any help appreciated jon
Am I past help?
He'll be right in there :!:
Cadwell 15th 16th May
never done it before but yeah im up for it... can i have some more info please :?:
its sat in my shed. just repainted it with some heat proof paint... why u ask?
DT125 Deristriction
i think so :?: it doesnt say otherwise on my V5.
dont really know
nothing to worry about matey If ya need any advice and help ask me or mozzy
dont really know
im afriad they are all like that... i got an S reg 1998 one with the valve open and its crap at the bottom but when she revs.... fuck she goes good
Anyone near gloucestershire???
grolsh is a poor mans beer :wink: and on the other hand who would touch guiness
Anyone near gloucestershire???
Different tents obviusly and change the kronny to Bud and thats my ideal trip
Anyone near gloucestershire???
Anyone near gloucestershire??? Need a riding partner????? possibly a weekend away camping look forward to replys
DT125 Deristriction
tacho only goes to 12K topspeed of more than 80MPH
DT125 Deristriction
engine cuts out at about 11250rpm
DT125 Deristriction
i used the cables that whent into the powervalve to rotate the power into the almost open position and then i put a full dep system on it to make it look and sound great
DT125 Deristriction
IGNORE everyone about that cdi Trick :!: I have a 98 DT 125 and i have deristricted it for very little money Does yours have the power valve that is connected to a servo motor and pully assembly? Also there is no speed restriction on the speedo... ive just been out on the local bypass and had more than 80mph (the speedo maxes at 80mph) :shock: ta Jon
8) 8) 8) 8) I have just opened the valve all they way No bottom end but tons of power on the powerband :shock: Great for OVERTAKING :!: just wondering what else i can do to make it quicker :?: sofar my top speed is 76MPH i have left the main jet standard... but i keep checking my plug and all seems ok many thanks
Just fitted a dep system and opened the powervalve halfway and she flys Nice powerband Any ideas what BHP it might be? im 17.5 stone and it lifts the front wheel in 1st just on the throttle many thanks Jon