Everything posted by compCoder
Got a new (to me) 1980 xs400 Special
1. Pull the gas tank off and clean and restore the tank. I did this by using electrolysis and the POR-15 motorcycle kit. If you search the forum you will find a discussion detailing my use of this method. --thanks, i will look up your post on this. 2. The part that you are describing as leaking is called the carb holder or carb boot. You should replace both carb holders. --dang, found some on mikesXS and they are pricey...but what I need is what i need. 3. Dismantle the carbs, as they are probably pretty gummed up, not to mention that there is probably rust from the tank in them, despite the fuel filter. --this is going to be starting this weekend, hopefully i can find a shop that can ultrasonicly clean them for a good price, I have seen many say its ~ $20 if you bring it in dismantled After completing the above, you can focus on the electrical issues. I would suggest replacing your fuse box, with more up-to-date fuses, but not before checking all your wiring to see if there is an issue. Some have just upgraded their fuse boxes to a newer box that still uses glass fuses. I however replaced all mine with in-line fuse holders that use mini-blade type fuses. Either way check on the electrical system as a whole before attempting the upgrade. --There are already inline fuses in the bike, each with some yellow paint marking what they do, like H (guessing headlight), R (rear stuff?), etc. I will have to chase the wire and do some deciphering on them. I will check all wiring and ensure its not too dry/rotting when i get everything apart, if it is, just buy some wire from Lowes or something and rewire what I can...a little anxious about getting in 'over my head' as I don't know much about motorcycles and have never done a carb rebuild (never owned a car with a carb even...showing my age ) The bike looks pretty good, considering it's been sitting around for some time. Good Luck. --Thanks, I thought it was nice as well. i did polish up all the chrome parts. There is a bit of rusting on the metal part that leaves brake fluid container up top and spots on the handlebars, nothing i'm worried about at this time, but will replace when i get it running reliably so I can drive it to work...after getting my license endorsement of course.
Got a new (to me) 1980 xs400 Special
You guys asked for some pictures so here they are: As you can see by the faded paint (its on both side panels and on the top of the tank quite a bit), it did spend some time out behind a barn or something, out in the country just wasting away in the burning sun. Now here is the right side carb, its real dirty up on the front edge, and the 'boot' that connects it to the cylinder head is all cracked and worn, i guess why he put that rtv on it. I guess I will also be replacing these if I can find some when I rebuild carbs... And now for the problem side. When I looked a bit closer today I noticed that there is a 'second' valve to shut off after the inline fuel filter, and also, the hose seems pinched where it connects into the carb there, but it seems to get fuel just fine, though it does sputter a bit if i hammer on full open throttle from under ~2200 rpms, but from there to ~8800 it pulls hard and fast, i like it, right around 8800 it starts sputtering again. Also, if I hit too low of a gear while going (as i said, im an newbie still, haven't got my license even, taking class in a couple weeks, so i just ride around my neighborhood streets, i digress...) and try to accelerate from under 2000 rpm, i get some popping/backfiring type sounds out of the motor. Anyways, guessing a petcock rebuild kit will be in order as well...Also, the area i circled in red is where the leaking is, right from where it connects into the cylinder head again, the front of the carb between head and itself is moist under that connection. And I know I have asked a hella lot of questions here, and thanks for all your kindness in helping me with everything, but like any newbie, I have one more. I was looking in my tank today with a flashlight, and there is a nice thing layer of sludge on everything in there (can still see metal through it) and also some rust around the bung that I can see, and I'm guessing on the top where I can't, what is everyones opinions on Kreem type tank sealing kit? I found the set at my local bike shop today for $49 and am thinking about going ahead and doing it. I have also read that some do cleaning on their own, and just use the POR15 on the inside...better/worse? So much conflicting info out there...some say the kreem is great and lasts a long time trouble free, while others say it peels and eventually clogs the carbs and other problems... So so far, my list of things needed are: Petcock rebuild kit (i would guess due to extra valve, going to test this weekend when i remove tank). 2x basic carb rebuild kit (until i take apart and see if I need any inner parts, or if everything is good). Gas Tank restorer/rust remover of some type Gas tank lid gasket Gas lines so when i rebuild petcock i can remove other valve (I'm guessing a basic hardware store may have this for cheaper than online, or even basic auto parts store, i will take a look). so thats my list of things to do to it so far when I crack into it. I don't think the engine needs a rebuild at all, as it runs great once I get it going, though still having problems with battery, though i rode constant for about an hour today, and when i turned it off, i was able to start it right back up from the button starter. And i was unable to start from kick start, had to jump again, when i turned on key, lights come on, I push button, one or two turns and lights are VERY dim. I will check the battery wiring as well once i get cracking...any other suggestions/tips/help anyone has is very much appreciated, once I find all the parts I may post them on here for verification is the 'right' stuff to get, as far as petcock kit, carb kit, etc.
Got a new (to me) 1980 xs400 Special
@johnsnownw: Thanks man, I will check the cables and see if that is where the issue is, i can just replace that with any similar cable to, so will be cheap at the local hardware shop. @ollie: sorry, I am not good with the 'lingo' but where the carb connects to the engine, the large opening that connects to the black hose, right where it connects on the left one at the bottom there is a bit of wetness there, however, the hose is repaired with RTV, so it may just be that causing the issue, and it running down underside of hose. Also, the engine and entire bike actually run really well as it is, nice and peppy, idles smooth, just a few small things I would like to correct, mainly smell, electric starter, and all around cleanliness. I think it did sit for a decade or more, but my father in law got it for free from a long time friend and he worked on fixing it and getting it going in no time. I don't think i will overhaul the engine, but a good carb dismantling and cleaning can't hurt, i just won't move jets or adjust floats since everything seems to work well. I am going to try to find a shop here in San Antonio with an Ultrasonic cleaner to clean it. Perchance, anyone have a guide to getting JUST the plastic parts needing removal out for cleaning, so I don't have to dismantle every little thing? I read over it in my haynes, and the book is clear on how to do it (though some weird terms i don't knw what they mean here and there), but it is hard to tell whats plastic and what isn't from pics. I may also call the Advance Auto Parts where i found the battery in stock (and only 41, less than some web sites..lol) if they trickle charged it. I know they had to fill it themselves, as it was stored dry, the guy on the phone said they have the battery/acid kit. Anyways, they fixed it up for me for free... Thanks for the help so far all!!! I am going to wait to order gas cap seal until i get carb off and can find true problem, incase i need some new rubber parts or seals or something and get it all in one order.
Got a new (to me) 1980 xs400 Special
So you bought the one from bikeBandit right? Do you know if its the same one from mikesXS based off picture shown? I would rather buy the 7 dollar one, and I don't want to buy the whole assembly, as mine is fine minus the gasket. Also, an update. I was working around it today, and the majority of the gassy smell is not coming from the tank at all but the left carb, looks like its leaking out the main 'port' that points to the front, as it was a bit wet there and i wiped with a shop towel and it got it all black and nasty, and sure enough, it was gas. So the smell is definitely from the carb. I have the haynes manual (my father in law was a mechanic, he is the one that got the thing running again after sitting for a good while) so I will look up what needs to be done to get them off, and while I have them off I may as well take them apart, clean them really well, and get them all fixed up. I don't see any reason I need new jets or anything like that, as right now the bike runs good, pulls hard, idles smoothly, and is surprisingly very fast in second and third gear, in just a short distance i can get up to 50 without barely trying...in fact, WOT is a little much for me, as I am still new to riding anything like this. Any links to good rebuild/clean guides are great, like i said, i do have manual, but i would like to soak outside and get it cleaned as well, as the entire engine is dirty and gray on outside and cooling fins. And any help on my second question is always great too. Thanks for your response.
Got a new (to me) 1980 xs400 Special
My father in law passed and left me this motorcycle in his will. Its got ~10k miles on it, and needs some work. It runs alright, though I did have to replace the battery as one side of it had caved in a bit and it wasn't holding a charge, i was able to jump start it, but the lights would go out it would then sputter and stop as soon as i removed the cables. Anyways, new battery fixed that problem, but here are my first couple of issues and I did a bit of searching, but am having trouble finding the direct answer. 1. I need a new gas cap gasket, mine is all cracked and very dry, and the bike is stinking up my garage and hallway as it sits in 100+ heat every day, and I think its the gas slowly evaporating and fumes filling the garage. I read on some other posts and found one on bikebandit.com under the 1981 xs400 that fits it, but its $22 which is a little high IMO. I also found these on mikesXS which is more my price range http://www.mikesxs.net/products-34.html#products I figure its Part #20-0036, and not the one below it, but a validation would be good so I can get the order in. 2. My electric starter does not work very well. Whenever I jump the bike off (with bad battery) it could crank and start he bike fine, but with the new battery, it will turn the engine once or twice then make the familiar clicking sounds that a car starter makes, and I have to kick start it still. I have yet to get the electric starter to fire off of the battery alone, even with new battery, if I hook it up to a car battery, the electric starts it right up. What would be the process of me remedying this situation, where should i start? I plan on changing the oil/oil filter this weekend, and also looking for some new air filters (don't know condition of old ones, so would rather just fine a replacement) but still need to do some looking at local and online places for them. Sorry if these are newb questions, but not only am I new to this bike but to motorcycling in general. Its been 12 years since I last rode a dirt bike, so I knew the basics, and was able to get it out and going. I want to do a whole engine rebuild/cleaning this winter on it, but keep it as cheap as possible in doing so and only replacing what HAS to be replaced, and maybe some cables as well. Thanks for any help.