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  1. Also, I've been working on my website for all riders of 125's Tryna give advice, tips and stuff to New riders as well as a little local meet/rideout blog check it out too here: http://www.London125.com
  2. Hey guys I finally got myself a helmet cam to record and vlog my rides! check out the first one on my YouTube channel here:
  3. Cheers vez... How did you know about the late night yuck INS! Lol Okay, so maybe the plastic are a blessing in disguise. I also figured they would be cheap to replace? Gonna head down to the dealer today and check out the Squeak. Hopefully it's nothing too much. Glad you liked the review! Liam
  4. LiamALu posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hey there guys, Just wanted to let you know that I've now uploaded my review and thoughts on my new 2010 YBR125. You can view it in the videos section or on Youtube, here's the link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=BX7XPtfpLlM Enjoy!
  5. If the video doesn't work for any reason, here is the Youtube link to it: www.youtube.com/watch?v=BX7XPtfpLlM Liam
  6. Hi there guys. Here is a video of my new YBR125 as promised. Just giving you my general thoughts on the bike so far in a short review. Enjoy!
  7. LiamALu replied to LiamALu's post in a topic in The Bar
    thanks for the replies everyone. I'm gonna put up a quick review I done on the bike a couple days ago. Check it out soon... Liam...
  8. LiamALu posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi guys, like I said. I picked up my New YBR125 today from the dealer. Here's the bike at the petrol station getting her first fuel injection... (Taken on ma phone) http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs246.snc4/39663_103606376362584_100001396662862_26533_6089435_n.jpg Iv'e ridden her about 30 miles today, keeping the revs below 5000 (almost) Was gonna take her up to high beach for a bit, but wouldn't have been able to enjoy the National Speed limit roads keeping the revs low even in top gear. So I took a ride down to Leyton, Got my hair cut, then went up to walthamstow and the down to Angel Islington and Hackney. Started to look a bit grey (rain), so I called it a day and came Home. I really like the bike and it rides really well. I don't have any complaints. Would like a bit more of a gruff sound on the revs though, as the sound reminds me of my old 125 ped a bit! And here's a quick vid of me pickin the bike up from the dealer in Woodford. They're pretty cool over there and throw in a bunch of stuff. Hooked me up with A nice Box Bx-1 helmet matching the bike and A nice Oxford chain with Disc lock... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZaNr5FGs70
  9. LiamALu posted a post in a topic in Video Section
    Hey everyone, Like I sadi, I would be getting my O10 YBR125 today, well this is a quick vid of me outside the showroom checking out the bikes and spotting my new ride in the line up... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZaNr5FGs70
  10. LiamALu replied to LiamALu's post in a topic in The Bar
    I've always wanted a bandit ever since I can remember. I think it was the first bike I fell in love with. I remember seing a naked turquoise kinda greeny coloured one parked outside this office building where I used to work about. Four years ago and I've wanted one ever since. What's it like to ride?
  11. LiamALu replied to LiamALu's post in a topic in The Bar
    Cheers oldGit, thanks for the welcome... I know what you mean, Andy's dies look the bees' don't it?! I'm more than happy with my YBR though!
  12. LiamALu replied to LiamALu's post in a topic in The Bar
    Hey andy, thanks man. Yeah I hope it does the business to. Your bike is looking sweeeeeet! Though mate! When I saw it I was like...wow, that looks cool man! I went for the ybr really cause there were some good deals on it and from reading up on reviews etc, it does really well on m2tg. Which is what I need right now. Had a bit of extra cash to get the bike cause I just sold my car and I managed to get a bike off of one of my mates who crashed his, so I took it off him, repaired and sold it. Kawasaki zzr600 '93 model. I was gonna keep it, but I'm no ready for it if I'm honest. Had a few goes out, but I need more experience till I get to that level, so I went for a nice learner legal instead
  13. LiamALu replied to barkwindjammer's post in a topic in The Bar
  14. Mhmm, I definitely agree with you on the junction bit. I was push biking it into work earlier in the year and a lady in a land rover was coming out of a junction. She had stopped before the no stopping box waiting for the opposite side of the road to clear, but she was so fixated on getting out of this junction that she wasn't even looking at on coming traffic I.E me and as I was passing the box she drove straight into the back of the bike sending the back swinging out! Luckily I managed to stay on the bike and keep from falling, but I tell you what, I thought I lost my life for a second! To make it worse the woman didn't even stop, she just carried on and drove off! As I pedalled down the road all I could see were drivers sat in traffic with looks of horror and shaking heads mouthing 'are you okay?!'.
  15. LiamALu replied to LiamALu's post in a topic in The Bar
    Ah nice one Vez. Will do. Thanks for the welcome and pointer