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  1. Ficky replied to Ficky's post in a topic in Yamaha Workshop
    Hi Team I have messured the piston and yes they are standard, so have ordered 2 new .25 oversize pistons and rings will send bore in soon for rebore . Thanks for the help
  2. Hi Team I have just pulled down the xs motor and wish to know if the markings under the skert mean anything (3 & 4 ) are this size if so do we know the size needs bore done so looking at size ? any help would be good Cheers Chris
  3. Hi Team Yes I have the same one on my XS400 that spent time in the USA, I just gave it a clean new fluid and it all work fine, geting the shoes to sit right when replacing the wheel can be a little tricky but not a big problem, finding new shoes was not hard, (when I first lade eyes on it I thort it had worn at a strange angle but no they come like that sure theres a resson. Cheers Chris
  4. Ficky replied to Ficky's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Hi Drewpy No the wheels are not standard in Australia and yes well picked they are LC , they came on the bike but the front axle was the wrong size for the fork legs so made up some bushes to size, the rear wheel fits just fine, its a real bitza, the bike only has the modle number 2A2 on the motor no engine number so thinking its a jap home market bike , at some stage it went to the USA and was imported to Australia in 2000 I have had it since early 2010, its blowing a bit of smoke exhust & Breather pipes so an over hual is needed, have the gasket kit (sent out from the UK as the local parts service is Crap) and will see what more I will need once I have it apart. The Enfield has done 32000 kms and yes all the bearings have been replaced by myself, the wheel bearings went in the first 2000 kms and then the mains and finily the Crank , luckely Hichcocks in the UK have produced an after market fix for the crank as the Indian bearings are rubbish (well not the rollers it seems to be the hard facing on the inner races that just gives out)bad metalerge, I also went with the 535 kit at the same time made a big differance to power and smothness of delivery. Cheers Chris
  5. Hi Paul The idea sounds sound but for the hassel you might be better off just looking at some shorter shocks first. Cheers Chris
  6. I would be trying a bit more air (slip the air cleaner boots off), it sounds like it is starving low preformance at high revs (free flowing exhaust, larger jets ,needs lots out more air in) if this makes sence. The way to check the plug is by doing a plug chop as its known, take the bike out warm it up get to the point it stars to choke up and kill the motor, stop bike rip out plug (take a glove hot) and look at plug if wet/black/sooty plenty of fuel, not burning due to lake of air,if dry and tan refer to Johnsnonw plug chart. The fact it has differant size jets in each carhy sound strange I am no mot guru but this seems wrong did ya check a manual ? Cheers Chris
  7. Ficky replied to ReBorne's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Some projects need to mature like good wine cheers Chris
  8. Ficky replied to kishan's post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    Love the little bikes so much fun and so few speeding tickets cheers Chris
  9. Thats one sweet Bike love the yam logo
  10. Ficky replied to Ficky's post in a topic in Classics
    Not sure as the wind in my eyes makes them water so much I cant read the speedo, Cheers Chris
  11. Ficky posted a post in a topic in Classics
    Hi Team I have been working on this bike for a little while and have just done a compresion test and one side is 110 PSI the other 120PSI with a few drops of oil it changes to 140 PSI and 180 PSI so looking at doing the rings and valves it also blows smoke after a long run. Any advice would be great, also doing the cam Chain at the same time. Cheers Chris
  12. Ficky posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Gallery
    picked up motor set of barrals verious bits for $80
  13. Ficky posted a post in a topic in General
    Hi Team I am new here and wish to ask for advice regarding replacing my cam chain with out splitting the casses , do you have any advice regarding this ? (if no advice just check out me project) I need to check compression as it starts to smok after a long run, so will be opening her up soon and was thinking I might just as well replace the cam chain while im in there. Cheers Ficky