Everything posted by DJW997
Front brake issues
Update no. 10783736645445.5: New calliper arrived today, fitted it w/ new pads. Back filled the system with NO LEAKS from bleed nipple! Sent the fluid up the line first, then connected to master and went on to fill the reservoir via master. After this I had no or little feel in the lever, so I bled traditionally and eventually got a half decent lever. I kept bleeding but wasn't getting any air bubbles in the bleed tube, but a nice flow of pure fluid. I bled the master from the top banjo as well to see if this would sort it but it didn't. Took the bike out for a test ride! First time in a month and it felt awesome to be back on it! Apart from a slightly spongy front brake. I guess I just need to keep bleeding eh? Stay tuned for update no. 10783736645445.6!
Front brake issues
Another update: Kept on with this bleeding process but wasn't getting anywhere. I talked to a friend about it and he asked about the pad thickness, (which is very little) and suggested new pads would push the pistons in and help/speed up the bleeding process? Not sure if so much is true but the pads want replacing anyway so I removed the calliper and cleaned up the pistons ready to push back for new pads. I tried to push them back in. One piston went in nicely, the other did not! So I have yet another problem. I've ordered a new calliper w/ pads for a good price. This should also clear up the leaky bleed nipple! So hopefully, after this, I should have a front brake again! Fingers crossed!
Front brake issues
I've had a small breakthrough!! Phoned up the Yam dealer earlier today to try and get a quote for putting my front brake right, and the receptionist put me onto one of the technicians. I explained my problem to him, and he told me to be persistant with bleeding - he was saying how he did the brakes an xt 125 ( the bike in question ) a while back and how it was an absolute nightmare! And apparently the rear is even worse so I won't even think about touching that! I did explain about the leaky nipple but he didn't really respond to it. He just said be persistant with the bleeding. So I've gone out this afternoon and had a 'final crack' at it. I was probably out there for an hour or so just bleeding. Pump lever 3 times, and on the 4th open the nipple, then close. I realised that when I've been bleeding it previously, I've not had the end of the bleed tube submerged in fluid at the bottom of the container - it has a weird kink in it which has been keeping it out of the fluid and I never realised untill I had a look down in there today. So now when I bleed, the fluid fills the inner diameter of the tube rather than trickling down it. When I've been doing this I've noticed the fluid comes out pretty slowly and I've only noticed about 2 or 3 large air bubbles. Anyway, after a lot of time pumping and spannering away, I've got a bit of feel right at the bottom of the lever! (close to the bar) And the front brake works!! When I push the bike and squeeze the lever the front wheel locks! If I really push it though, the brake squeaks (like a sponge on a glass window) . I'm guessing this is because of brake fluid on the pads, I split a little on them when I first split the calliper, and it made that noise then (I still had a small amount of brake pressure at that point before I tried to bleed it) I had to stop bleeding because it started to rain, and I have to work out on the patio as the garage is full of junk. But it looks like I'm well on the way here! When the rain goes away I'll keep going with it, but I'm wondering if it's just the lever free play needs adjusting, as the brake does work pretty well apart from the squeaking noise if I push the bike hard. It is a new master cylinder & lever after all, so I might have a play with that as well. I'll keep going when I can and keep you updated!
Front brake issues
Yes. I've had it come out of the loosened banjo on previous attempts (Though still leaking from the threads) but I've tried it today and nothing. I've not changed anything apart from the new bleed nipple.
Front brake issues
What Jumper? I don't get it! I have a brand new nipple in the calliper and it still dribbles everywhere which confuses me, unless it's the threads in the calliper? I will get hold of some plumbers thread tape then. Yes I am with you so far, this is the method I've been using to back fill! Except it leaks everywhere from the nipple!
Front brake issues
There was an o-ring yes, I was careful to put it back exactly as it was. It looked in good condition, not deformed or anything. I carefully pulled it out of its groove and gave it a wipe over and I did push one of the pots in a small amount to push a bit of brake fluid over the o-ring to make sure it would seal, as I didn't have any fluid on hand at that time - So would have let more air in I imagine. (I gave the pots a clean with some brake cleaner and some clean rag before I pushed the one pot in a bit) I lined the halves up carefully making sure the o-ring was still in place and torqued the bolts to spec. I haven't removed any pots or seals either.
Front brake issues
I could give it one more go, I think I have enough fluid. But it'll just make more mess! Unless you have any ideas?
Front brake issues
I really don't know. I'm not getting any resistance in the lever.
Front brake issues
Yep. Picked it up today
Front brake issues
Nipple update: Useless Still leaks out when I try to back fill, this time no fluid will come out of the master banjo. Also tried bleeding it the 'normal' way - Fluid goes down in the master but doesn't come out of the nipple - I think it's just running down the spanner and onto my glove. Gonna call the dealer tomorrow and try get a quote or something. I've been without the bike for a month now, and as much I enjoy fiddling with bikes, I'm starting to get really fed up of this Thanks again for all of your input, I really do appreciate it. Unless I can think of something else to try, I'll post an update after the techies have had a play with it. And I'm sorry that you won't get the chance to see the 'handbag buzzer' in action on my brake lines! But who knows.. maybe the technicians will try it !
Front brake issues
I agree, 'the bay' probably isn't the best place to be buying critical parts, but I guess I was lucky here! It pumps out fluid lovely! Unlike the other which didn't at all! So I'm happy with it. And yes, I will happily keep you updated on my nipples Appreciate the guidance!
Front brake issues
The master cylinder was purchased from 'the bay' as new, stripped from a new bike and it works fine! I think my problem is with my leaky calliper bleed nipple. You suggested to replace it in a previous post so I've asked my local Yam dealer to order one in for me.
Front brake issues
I unscrew the nipple about 1/2 - 3/4 of a turn from snug. When I try to back fill the master cyl, the fluid just leaks through the threads of the nipple and drips off the calliper and down my front tyre wall. But with the master's banjo disconnected, it will go up the line and come out of the banjo - not leaking through the threads as much. I can only guess this is due to the pressure of pushing fluid up through the master.(I did leave the reservoir lid off) but the leaky nipple isn't helping so I figured I'd get a new one. Hopefully I'll be able to back fill the whole system then and have a front brake again!
Front brake issues
Hey guys, another update! New master cylinder came today and works fine, pumps fluid out unlike the old one! I loosened the master cylinder banjo and back filled the line with my syringe, was a good amount of the fluid dripping from the nipple on the calliper though - and when I tightened the banjo to back fill the reservoir, all fluid I squeezed into the calliper from the syringe would leak from the nipple. Also when using the 'traditional' bleeding method, I only get a tiny bit of fluid running down the inside of the tube, and over time (opening/closing the nipple) it drips from that. And yes I am keeping the reservoir topped up! I've ordered a new nipple from my local Yam dealer. £5?!! But the problem I'm still having is getting pressure in the lever. Though the nipple leaks a little fluid when I use the 'traditional bleeding method', some fluid comes through the tube, and the fluid level decreases in the reservoir so the master is working and pushing it all through, but why aren't I getting any resistance in the lever? I'm hoping it's just the leaky nipple, but am I missing something? The bleeding method I'm using is: Pump the lever 4-5 times, hold it in (comes right back to the bar - no resistance what so ever), crack open the nipple 1/2-3/4 of a turn, tiny bit of fluid dribbles out, close the nipple, start over.
Front brake issues
The problem with Cynics set is that I don't know if it's compatible with my bike. As for pricing I've found a new master for £30 on eBay! So I think I'll give that a try. Will keep you posted!
Front brake issues
L O L! I tried again, failed again. All the fluid was just seeping through the threads of the bleed nipple - no matter how slow or fast I push the syringe. Got the fluid up to the top of the brake line no problem though. Will get a new master on eBay tonight. And yes, I really should be using gloves! I do have a thorough cleanup when I'm finished though. I am a little OCD when it comes to clean. Very interesting idea about shaking bubbles.. I think I'll give that one a miss though!
Front brake issues
I did exactly as you suggested apart from continuing after I removed the banjo just to see if the line was clogged! I believe the fluid was leaking from the threads of the bleed screw because the master wasn't letting the air up that the fluid was pushing - and of course it has nowhere to go so it leaked. I only opened it 1/2 turn so it couldn't have been too loose. Just to confirm - I did do this with the reservoir lid off. Do you think its worth trying again - filling the line then continuing to try and fill the master? I really do appreciate you taking the time to write all that! You deserve your lie down!
Front brake issues
Haha - will do. Still don't know if your set is compatible with my bike though?
Front brake issues
Another update: Back bleeding syringe kit arrived today, had a go at reverse bleeding and no luck! Fluid just seeps through the threads of the bleed nipple. However if I remove the banjo bolt from the master cylinder and apply fluid, it will happily squirt into the system and out the banjo, so thats cleared up any possibility of blocked lines! Definitely the master cylinder then I think. Going to order a used one off eBay, or a new one from my local if it's not too stupidly priced along with a seal kit for the calliper & probably some new pads since they're wearing a bit thin. Will keep you posted!
Front brake issues
Well, as a last resort before buying new parts, I've ordered a back bleeding kit from eBay. Just a syringe and a bit of plastic tubing. Will keep you posted.
Front brake issues
I've tried both to be honest. What system is it then? Will it work with my bike? (XT 125 R) How much do you want for it?
Front brake issues
Whats pointed me towards the maser cyl is the fact that with the master banjo removed and a full reservoir, no fluid comes out at all! Tried putting some fluid the other side of the cyl today as drewpy suggested but it just made a big mess and didn't work either! Tried backbleeding as well with a squeezy bottle as you suggested and the fluid was just dripping off the calliper. Probably leaking through the end of the tube at the bleed nipple. The bike is just coming up to 5k miles so! I put the master cyl & the calliper back together exactly as I took it apart. The calliper pistons are away from the disc at the moment, I pushed one back a little get a drop of fluid over the o-ring before re-assembling. I'm considering buying a used master off eBay and a calliper rebuild kit (new seals etc.) along with that syringe bleed kit barkwindjammer suggested. My method of bleeding is open the nipple, squeeze the lever, close the nipple, release the lever - I think thats right.
Engine Overhaul - DT 125 LC mk1
£45! I don't know anything about fabricating exhausts, but I know that particularly on 2-strokes the engine won't run properly without one. I would try to get the proper replacement or an aftermarket one made for this bike if cheaper? I'd get a Haines service manual for the bike. It will tell you service limits etc. on things like the piston ring gaps, bore diameter, pretty much everything! I probably wouldn't replace any gaskets unless the covers, head etc. have been off or there is a leak. I'd tip the coke out before first run but the oil in the fuel will probably be ok to lube it? Pouring a bit of 2-stroke oil and turning it over a couple of times wouldn't hurt though. Just be prepared for a smoke screen when you go to start it!! I used just gasket paste on an old lawnmower crank case and have had no problems as of yet! I don't know about silicone sealant though. Would it take the heat changes? I read somewhere about using cereal box card as gasket paper! Proper gasket or gasket paper would obviously be preferred though I guess! Parts source? eBay! Hope this helps!
Front brake issues
Good thought, might try this tomorrow before I go about ordering things. I'm suspecting one of the two tiny holes at the bottom of the res is blocked. One of them did let tiny tiny air bubbles up if I pumped the lever rapidly before I took the master apart, but the other did not. I sprayed some brake cleaner at the holes and I could see some dripping out from inside the cylinder, but it could have just been flowing through the supposedly clear hole. I may try poke the end of a guitar string or something through it or get some compressed air on it when I get a chance, otherwise £30 for a new master on eBay, I doubt I'd bother with a rebuild kit because as you said - the seals seem to be sealing. I will try putting some fluid the other side of the master first anyway. Thanks for the advice!
Front brake issues
Ok, I've been working on this all day. I've tried the 'vacuum cleaner method' and that failed, tried sucking the fluid down using my mouth and that also failed. So I tore apart the master cylinder. Everything looked ok in there, didn't notice any cracked seals or anything. Squirted some brake cleaner and wiped around with a paper towel and rubbed some new fluid around. Put it all back together (without new seals mind). Tried bleeding again and still no luck. I tried pumping the lever with the banjo disconnected from the master, and no fluid comes out what so ever. I tried blocking the hole with my finger as I released the lever and I could feel it trying to suck my finger back in. I think I've found my problem!! Off to eBay to order a new master I think! Thank you all for your suggestions, they are greatly appreciated! I will keep you posted. Looks good! Might order one of these as well while I'm at it.