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Everything posted by growler

  1. growler replied to growler's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    just to answer my own question. you can remove the fuel tap on the xv535 tank,but it is a bit of a tight squeeze. i removed the seats battery and the tank bolts,then the side piece of the frame including the footrest,and also the front flexi mudguard,so you can move the tank up and sideways bit, then using a short strong phillips driver you can just about get the two screws out "they are mounted upwards under the tank" also take my word for it, even if you think the bottom tank is empty its not,as i found out when i pulled the tap off, and the fuel goes everywhere except in the container that you have ready. the reserve part of the tap was seized up as water had been running down the wire and into it as there was no rubber grommet,so freed it all up with wd40 and fitted new tap seals and a grommet and the jobs a goodun. i will post some picks soon of my paint job i anyone wants to have a look. cheers.
  2. hi mate, is it possible that your tappets are too tight? this will give bad running. when i bought mine it had had a so called service but it run as rough as a bears ar*e the tappets had been overtightened and the warmer it got the worse it got. i set them at the correct settings and it has run great ever since. i guess the diaphrams are o.k? and the fuel is fresh. keep trying mate it will be well worth it when the bike is running right.
  3. growler posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    hi chaps, is it possible to take the lower tank fuel tap off without removing the tank? the reserve is not working,also the tap when it is turned to off it doesn't stop the fuel flow, thought i may as well have a go before i put all my new painted bits back on. thanks.
  4. growler posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    hi chaps, does anyone know what other petrol cap will fit the 1992 xv535 virago? over the winter i've been changing the colour from blue to maroon its turned out quite well,the petrol cap was starting to flake so i sent it to a mate of mine to be plated,i posted it first class last thursday,and its gone missing in the post. so it looks as if i will have to buy one from somewhere if it doesn't turn up. had a look on ebay but nothing for a xv 535, will the cap off the bigger or smaller virago fit? it may give me a better chance of finding one. cheers.
  5. growler replied to ABxv535's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    sorry i forgot to mention it,but i think for the spray to stay on, the chrome will have to come off anyway ,as i found out previously. cheers.
  6. growler replied to ABxv535's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    hi, have you thought about trying to use a power wire brush "black and decker drill" on the wheels with the wheels lifted up for ease,and see if you can get a shine on the base metal and then clear laquer them? i did that once on an old matchless bike and it didn't look too bad. cheers.
  7. growler replied to ABxv535's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    thinking of doing the same thing myself on my 535, which is going by your avator the same colour as mine. up to now i think the metallic maroon looks about the best for showing up the chrome. cheers.
  8. growler replied to bindie's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    hi, wasn't sure about spending out on iridium plugs,but i thought i would give them a go anyway. i found that it will tick over a lot slower and smoother now, and the throttle response is quicker. i got mine for a good price on ebay just over £13.00 the pair delivered. the link to the plugs is below if you are interested. Item number: 360292971538 cheers alan.
  9. growler replied to ABxv535's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    is the air filter dirty,? is the choke stuck on,? alan.
  10. growler replied to ABxv535's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    hi and welcome, put a zip tie on the frame near the ignition switch and hook your key to it when you go out,at least if the key falls out its still hanging there. the virago is a great bike only had mine a few months,i wish i would have bought one sooner. safe riding. alan.
  11. growler replied to growler's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    hi, just noticed a set of carbs on ebay,but they are over here in the u.k. he may post over there to you. item number is 280562650557 good luck.
  12. growler replied to growler's post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    hi jim, what a great reply,plenty to think about there. i have been reluctant to take the carbs off and strip them yet as the previous owner was using the bike regulary up until i bought it,and it runs smoothly and ticks over like a sewing machine,the only thing i have done to it is give it a good clean and filled it with fuel from a peva garage which could be the problem. the needle jet you mentioned do have tiny rubber tips but they look good and dont feel soft,i think i will drain the fuel and try to get some nylon type valves i never had any trouble with them on previous bikes,also the heat expansion is worth thinking about as the heat from the engine does keep you warm when you stop for a while after a good ride. i will keep you informed how i get on with it when i get some new needle jets. p.s can you recommend a good carb cleaner/addative. regards, alan.
  13. growler posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    hi all, first of all i would like to say hello and congrats on a great site. i am sorry that in my first post i need some help. i have a 1992 535 that i bought about a month ago,it has only done 8000 miles,but when i leave it standing for a day or two and then go to start it,it usually only fires up on one cylinder either front or back,runs on that cylinder for a few secs then stops. the plugs and battery are new and when it runs properly it will run all day without missing a beat. what i have narrowed it down to is that when i turn the ignition on i could only hear the pump tick once then stop, so i removed the carb float sides and the carbs are empty and the floats are stuck up in the closed position,pull them down and replace the sides and the pump ticks away and fills them,then no problems away it goes. my main question is does the pump create a vaccuum when it is off making the shut off valves stick on closed,i have taken the float and valves off and cleaned them,they seem to be in good condition. forgot to mention i have found out that the reason it only fires on one cylinder is because that will be from the carb that still has fuel left in it. any one else had this problem? thanks in advance.