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Everything posted by KRIS KROSS

  1. hello there im new to biking and have bought an xj 400 diversion and just wanted to clear a few things up, mine has been imported and is a 1993 model with 13k on the clock i paid £400 for the bike and its in good condition and have spend about £300 on repairs is this a fair amount? im wanting to know if all or most parts from the xj 600 fit as there are no parts really for mine and im after a sports exhaust as it sounds like a sewing machine lol. any help would be greatly aprecciated, i had my cbt/theory done and was ready for my mod 1 but due to stuff happening i havent been on a bike and they have both just ran out so will have to do this again hello everyone as well
  2. hi there from looking at the photo has has the best solution for repairing this, my theory is to weld a sleeve over the two parts(whats the diameter a should look for) any thoughts? its the same on both sides
  3. KRIS KROSS posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    hi there does anybody know if parts (the exhaust ) from the xj600 would that fit a l plate xj400 diversion import, finding it realy hard for parts any more help is mint thanks
  4. hahaha cheers for the vid a get it all the time, yer a won a holiday at work and went on a track in la manga called cartegana used a honda vrf 400 in june so thats what got me into bikes, my lasses dad had this next to his ferrari was like aye its me mates he wants £400 for the bike so a thought what the hell a booked me theory yesterday and have to waait til am 21 before a can do me direct access, this is me on that bike though, below... oh and that link didnt work
  5. you's two are legends i know absoloutly nothing about bikes so where or how could i repair the exhaust its split halfway from the end of the can and where it bends up ? thanks again folks
  6. hey guys am new one here and not sure what type of bike ive bought its am import ya see not entirely sure, its either a fz 400 fazer? or a xj 400 or xjr 400 im not sure, has a exhasuton each side and need a new one help plese thanks guys
  7. thanks for help so far guys much appreciated , anywhere do parts for it i found no bikes on ebay or autotrader just the 600 on autotrader need newe exhaust possibly
  8. KRIS KROSS posted a post in a topic in Naked
    hi ive bought a yamaha a think its a fazer but not sure for definitate its a l plate iport with 31000 kilometers can anybody give me some info on it as i need a new exhaust for either side of it this is it here
  9. hi i checked how much it would be i have a yamaha 400c bike il be 21 when i pass hopefully came at £312 is that alright for a new rider?
  10. RIGHT! i bought my first bike the other day from my girlfriends dads friend, i havent got my licence yet, i will be booking my theory on friday and buying a battery for it, it needs a new exhasut a think not to sure im 20 years old and my insurance qoute is £312 is that ok its a 400 cc a think its a fazer but a dont know nothign about bike can i have some help i know its got 31000 miles on in kph , its a 3 l palte and this is what it looks like i paid £400 that ok no tax and tested me