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  1. so... it'll work?! sweet. Another question was the electric start. It appears to be the same engine as the one in the picture of the '77, and that looks to me like it has a starter cover. Do the models that are 'kick only' have the option for a starter to be installed, if it happens to be without one?
  2. hm... don't some of the 70's SOHC xs400's have 'squared off' fins on the jugs and head as well? Say, like this 1977? At least the website I found it on using google says it's a 1977. His engine (1980 SG) is way more rounded than that, but otherwise appears the same. Here is a picture of the engine in question. The valve cover doesn't look like there are two cams in there to me, but what do I know. If it does happen to be a DOHC engine, would that be an amount of work and parts to swap in? I see it does have a mechanical tach, whatever it is.
  3. Hey, I've got a friend who's 1980 XS400 SG model with an engine that's got oil full of metal. The easiest and cheapest would be to swap in a good engine, and we've found one. However, it's the more "squared off" version (don't know what year) and I'm betting it's not electronic ignition. This will be much simpler than adding transistorized ignition to a points model, as all the stuff is there... I just need to know if the head and the cam are the same as far as if the bits just bolt up. Thanks!
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