Everything posted by iamzeplin
What do you wear?
I wear a Scorpion EXO helmet, and Cortech GX Sport jacket. They're hand me downs I picked up on ebay for $66 shipped. Too good of a deal to pass up and they suit me just fine
Won't idle, wtf?!
Well, I checked the carbs and they were actually very clean. I decided to drain the gas tank and fill it with good quality gas and see where that took me; well as it turns out I just had bad gas! It runs perfectly fine now. This will be the last time I get gas from Swifty ever again. Thanks everyone for the input, it's a relief everything is back in order now!
Won't idle, wtf?!
Yea, I usually go with Shell or BP gas. But I was at my grandparents in the middle of nowhere and just decided to use some he had in his gas can. He always buys garbage. I should have known better but honestly, I hope this is the only problem because it would be a helluva lot simpler than I expected. Any other ideas from anyone? Feel free to let me know!
Won't idle, wtf?!
You know, that's a very real possibility because I did get the gas from Swifty here in the States. You UK guys probably haven't heard of it but it's not exactly the highest quality gas available. If I try and rev it up it will die instantly too, whether it be choked or not. Assuming dirty gas has clogged the jets, would this still happen?
Won't idle, wtf?!
Ugh, bike is a 94 xj600/seca/diversion/whatever. I bought it about 2 weeks ago and it was perfect, put about 200 miles on it since buying. Went out to start it yesterday before work and it will not idle for shit! I pull the choke and it will idle ok, around 2,500 or so, but as soon as I turn the choke off it dies. Try to start it and nothing. In the rare event I can even get it to start without choke it will idle super rough around 600 rpms and sputter until it dies. Even if I let it warm up beforehand. I really don't know a lot about motorcycles and this one is over my head. Is there something I'm missing? I'm really hoping someone here has the know how because I am utterly distraught. I wanna ride!
Try this website:
http://www.monkeysee.com/play/10146-how-to-ride-a-motorcycle Watch all 11 of the segments. When I got my first bike I studied these and went out and tried in my backyard. They're really helpful, and enough to give you some idea and get you started on riding it.
What's the problem with taking bikes to the mechanics?
When I wanted to learn how to fix a car, I bought one without an engine, bought a manual and went to town on it. The only thing I knew how to do prior to this was change the oil. It took 2 months but the end result was a perfect running car and I gained valuable knowledge. I shouldn't have to take it to a garage now that I have learned so much info. My bike hasn't had anything tear up yet, but if it does let it be known I will pick up the manual and start to figure it out myself. I guess what I'm trying to say is some people want to learn, others don't. The reason I wanted to know is because I like to do things myself, but not to mention garages charge way too much for the task at hand. A little bit of time and patience goes a long way.
Am I turning into a grumpy old bast...rd
Yes, XJ600 is American talk for a Seca. You're fairly observant lol And honestly, I thought I did put info on my profile, I guess I didn't. I will do that now. @Cynic: I'm not sure if that's a shot at me or just one of the types of posts that irritates you. I can see how a question with such a blatantly obvious answer would cause some frustration, but it's all a part of the internet unfortunately.
Weird clutch problem. Help?
It actually was something very similar to this! The cable was kinda stuck inside the rubber and that's what was causing it. I'm very much relieved that it was something so simple! haha Thanks everyone for your input. I appreciate it.
Am I turning into a grumpy old bast...rd
My first post was a question, but honestly because I never would have found this forum had I not been online searching for an answer to that problem. Most forums I've been on have some type of introduction section for new members. I think it's just some sort of an ice breaker for people. Since finding the forum I read a lot of topics, I'm not one to reply to every single thing though. I try and wait until there's a good opportunity for input so someone isn't reading through 10 pages of useless info looking for that one special response. Just my 2 cents.
Weird clutch problem. Help?
I was thinking it could be the throttle cable sticking too, just because it only happens once in a while. The bike does rev in neutral but it isn't as responsive as I feel it should be. I will take a look at the throttle cable tomorrow since it's my day off. And see if the carbs need cleaning maybe? Thank you guys, I will report back!
Weird clutch problem. Help?
Hello all, I just bought a 94 xj600. It runs great, however sometimes when I'm riding and I pull the clutch in it doesn't disengage the engine; instead it revs the engine super high. I'm releasing the throttle so I know that isn't what is causing it. I thought maybe adjusting the clutch cable would help but it hasn't. Any ideas on what could be causing this? It doesn't happen often, but it is becoming a real concern for me. Thanks for your help!