Everything posted by danidge
tzr rear suspension creek
basically i put in a new rear suspension on my bike and recent ly its started to really creek when i go over bumps in the road. i dont think theres anything wrong wit it as its only been on there a month at the most ive tryed spraing wd40 on the ends on the springs as i thought it might be that but no change. any ideas?
advice needed
i recently had a problem with my tzr not starting, just after a rebuild and i ran it in very gently so i didnt think of looking at the rings but before we found out it was the rings if it was kicked over hard it felt like all of the compression was still there but if it was kicked over slowly there was no compression atall, maybe this might help? its always a good idea to give the carb a good clean with some carb cleaner and squirt out all of the jets and the reeds also if its a 2 stroke. (Y)
TZR problems. help??
Right it was my rings which was a supprise cause they were new. my bottom ring as stattered and the top one was wedged in place because the piston at the front had some scoring on it that held the ring in place :S but the bore is still fine ? anyone have any ideas how this could have happened?
TZR problems. help??
i did take off the head and check the barrel for signs of damage but there didt seem to be anything other than a couple of line that you can only just feel with your fingernail, it did have a new piston + rings and a rebore when it was rebuilt so that why i was a bit shocked about the compression problem. i did use new oil seals i also put in new big ends, little ends, conrod and main bearings. il investigate some more possably tomorrow, and again thanks for your help
YB100 Problems
thats what my tzr kept doing before it completely stopped! it done like 30 miles to a plug im not having much luck with this bike.
TZR problems. help??
thanks dude il give that a look i took the head off today and looked into the barrel to see if i had broken rings but there didnt seem to be any damage to the berrel atall other than very fine up and down lines, i guess from running in as its only done 280 miles since the rebuild. one more thing the compression was only at 50 psi.. im not sure if it was the tester or i have a low compression problem but im not sure what the compression of the bike is supposed to be anyway. thanks for your help dan.
HELP!!! Chappy no-go
i have the same problem with my tzr. at first i thought it might have been the coil so i spent 35 quid on a new one cause i could only get genuine and still the same thing. it doesent evven fire atall and i have fuel, spark, and air like you. if i get a solution i will let you know, and you could give me a hand if you find out wats causeing your bikes problem (Y)
Jacking it up!!
paddok stands? thats what i always use. you have to get front and rear ones tho, they are good (Y)
TZR problems. help??
right i have just rebuilt my tzr 125 1989 all of the engine parts are in extremely good condition, i have just done about 280 miles after the rebuild running it in gentally keeping it under 5000k and now its not starting atall. its not firing atall i dont know what the problem is because i have a reasonably good spark lots of compression carb seems to be working fine as you can smell the petrol when its kicked over without the plug in. the oil mix is set to standard from the haynes manual as is the fuel mixture. i really dont know why its not fireing, it should be as it has a spark :S if you have any ideas pleeeease help cause im stuck and i dont wana have to take it to the bike shop! thanks, dan xx
TZR R eating plugs
my tzr has started to eatplugs after about every 30 miles, but my spark is quite weak and when i put the same spark plug in a little puch moped the spark is much greater and the puch is a lower voltage. so im thinkning my ignition coil is getting buggered, im guessing if the spark is so weak after a few miles of oil getting burned onto it and oil not burning pproperly the spark could be not enough to ignite the fuel properly anymore, im going to change my coil. if you want to know if it worked sent me a message if you still come on here (Y)
cdi on me tzr 125
right im looking in my haynes manual now and the black wire comes from the battery and goes to pretty much every part of the bike that has electrics. the yellow wire goes to the flywheel generator. and the brown and yellow wire, well it dosent seem to have any importance it just goes to a little square thing it isnt even in the key :S. hope this helps.
cdi on me tzr 125
do you mean the black and yellow wire or the individual black wire and yellow wire?
parts for re-build? tzr 125
im planning on rebuilding my bike as it has a leak in the crank case somewhere which is causeing it to idle high, cut out and not rev smoothly. has anyone rebuilt one of these before, when taking it apart what things must be replaced i know i need to get new gasgets do i need new rings too? any info you have on the topic would be halpfull, thanks, Dan.
Yamaha SRX 600
my friend owns an srx 400 and they looked into an electic start for it but they only do them for the 600 version. so lucky for you yeah they do them.
plz help tzr125 1989 revving strangely
yeah ive been told this could also be the problem, sigh, thats expendsive isnt it?
XVS 125 Chain Tightening?
its fine to tighten the wheel whilst its on the sidestand and as for measuring the thread to see if your wheel is in line theoretically this should work but im not sure. you couls always make some new markings on the swing arm yourself, thats what i would do if i had the same problem.
XS250 idle / mixture problems
i am having roughly the same problem with my tzr 125! i and a friend have checked for air leeds but none found my carb seems to be working fine, i have been told that the reeds if there worn can stay open or change the mixture into the engine so im getting some racing ones monday and if it makes a difference i will let you know. that is if your bike is a 2 stroke.
plz help tzr125 1989 revving strangely
me and a friends dad have searched for air leeks and havent found any, i am getting some new reeds because ive been told that when there old and worn they could alter the mixture by not working properly. thanks for your help if you have any more ideas let me know
plz help tzr125 1989 revving strangely
right, first of all im not sure what the settings for the mixture and idle are supposed to be but ive tryed ultering to solve the problem but it stil does the same thing. when the idle is set too low the engine cuts out (as it should) but when the idle is turned up so it nearly ticks over ok when you rev the bike the revvs stay around 3-5000 and drop slowly if atall. andone got and ideas? or an old tzr handbook they could scan in the info for me . thanks, Dan.
TZR 125 powervalve opening help :)
Right i want to open the powervalve on my bike but as i dont really know alot about bikes i was wondering if anyone had any tzr experiance. Could anyone post pictures so i have a visual aid? btw is a G reg so its quite old, 1989 i think.
New R6 is The Mut's Nuts!
That is a very nice bike but i think i like the look of the old ones better, the front looks like an RSV and the back is too thin in my opinion. but its still lush!
lol yeah he is pretty mad. you would have thought that somehow they could have caught him with cameras or somthing.
so i got my first bike
Man i would love an R6 or an R1. there just so nice i guess an R1 is what im wokring towards lol i have a while to go considering i can only ride my lil 50 scooter at the moment