Everything posted by gearboxkart
'89 xj600 electrical problem
iv more or less went thru the whole wiring today and found the plug hidden under the fuel tank retaining bolt that has the 3 white cables coming from the alternator all crispy and a melted mess so iv sorted all that out but just the same so a new reg/rectifier on its way, rechecked the voltages at the regulator plug after i sorted the melted plg and im getting a good 20v at tickover and 50v when above 2500+rpm so voltages to the rectifier seems fine, just hope the new reg/rec sorts it out, really i want to keep everything on the bike standard so changing the type of rectifier i would like to keep the stock 1, if i get probs again i may think about it but its still got the original 1 on atm so its lasted well till the plug melted and shorted it out.
'89 xj600 electrical problem
on the '89 xj600 pr-divvy is there more than 1 type of regulator/rectifier that will fit and work ? the 1 fitted to mine has no fins its the 1 thats oblong filled with black resin and bolted to a alloy plate under the left side panel and has a 4 pin plug 3 white and 1 red cables. Battery went flat a few weeks ago so i recharged and a few days later went flat again mmmm so got the meter out and put it across the battery and it gives 14v at tickover but put the lights on or touch any other electical switch horn/brake lights and it dives to 11.5v, switch lights off and it takes 4-5 mins to slowly creep back up above 12v. i disconnected the plug at the rectifier and metered across the 3 whites from the alternator and they all give well over 15v i also did a resistance test across the 3 whites and they are 0.03ohm so thhats about right with the haynes manual so alternator seems ok, so this tells me the rectifier which has printed on it 47X-A2, i went to a bike shop near me at the weekend he had a 47X-A0 we changed it but that did nothing it was just the same so i take it only the 47X-A2 will work unless any1 knows different, startig to do my head in now also fitted brand new battery friday thought it might of been a battery fault but no its just the same, is it right the '89 and later dont have a brush set in the alternator and are just magnets!
fj1200.. just bought got a few teething probs.. if any one can help.. headlight and tail light stay on when light switches are off..
this is the place you need to be for fj owners, every thing you want to know about them/fix them and they have a shop owned and run by fj owners fjuk
XJ was a failure :(
some of the ebay sellers are actually breakers yards, just send a msg asking for forks that arent pitted, or put some new fork seals in and also put a set of gators on the forks with jubilee clips top/bottom they dont really tend to bother looking under them for the test unless you use same testing station, just go to a different 1.
Soon to be owner of an XJ550
manual possibly fleebay, had 1 of those 15 odd year ago was a nice bike and pretty quick at the time and had no issues with it at really, a bike being stood for 15 year its going to need a set of tyres on it as the old 1's will of perished or cracked all over the place, change engine oil/filter before you start it up, drain fuel in the tank, carbs and will proberly need a strip and clean, battery will be goosed i would of thought, but they are good old bikes and i love the old 80's bikes.
Which 600 do you prefer?
im also grew up in the age of early 80's 2 strokes so my old 350ypvs and 500ypvs are still my fav bikes but time moves on i soppose and its the 600 era now, the bike you didnt mention is the Triumph Daytona 675 ! now in my mind this just blows all the jap stuff away into the weeds, im not talking performance and out n out speed as that makes no difference to the vast percentage of folks who buy/ride bikes these days as proberly 99% of folk carnt out ride these bikes anyway, the Triumph is up there performance wise with all the jap 600's anyways tho, but it just looks the buisiness and sounds WICKED go to car parks where all the bikers hang out and what bike gets the crowds ! it aint no jap 600 thats for sure, the Triumph pulls better than Brad Pitt on a bad day fav bike of all time is a close run thing between the rd500 and the duke 916 but this triumph is just something else. atm i run a xj600 old 1990 1, i still love 80's bikes and my wrists and knees carnt take the beating the current 600 race reps give me at 52, fj1200 coming to replace the xj again kinda to my achey joints, but also had a few xj900s pre divvy very good bike too....
XJ600 vibration!
had the carbs off last week and cleaned them all out as the motor wasnt running too well runs far better now but you have a point there about getting them synced up.
XJ600 vibration!
Oil was changed last week as i do 600 mile a week to/from work so i change oil every month, plugs/caps were changed last week also, the brake doesnt make any difference when its on the stand or the road, just been out in the garage and had a good feel round the bike just using the back of my hand when its running, theres no vibes hardly at all on the frame, the tank and rear alloy passenger grab handle do buzz like bee tho and deffo thru the grips, the mirrors btw are clear as day no distortion at any speeds they are always well useable compared to some bikes iv had. any1 else with 1 of these pre divvy xj's do you get vibes as above if so the bikes proberly fine and for some reason maybe iv got wrist probs ! 30 odd yr riding bikes must cause some wrist probs or thats what im thinking atm
XJ600 vibration!
thx for the reply, i had all the engine mountings out yesterday and greased everything up so everything is nice and tight mounting wise, its deffo a vibe from the motor somewhere as it vibes like a old chain saw even on the stand, but nothing can be felt on the frame or engine just thru the handlebars its weird.
XJ600 vibration!
Hi all on my H reg Pre-divvy xj600 with 32k on the clock i seem to be getting what i think is a serious buzzing/vibes thru the bars and footpegs to the extent both hands get serious pins/needles to the point where i have to stop as all feeling is gone in my hands more the right than the left, at least i can take my left hand off and give it a shake etc to get feeling back,i travel 51mile each way to work every day 50/50 town/dual carriage way. Last week i bought and fitted original bar end weights as it didnt have any when i bought the bike didnt make any difference i could feel, iv checked the exhaust and its clear of the frame etc, iv checked the chain isnt too tight and thats ok 28mm top-bottom movement, i also removed the 2 long engine mounting bolts and mounting rubbers and checked cleaned and regreased them both yeterday. Even when bikes on centre stand and held at anything over 2000rpm you can feel it thru the grips but if you put the back of your hand on the frame i carnt feel any vibes at all just seems to be thru the bars ! weird ! Iv had umpteen bikes over the years but havent had this prob before, i had 2 xj900s when i was courering for 5 yr and didnt notice it on them ! or maybe they have all had vibes and its just my age (52) catching up with me ! havent riden bike for 2 days and me finger tips are still getting pins/needles a bit , im eyeing an FJ1200 at the mo so hopefully if i get that it will all be sorted......
Xj600 pre divi poor performance? help
I use my xj600 H-reg to do my 51 mile trek to work every day half of it on dual carrageway and mine sits at 85ish all the way and if i need more its there ! once past 6k rpm ish it flys, it was running a bit rough last month so cleaned out all the carbs (full of crud) had them balanced and wow what a difference, when these are running right they do fly