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Prichard XT

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Everything posted by Prichard XT

  1. well well finally checked full system and nothing so last check was the speedo unit its self removed it from the bike as soon as i fliped it over i noticed an deformation of the casing (Not Good) soon as i opend here up there was one big burn mark across the board and one of the components litrally crumbled to ash I couldnt help but piss myself laughin gonna buy a second hand one for the time being and replace the lot like grouch
  2. yeah man defo want to know looks an nice piece of kit just wondering does the old loom have to be modified to fit it ?
  3. XT125r 75mph 0 - 60 not sure but it aint no 600 a damn long strech of road
  4. that aftermarket speedo looks like a good option worth a try
  5. turned out that wasnt the problem for me this time checked the fuse battery and ground conections still nothing giveing a full system check ove the next couple of day can guarentee its a connection issue let ya know if i can pin point the problem give a proper solution with out spendin hundreds
  6. Its a design fault which yam dealers will fix within warrenty mines been rewired 3 times and the last time i rewired it, it wasnt the wirin loom it was the back of the key ignition the three contact plates were loose due the springs behind them lossin compression simple fix was to clean the contacts and strech the springs by 4 - 5 mm put back togethe in the right combo and it all worked iv got the same problem again dose only the green head light square and indicator green square work good luck let us know if ya find the fault
  7. best top end i ever got was 75 mph that took some nice piece of road on a decline but its had alot of tweeking sound like a monster now
  8. Im About To Buy New Sprockets Would It Be Worth Going Up From 14 Teeth To 16 On The Engine?
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