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Prichard XT

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Everything posted by Prichard XT

  1. you might find you have to adjust or swap a few things and changing cam timing sounds like an idea tell me more
  2. nope just got to wire it in your self
  3. well that dosent sound right have you changed anything else on the bike air box, carb main jet, removed AIS, spark plug or made any adjustment to idle screw, fuel mixture sxrew seems like a mixture problem also is it a full system or just end can hows the fitting between the can downpipe and engine this could be an air leak I use an over sized tail pipe which every 500 mile the connection between the upsizer to down pipe degrades and lets an air leak and back fires like fuck soon to be welded tho
  4. speedos shoot mate best get a new one there around the £200 mark for new one from yamaha ive managed to fit an aftermarket one only took hour and half the XT's looms to short in general over the whole thing the positioning around the steering stem plus the length cost me two looms all ready 2nd time shorted out the speedo and when I cracked it open there was a nice circle of black where a component should have been remember you can still pass an MOT without one buy its against the law to be on road with out and you don't need the twat lights either this may give you an advisory http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/New-Trail-Tech-Stealth-Vapor-Speedo-Motorcycle-Universal-Aircooled-Speedometer-/140943040891?pt=UK_Motorcycle_Parts&hash=item20d0dc217b that's what im using at the moment works fine
  5. Nevs right its the tyre sizeing for the speedo this is happening because you have a bad connection to the battery or broken wire to the battery which is causeing it to reset trust me sort this sooner rather than later iv had this problem otherwise it can do 2 things new speedo or loom speedo costs 200+ so check your connections if this fails check the connector to the back of the speedo XTs have SHIT speedos this is fact if it dies completely replace it with an aftermarket like trail techs vapour speedo message me if you get stuck
  6. well the xt 660 would fit in with the petrol tank reformed and a bit of welding yeah a 350 would
  7. well I would strip the trics out of the xt and probably use the engine on something else engineer report is something I could possibly get from my local yam dealer im always up there and they will help me get it to standard insurance and dvla ill defo be telling but I guess I best get searching for the rest of the electrics then supposedly XT stock only produces 9.?hp 20 should be fun cheers for that
  8. so iv wanted to get more power out my xt 125 r engine im still working on this but I brought a engine last year for cheap and it was a good runner Suzuki 250cc AC SOHC 4v twin exhaust port with carb supposedly produces 20.1hp on the bike it came off has a standard 3 phase stator + single timing pick up it will need new brackets made and electrics I have a 12v 3phase rec no cdi sprocket alignes like its meant to swap I have my mod 2 DAS in a couple of weeks so questions are would it be worth it (im keeping this bike for ever ) will I need its original cdi or would I be able to run a xt's and has any one else done this to there xt
  9. well yea it does happen to me only when I dump the accelerator from really really low rev's I put it down to the amount of restriction on this bike and that would tie in with what cynic sayed take as much of the restriction off as possible if you want to prevent it happening and cv carb is this the type with some sort of air vacuum on the top which draws theaccelerator pin up
  10. iv got a lot of stupid drops and slips the one ill always remember is hiting a local dirt lane that goes for my house to a friends midldle of winter a lil bit of snow fell over night id just been home to grab an allen key for my bars on the way back down this dirt track I came across 3 lads my age, one had a .22 pellet rifle thought best not stop heading the same way they stepped out the way so I carry on past accelerating 100m up the track there is a tight blind chicane I remember at the last second looked down I was doing 50 . . . shit tried to slow down didn't happen just sent the backend to the side round the chicanei for a second I though yes im going to make it until I hit a pot hole the size of my wheel I go straight over the bars almost KO'ed me, got up a bit dazed dragged my bike out of a tree where it landed at this point these lads had nearly caught up so I jumped back on started it whent to pull off and nearly droped again cus it was still in 3rd and stalled it managed to pull off eventually just as they got there with the handle bars on my knees I got off feeling like a right dick I still use this trail I just never forget where to slow down
  11. Prichard XT


    grouch if you cant do and ya close enough id come down and help ya iv brought a hydrolic clutch system for mine only problem is the slave cylinder has no bleed nipple and it needed all new washers and fluid im gonna give it a go tomoro its been set up to go on for a couple of weeks now
  12. Prichard come from dirty sanchez tv show I had a friend who looked the spit of dainton so he called me Pritchard I just leave out the t and I ride an xt 125 r
  13. I always nod 9/10 I get one back and you can tell a fair weather rider a mile off lacking the capability to nod when some one doesn't nod I feel like its the L plates and the thought of 'your not a real biker' the fist on the helmet iv seen and used even a bloke in a 4x4 waved and gave a wave and fist on head and sure enough I droped back to 30 and get round the bend and theres sat a 2 5-0 waiting to snare also if I see some poor sod pushin there 2 wheels and I got time ill pull over and offer to help usually they out of petrol, I carry 1lt petrol tank in my bag for emergency's so they suddenly cheer up
  14. is your idle is set to low the xt is supposed to run at 1650 rpm I run mine at 1350 rpm how old is your battery more than 3 years could need replacing and check the fuel filter float needle aint clogged usually bits of plastic from the tank cap seat try running a bit of redex through it if this doesn't help clean out the carb need any pointers PM me iv had mine apart to many times, had to tweek it after a drop ruined my float hight and changed the jets iv also used a xt carb on a 150cc project could be of help?
  15. when I do which isn't very often i put one in I don't feel the need and it takes to many attempts to get your splat hat on go for a over ear (like the 2 way radios for bikes) or the foam inner type but you need a good set
  16. Prichard XT

    other side

    From the album: XT 125 R '10

    not much to say apart from the gold block is an oil cooler
  17. Prichard XT

    over garage

    From the album: XT 125 R '10

    [b]metzeler unicross tyres [/b] [b]straight through tail pipe[/b] [b]drilled rear disc[/b] [b]gold link HCP chain [/b] [b]just needs a longer traveling taller rear sus and im :)[/b]
  18. From the album: XT 125 R '10

    had to change sprocket and chain set so I took some pics its in a desperate need of a respray half of its been sanded down and then when I filled up 1 time I completely missed my petrol tank
  19. the ttr AMR stage3 £100 + AMR monster spark coil £40 http://www.amrracing.com/index.php?l=product_detail&p=117 there are other makes mainly procom around the 100 mark raptor 125 £100 again but is adjustable not reprogrammable http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-Raptor-125-Procom-Rev-Box-CDI-Hi-Performance-/111012521673?pt=Motors_ATV_Parts_Accessories&hash=item19d8dca6c9 raptor 450 £130 at a guestimate im shit with converting from £ - $ http://www.electrosport.com/atvs/yamaha/yamaha-atv-cdi-pe-c-ay450-a.html if you have a look on google images u can find the pictures of the connecter you can ignore the 450s smaller connecter its for the diode above the cdi on the xt just built in anyone out there pro on these sort of things also can someone move this topic to work shop please
  20. iv been looking to get an aftermarket CDI finally you cant directly buy one for an xt (or ybr) but you can get one for the ttr 125 but non adjustable/ programable with preset timing curve same engine, stator and connection recently ive learnt that the raptor 125 shares the same engine so I get searching and reading and found it only has a 6 pin cdi (stock 7) im guessing this is due to it not needing a side stand switch so a lil rewiring would be needed but you can get procom adjustable cdi 9 settings top one removeing all restriction off top end revs but then looking through people would have tuned up raptor 125s have used the raptor 450 cdi this you can completely adjust the CDI digitally but the one connector block on it is the same im guessing the other is for water cooling so to put it in short is it to far fetched to try fit a raptor 450 Digitally re-pro CDI to a xt 125 I will be buying the ttr 125s CDI (AMR Stage 3) and if I come across a 2nd hand yfz 450 performace Cdi on ebay im tempted to give it a go
  21. is it just the clutch grouch it only cost £50-£60 for new plates and springs + gasket and oil change bust out the touque wrench as well ive changed mine twice now and probably needs doing again soon so if ya need pointers or not to far away I could give you a hand
  22. well I just got round to saying hello to YOC after being on here over a year should get better responses
  23. ar I have been doing some work on it recently trying to change to hydraulic clutch but it does look slightly different from the pics I got up they were from last summer main one being oil cooler il get some more images once ive got around to resprayin and next week gonna order the stage 3 cdi and coil for the ttr why whats wrong with the xt whats fell off or blown usually whats wrong with em grouch message us ya problem hello to every one and thanks
  24. over 3 years over 40000 miles not sure on the exact amount iv gone through 3 speedos
  25. iv just been looking through the www and iv come across a free half decent by way maps check it out and tell me if it seem trust worthy from your own local knowledge or if incorrect on lanes you know and ride http://bywaymap.com/index.html iv come to realise iv got a bit of a distance to get to any good long lanes I live in the west midlands (sucks to be me right now)
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