SR125 just died on me. Please Help
Hi Root, Found Haynes on Amazon and will be ordering next month. I have run out of money this month already :-( Bit confused by what you wrote but just checking... You're saying that: 1. These bikes fail at top end(?) - do you mean at a higher mileage? 2. I did overfill with oil slightly... I am taking it you'd drain some off? It really is running soooo much nicer now. But I only do really short runs. What's the consequences of over fill? Is that too much pressure for it? 3. I have a horrible feeling it was Auto Oil... it was 10w40 though. What'the consequence of that!? Really appreciate your help. I am really interested and know I will probably be spending hours 'fiddling' once I get my Haynes. Oh... one last thing... The Yamaha manual (I got a PDF from somewhere) says 20A fuse.. but he one on the bike (and the spare fuse) were 10A. Seems fine though... weird.
SR125 just died on me. Please Help
OK... found the fuse. It's blown. Got some oil. Got fuse. Running lovely lovely. Thanks for your help. I know it's probably simple to you guys but I really am a complete newbie. Realise now that the fuses are just like normal ones you get from Halfords and stuff. Thanks for help! Adam
SR125 just died on me. Please Help
Thanks for replies... Blown fuse sounds likely I guess. Battery was fine before. I agree with the oil comments Do bikes plough through oil faster than cars? 'cos I only had it serviced at the garage a couple of months ago and I don't 'think' there is a leak. I can tell I am going to have to take more care of the bike than I have done of my cars in the past. I'll get some oil today! This may be a dumb question.. but is there an online bike shop that sells bits and stuff like fuses you could recomemnd? Thanks again !
SR125 just died on me. Please Help
Hi there, I am a complete newbie to this. I have had a look through some other posts but nothing quite matches my issue. I have had my Yamaha SR125 (Y reg) in the garage for a couple of weeks and got it out to poodle off to work this morning. It took ages to start. Almost as if it thought it wasn't in Neutral or if the stand is down. i.e.it turned but didn't even fire. Anyway, I bumbed it about a bit and took it in and out of neutral and eventually (like only about 5mins) it started as always. So, I rode the 2miles to work. All good. It was revving quite a lot though. But I wanted to give it some welly anyway to 'wake it up'. I got to work and parked. Stalled the thing by accident in Gear2. Then couldn't seem to nudge it back in to Neutral. Finally got it into Neutral to try and restart it and move the bike. But now there is no electrics at all. No lights, no Neutral green light on the dash... nothing. Key turns and it is dead as a dodo. The only thing I have noticed is that it seems to have no oil. I have checked connections to battery and am pretty sure that are on nice and tight. Anyone got any ideas at all. Adam
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