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charlies xv

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  1. Hi have had Vulcans the VN750 twice never again, my main reason for buying a virago firstly it aint water cooled and its reasonably easy to get spares esp filters plugs the normal consumeables unlike the vulcans hard to get and not readily available . The main reason is i like the rideing position plus shaft drive as hate chain driven bikes just a pain to maintain , my 535 is a 1991 with only 12000 on the clock is realy in excellent nick , price wise it owes me around £1200 worth every penny . Cheers Charlies xv
  2. Hi I recently bought a 535 Virago and am delighted with it , before it i had a triumph bonneville america didnt ride it much about a 100 miles in total found it extreamly heavy nice enough bike and all that , now that i have the virago 535 i go out on it lots of times so easy to use light as you like lovely to leen round the tightest of corners all round visability is excellent its a pleasure to ride not fast but neither was the triumph 85 to 90 with a struggle and not at all nice to ride even at that paltry speed , i never felt safe on it, the 535 i can ride all day and feel perfectly safe on it even at its near top speed of 70 odd miles an hour , the great thing i like about it is its not at all heavy and handles extreamly well , am probably too big for it am 6ft and weigh around 16 stone . I have also a XV750 which am endeavering to repair, after its previous owner dropped it , then stripped it of its damaged bits and left it for some one else to complete . If you want a nice light bike get a 535 Virago lots of fun . cheers charlies xv
  3. Hi All Need some help again needing a oil pump chain tensioner for my XV750 its a 1995 , i bought this bike from a geezer who had dropped it and damaged the lefthandside engine caseing along with footrest this had gone into engine caseing sending bits into engine , the geezer stripped off the caseing etc took bits off that didnt need takeing off blah de blah and has not given me the oil pump chain tensioner only part of it which is a metal cover half moon shaped fits onto inner caseing the tensioner fits above this ,been told this morning is not possible to get a new one from yamaha as now out of production so no spares for this bike available seems hard to believe . Any replies will be much appreciated . with advice or perhaps the part would be brilliant Hello tis i charlie and feel a right one at that found out today from yamaha tech team their aint a tensioner on the oilpump chain how delighted i am with that news , if anyone has a 1995 XV750 and a Haines manual beware they give wrong information on their manuals such as the tensioner on the oilpump chain on the early models there is on the later models there is not . cheers charlies xv cheers charlies xv
  4. charlies xv posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi cant get a gaskit for me XV750 1995 model its the left hand side engine caseing one where the alternator is housed, put it on order through local bike shop been told cant get one , seems unlikely but anyone got one or any thoughts on the matter any help would be appreciated. cheers charliesxv