I recently purchased a 1976 XS 500 with only 6,700 miles on it off Craigslist for just $700 (the same model bike I rode 25 years in college). The bike did not have a battery in it. I did a bit of research & decided to by a 14-A2 battery.
The battery I bought has the positive terminal on the left side when it sits in the battery box. See photo below.
When I hooked up the wires though nothing came on and I think it blew the 20amp fuse. When I trace the battery wires I draw the conclusion that the left wire is the negative lead as it appears to be connected to the frame.
For anyone with a working XS 500, can you please look at your battery and tell me if the positive terminal is on the left or the right? Can you tell me what model or size battery you have so I can make sure I have the right battery?
I found a German XS500 website at www.XS500.com and while I don't read German it appears that some XS500 models take a 14-3A battery which has the negative post on the left side.
Also, can some one tell me if the 1976 XS 500 is a model "B" or "C"?
Dan Baldwin