Everything posted by zubes
Would you give me your opinion ?
dam shore its not right its not a shame it happens they are to lazy to get of there arses and work for a living like me and most pepeol .when they steal a bike thats worth say £5000 of some ones hard earned cash the owner pays in all ways he has lost his bike which mens his transport to work his insurance will go up and was not even his falt so when a person steals some thing they diserve every thing they get . does solve the proble if they steal a bike and get killed we ant got to pay for them to go to jail or there cort aperance fuck em does solve the problem as they wont do it again if one off my kids stole a bike or any thing els i would not let them get away with it
Would you give me your opinion ?
so if some one steals a bike or car and runs some one over and kills them thats all right cos he is trying to feed his famaliy dont think so i think that britain should do what they do in the middle east cut a hand of for stealing i work hard for what i got so they could do the same but they seem to choose the easy opshoin .i had my car stollen of me when i was taxing cost me a fortune the guy that stole it was a druggy so that was ok because he was feeding his adiction
exup valve
cheers for your help has got a little bit of play
exup valve
iv got an yamaha 1000 exup will it make much diference if i take exup valve out as it rattles like a chain is loose and driving me up the wall or is there any way of stoping it rattle
- oil light
- oil light
- oil light
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