Yamaha Maxim XS 400 1984
Hey thank you to Drewpy and Noah! Bike is fixed and running now
Yamaha Maxim XS 400 1984
Hey thanx a lot Noah. That really is priceless information for!
Yamaha Maxim XS 400 1984
I ordered this. The only difference I can see is that it says "s-2" while mine says "s-1". It is from an 1982. I have looked over both for an hour comparing and I really can't see a difference...so hopefully that's the case when it arrives! Thanx for all the input!
Yamaha Maxim XS 400 1984
Well I think I am going to order this one cover as it sure looks the same as mine but hard to tell with the small picture so waiting on seller to provide a bigger picture. I can order it from Yamaha dealer but will take a month to ship from Japan Edit* the filter does not sit in the cover on mine.
Yamaha Maxim XS 400 1984
No i was tightening it while trying to loosen it so it just bent and cracked. While i was tightening it oil was spewing out so i kept going thinking i was taking it off until a piece fell off the I knew i was screwed Thanx for the link i have sent an inquiry but that's mostly for the 650's... Called around the dealers and they can get it but I might have to wait a month or so... Also found one on ebay for a 1982 and it looks the same but waiting for response from the seller... Price doesn't matter anymore i just want the part!!
Yamaha Maxim XS 400 1984
Yes i really disappointed myself when i did that. Learned the lesson the HARD way. Just wanna find another one!!!
Yamaha Maxim XS 400 1984
Hi all New to this forum and also new to bikes for the most part as will be evident shortly. Long story short I went down to change the oil today and was trying to take the oil filter cover off and it snapped in half I was/am a little upset but am mostly worried about obtaining a replacement! I have found one on ebay for about 60 bucks including shipping but it could take 2 weeks to get here and I can't wait that long!.. Any help would be extremely appreciated sourcing this part, a website, a contact, anything!!!! I am located in Vancouver, BC, Canada and our riding season isn't long enough to have downtime!! 1984 Yamaha Maxim XS400 Thank you in advance!! *Edited to add pic of the part i broke*
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