Everything posted by kindest
XS400 Headlight Bulb Replacement
looking to get a nice new halogen bulb for my weak stock headlight so night riding won't be so scary. I read on a couple other threads that some1 was successful in shoving a 7" replacment everything into the 6" stock housing.. mighty tempting to get a nice 7" led setup and shoving it in. Other then that the stock lamp seems like its all one piece with the bulb sealed inside.. can that seal be broken and the bulb easily swapped out or is the fixture toast if you break the seal. whats everyone else running these days?
1980 XS400 leaking oil.. pictures .. how screwed am I? lol
i took the one off my parts bike with a screwdriver and just shoved it in my good bike.. didn't do anything special (no cleaning, no greasing) probably not the best solution but for me so far its held up no problem.
XS400 Muffler
no clue but i like the look. to me the holes don't look like they are perfect from center.. but could just be the angle.
Changing front tire 3.0x18 to 100/90-18 Problems?
excuse the quality. snapped these real quick.. funny that my small little xs400 front tire is wider then pop's big ass harley.
XS 400 Exhaust Gasket
im replacing my exhaust for a cleaner set pretty soon.. are the gaskets re-usuable or need to be replaced. where did you get the gaskets from
Changing front tire 3.0x18 to 100/90-18 Problems?
i got a 100/90-18 on my 1.60 rim... I've put 500 miles on it so far with freeway and what not.. no problems. no handling problems I'm aware of. Granted it came with the bike so I don't know how they put it on or how hard it was.... but you should be able to get it on?
Inline Fuel Filter setups
heh I work @ an Ace. we don't have those clamps.. not in our warehouse either. doh. fuel line we got.. got tons of that which I've been going thru like crazy trying to make a configuration work. pretty confident ill have something working by the end of the weekend.
Inline Fuel Filter setups
ahhh didnt even think about looping it back around like that.. thats a good idea. I like your hose clamps.. where did you get them? that KN filter looks pimp too.
Inline Fuel Filter setups
was trying to avoid having to buy a new petcock as I have 2 spare stock ones. Was trying to avoid using multiple elbows as well but it sounds like the only option I have other then finding a really tiny fuel filter or one that has a built in L. Do the carbs suck the gas or is it all gravity fed. You can't have the line run lower then carbs then back up into them I presume? Any place locally I can pick up a small L fuel filter.. not sure where to try.
Inline Fuel Filter setups
what kind of barb fittings are you using.. nylon, brass? I had the same problem with the throttle I can wedge something in there that leaks and also hits the throttle... lol 2 major problems.
Inline Fuel Filter setups
heh tried that too. I guess all the ones I got are just way to big. I need a mini
Inline Fuel Filter setups
how many are you guys are running fuel filters.. I've got 3 different kinds and I can't get any of them to fit between the gas tank and the carbs on my xs400.. hehe I should have gotten an L one.. Any pics of your filter setups?
New Guy with Questions
wow that bike looks slickkkkk.. i want that setup if you replicate it take a lot of pictures and make a guide too. hehe
100/90-18 on 1.6x18 Rim? 82 XS400SG
omg do i really need to worry about it flying off? Ive put 100 miles on it with speeds up to 55mph and nothing has felt weird but this is my first motorcycle and i'm a first time rider. It looks like it's on there just fine like it was meant to be on there.. but im a newbie
She's alive and kicking.
damn looks realllllly good.
100/90-18 on 1.6x18 Rim? 82 XS400SG
are we talking looks or like safety? cause I'm worried the guy who owned my XS put these tires on that he had laying around and are going to explode on me on the road doing 50mph cause they are the wrong size.
1976 XS360 replacement key...
any lock smith should have it.. some ace hardwares should have it to.
100/90-18 on 1.6x18 Rim? 82 XS400SG
good news. front is J18 x 1.60 Dot 205 380 rear is J16 x 2.15 Dot 201 280
100/90-18 on 1.6x18 Rim? 82 XS400SG
Im running big ass Harley Davidson tires on my 80 XS400. Dunlop D402 MT90B16 on the rear MT90B16* 72H BW 3020-91 3.00 25.30 5.20 5/32 783 @ 40 and on the front Dunlop D404 100/90-18. 100/90-18 56H BW 32NK-24 2.50 24.80 3.90 6/32 494 @ 41 Front fits fine under the fender. no idea if they are recommended or gonna fail but its what came on the bike when I bought it last month and so far I've had no issues. My top speed has been 55mph.. im still learning scared to go any faster
New Guy with Questions
the air filters you can keep stock without havine to rejet by cutting foam air filters that are meant for lawn mowers and such.
1980 XS400 leaking oil.. pictures .. how screwed am I? lol
i dont think you have to worry about it falling into the engine.. I meant more like rolling out out of shaft then down a sewer drain or something.
1980 XS400 leaking oil.. pictures .. how screwed am I? lol
ya.. I did. I pulled the whole rod right out..then popped out that gasket with a pencil. it comes out easy..careful the bike is level cause at the end of the rod is a little ball bearing which just floats at the end of the rod. don't want to lose that.
Adjusting the valves on my XS400
let us know how it goes and take pictures too if you can. im gonna have to be doing this soon as well.
1980 XS400 leaking oil.. pictures .. how screwed am I? lol
heh that looks familiar. im 100% leak free now after fixing the neutral o-ring and clutch rod gasket. coudn't be happier. 30 minutes with a rag and a pick set and it will look real clean in there.
Yamaha XS400 Air Filter
i work at an acehardware and we sell lawnmower filters http://www.acehardware.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3506727&kw=air+filter+mower&origkw=air+filter+mower&searchId=49350805063 bunch of different sized ones like that... im assuming thats what to use. im curious to know if that will work too