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Everything posted by kindest

  1. kindest replied to kindest's post in a topic in Classics
    awesome. thanks for telling us. I ordered the led tailights as well and also a cheap 7" headlight. If I can't make the 7" one I will go with the 6 3/8" Candlepower that you bought and recommended.
  2. thanks everyone. finally got them out today. had to find another mechanically inclined person to assist me.
  3. heh i broke 2 picks trying to get it out. I did pick up some more screwdrivers today.. gonna attack it again tommorow this time with a male. if anything we will destroy it in the process.
  4. i can put the fork back together no problem.. i can push the metal plug down and pick at the clip. the clip will spin around but it will not dislodge. driving me nuts.. what is a terminal driver?
  5. you need my wife to do that. she's a dab hand as I've rebuilt 3 different xs forks! question, how did you take off the seals with the stantions in place? you said you had stripped the forks I have each fork broken into two pieces like in the picture. the top piece is completely empty.. everything stripped out. the bottom one I haven't been able to get anything out of it. it sounds like iam missing a step or something.. lol i hate you haynes manual! and yes send your wife over my sister is a weakling!
  6. even with two people I can't get it out. what the hell is the trick for this dang thing. the manual just says pry with screwdriver. thanks for nothing.
  7. it probably leaking from the rod gasket or the neutral housing and running down the eletrical lines under the engine then dropping off that. had the exact same problem. they are hot spots for oil leaks
  8. well i got the seals out finally. I guess I was being a girly man. put a 3ft pry bar on pusssssssssshed. now I can't get #17 off.. that stupid little Circlip. ok come to the conclusion its impossible take off by yourself. will wait till I can get a second pair of hands.
  9. hard to tell from the picture how deep they are.. but I would imagine they are fine. like rubber if you treat it once a year with back to black or nuvinyl it should be fine and last. im mentally preparing myself for a second day of beating this fork to death. lol
  10. the fork is dismantled. I cant get the spring clip on the top off as well as the oil seal. about ready to give up.
  11. kindest replied to spark-z's post in a topic in Classics
    http://www.yamahaclub.com/forums/topic/16081-xs400-links/ scroll down for info but yes cutting wires and rewiring it. parts are easy to get. ebay, local yamaha dealer, bikebandit.com, etc.
  12. San Fran bay area so I guess not.. prolly not as dusty as west texas.
  13. have taken the forks off my parts bike and going to try to rebuild them and put on my good bike but for the life of me I cannot get the oil seals out. things ive tried. first taking out the retainer clip then torching the fork and prying out with tire lever. will not move. filling forks with water and pounding with mallet. water leaks thru since I've damaged the seals so much at this point. feels like Ive torn both my rotator cuffs at this point messing with this dang thing. I've even lit the seal on fire and let it burn and the thing still will not move. Theres no way to pound on it from below unless I'm missing something? Any other ideas.
  14. cant comment on question 1 (interested to know the answers to that too) but for #2 the xs400 I bought the previous owner had a piece of tubing running from the breather and it just was open facing the ground about a foot away.. and the bike ran fine. I guess it's common to do that in Europe.
  15. another idea for your filter if this one fails is any hardware stores will sell lawnmower air filters and some of them are big enough to make work. im in the same boat i need to redo my airfilter soon yours looks like it will work good.
  16. kindest replied to spark-z's post in a topic in Classics
    can you hear "clicking" when it's solid? could be a bad ground connection that kicks on when the bike vibrates a little more then usual? My headlight would come and go and the only way I fixed was by redoing the fuse panel (which was pretty painless and easy).
  17. kindest replied to spacemanps's post in a topic in Classics
    the 360 should be the same as the 400. and theres kind of a thread a couple threads below allready going. the problem is our headlight uses a weird size.. its not the standard 7". appparently we can force a 7" one in by doing a little mod but I haven't been able to find the directions or the pictures showing it.
  18. kindest replied to spacemanps's post in a topic in Classics
    do yours look identical to that?
  19. kindest replied to spacemanps's post in a topic in Classics
    i got mine on ebay for 29 + 7 ship just this last week. fixed me right up.
  20. alright guys thanks. when your bike is not in use do your turn the petcock to off so it doesn't have a chance of leaking somewhere down below.
  21. kindest replied to kindest's post in a topic in Classics
    wow you weren't kidding.. expensive little buggers. look badassssss tho. looking forward to hearing how they work
  22. kindest replied to kindest's post in a topic in Classics
    ya thats what im trying to figure out.. if you can break that seal and pop bulb out and pop new one in.. doesn't sound like it.. I have a spare unit I might try it for giggles. And yes keep us updated on the LED tailights.. I want to get me some of those too.
  23. darnit. was hoping there was nothing else going on but it sounds like there is. thanks guy will replace the rubber and go from there.
  24. what I'am assuming is gasoline.. what else could it be. Now that she's getting rode more and more she is becoming wet on the exterior surface of the carb holder intake manifold boots. As you can tell from the pics they are old, cracked, beat up etc. I take it they need to be replaced to fix the problem. just making sure theres no other serious problem going on.. Also the little hose bib that comes out of it is capped.. the right side one has a vacumn line going to what looks like the petcock but the one in question on the left is capped.. is that normal? 1st pic circles the area that becomes wet after a ride second pic shows the cap in question the previous owner had a double a battery as a cap on another place..so I worry about the "caps". hehe suprised that new rubber for both sides is pretty cheap. 30 bucks on ebay. not bad at all.
  25. kindest replied to kindest's post in a topic in Classics
    did you use the stock reflector and break the seal and replace the bulb that way? Why did you order a new reflector ollie your old one was no good?