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Everything posted by fridgedoc

  1. fridgedoc posted a post in a topic in Yamaha Customs
    Hi All just found this site a must if your looking at changing sprockets enjoy
  2. fridgedoc replied to a post in a topic in The Bar
    If it where me I would write to Yamaha UK, to have to pay £350 for a 1st service is just plain crazy. So what they did'nt sell the bike,they "would" have got the service work. They are Yamaha Dealers? if so surely they are bound to carry out service work at an agreed (with Yamaha) price, just like Ford or Honda. Just my opinion. All the best
  3. Hi I think you will find that a lot of xv 125's speedo's are in KPH and not MPH same as a lot of the Chinese bikes are in KPH, is this a chinese version? and you do know how fast you are going as most have MPH as well indicated. regards fridgedoc
  4. Hi Paul Tried a Yamaha dealer, they where quite expensive £104, with piston I would think would double that price if not more!!!!!! have changed just rings many times so not worried there. regards Stephen
  5. Hi old git thanks for your input, no luck with Granby, tried them earlier, have just emailed Fowlers so fingers crossed, have had a quote from a Yamaha dealer £104 Ouch! would like to get them a bit cheaper if possable. Regards Stephen
  6. Hi Paul back from hols and minor heart op, so apart from stll needing to re-build house I need to sort the Virago, any idea where to get piston rings, have tried a few places with not much luck, have sent a couple more emails today, see what replies I get Monday. Hope your well and look forward to the instructions. Kind regards.......................... Stephen
  7. Hi Paul back from hols..... need to get stuck into stripping down the yammy so your assistance would be much appreciated, have got as far as taking the cover off the front cylinder Thanks........ Stephen
  8. Paul have sent you a pm Stephen
  9. Thanks Paul, very kind of you. Stephen
  10. Hi Paul did a reasonable compression test......hopefuly only the rings buggered...... I have taken the air filter off (black as yer hat) and the little covers on top of the front cylinder head....now I'm sure if I was told strip it or I'll blow your head off ......I would.......but thankfully for me you have the inside information ...ie. you have done it before, I will take you up on your kind offer of a blow by blow talk through on how to strip it down, I'm sure your knowledge will save me time and frustration. I promised by better half today would be last day for working on the bike as I have to sort the car out for our 5 hoour drive to Brittany, 2 weeks away, sunny, house almost on the beach, not mine but rented by the MiL lovely lady, she has lots of friends that live there (long story, another day maybe). So take your time Paul no rush, although we get back on the 14th I'm in hospital on the 18th for just the day I hope fingers crossed and its my birhday that weekend so I don't suppose I will get back to it untill the 23rd, Gosh!!! that feels like months away. Thanks again Paul Best wishes.....................Stephen
  11. Hi Paul Bit of a dilema now, you seem to think its the piston rings and I can see you reasoning behind it so I am not in any way de-crying your thoughts, I think I really need to test the compression myself. Strange that the plugs where dry though and as I said the jets in the carb where pretty much clogged up, I will go and check the oil now and get back to you. Regards Stephen
  12. Hi Paul Have everything you said I need apart from the "SREWDRIVER"
  13. Yes I did check the fuel tap operation same as on my little 50cc Suzuki.....ON RES PRI when on PRI fuel flows freely into carb, turn to ON or RES once bike starts, yes I thought it strange that plugs where dry but if you read my posts even after turning the bike over for at least 30 sec's with choke full on and twisting the throttle no smell of petrol from exhaust and front plug dry rear plug smelt of petrol but dry, both tested on a dry cloth. When I stripped the carb down some of the jets where pretty clogged and the float bowl was pretty crappy.we will see tomorow when I fit the carb back on. regards Stephen
  14. Hello there........thank you for the info, I guessed it had to upright on a level surface, and yes I did have it on prime, before removing the carb I had the side off and the float chamber had plenty of fuel in it. Thank you for your input regards Stephen
  15. Hi Paul........thanks for getting back to me.............was I right, the carb comes out on the air box side?? before I try and start it again, I will do as you say regarding float level then I'm going to check and see what the oil is like, I will drop a little out of the drain plug and also check the level, sight glass looks clear so its either clean oil or no oil, its 9.40 here (we are an hour ahead of you) and I've had enough for today, this is what happens when you get old ....will give you a shout tomorrow and let you know how I get on. Thanks again for your time and assistance Stephen
  16. Hi Chris choke cable out....see above post...have cleaned carb out some of the jets where blocked, not sure whether there is a problem with the rings, the previous owner "was told there was low compression" that was it, I don't think they checked anything else. Apart from the battery being fully charged I linked up a car battery to it as well, to my mind it should have tried to start even if only one cylinder was OK, if it coughed and spluttered but I got "nothing" not one cough, also as posted turned it over for 30 sec choke on and twisted throttle and no smell of petrol I should have flooded the engine and one plug was totally dry and the other smelt a little so no juice getting through is all I determine, I think the previous owner polished it a lot as its nice and clean but spent nothing on servicing it, I will go right through it oil and filter change ect. Will fit carb tomorrow and take out air filter as I a guessing that will be full of crap, and also get the top rubber secured to the top of the carb which it was not. thanks for your input chris it all helps. Stephen
  17. Paul...............we are winning.............hey I've got a new carb..............no it's not, it's the old one but it looks new now!!!!!!!..........inside and outside.....now all I've got to do is refit it....... I took it out from the right hand side......is this the correct side? checked oil no white gung could not check for smell of petrol as I had petrol all around me with taking the carb off. Stopped for supper now (thai seafood curry) will remove top rubber it's really mucky and make sure it fits over top of carb, it was not fitted to top of carb before just touching face to face. right it's on the table.......speak soon......thanks for you advice and help.. Stephen
  18. Paul.............it's out.......Phew....... but how the choke cable comes off????
  19. Hi Paul.........undone top and bottom clips removed throttle cable, no idea how the choke cable comes off but would not stop the carb coming out removed wirng and rubber pipes now it will not push up into the top rubber enough to allow the bottom of the carb to come out of the bottom rubber so have taken it out from the top but the top rubber is stopping it from coming out it just needs a cm and it would be out??????
  20. Hi Paul can't bump start it, it's in bits, carb half off, found a manual for a 250, I'm guessing it's the same bike just bigger engine (can't seem to find a 125 manual)but it does not tell you how to take the carb off, mine is jammed half way out and don't wont to go any further, been working on house this morning, just about to have another look at the bike, tried the oil in the bore already did not seem to make any difference, there does not seem to be any juice going through the carb I'm guessing it needs a good clean hence the reason for getting it off, once I've done that an inspection of the air filter as I think the previous owner was a welk, I have worked on many a bike when I was a lad BSA Bantam,Triumph cub, Matchless 250, ect.and I'm a dab hand at cars just need a little practice on the bike and I should be up to speed as they say!!! Will have a look at the oil as you said. Shall keep here checking for any replies Kind Regards
  21. Hi All totally new to all of this...born again biker, with a xv 125 non starter, the story so far, bought bike on ebay told "one cylinder low on compression" Tried to start bike, nothing, could not smell petrol, plenty in tank, changed plugs as one was wrong type and checked for spark, spark OK, tried to start again, nothing again, not even a backfire, and no smell of petrol, removed plugs very slight smell but plugs dry, must be fuel problem, removed the necessary and took side off carb had some sh1t in it cleaned out,removed jet, partially blocked, cleaned, blew out all parts with comp/air, reassembled and still nothing, turned over for a good 30 secs with full choke and twisting throttle, held hand over exhaust no smell of petrol, removed necessary for removal of carb, now trying to get carb off but cannot see how it comes off have it half off at the moment (if only I could get hold of a workshop manual, it would get rid of the guess-work) the inlet of the carb was not fitted to the rubber flange either so this may have some bearing, will need to check the air filter. Well thats enough of me babbleing on, many thanks for listerning, any help gratefully received. Fridgedoc
  22. fridgedoc posted a post in a topic in Naked
    Hi Guys New here so hope I'm in the right place, at the ripe old? age of 62, I have just purchased a xv 125 virago so I'm a born again biker (brought up on the BSA bantam the TRIUMPH cub etc.) "Ace Cafe" blah......blah....blah...... those in the know, know what I'm talking about, back to the xv, I've bought this bike without seeing it and have been told it's a non runner, now I don't expect miracles just looking for a few pointers and opinions, they where supposedly told by a Yamaha dealer (in France) that one cylinder was low on compression, now I would have thought that the bike would start but run lumpy and be gutless when ridden, now that's my opinion, what's yours!!!! Any thoughts? Any ideas? All greatfully received, and thanks in advance The fridgedoc