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  1. Welshy81 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    I have spent some time on the net looking for a set of covers to cover the space left when removing the passenger foot pegs but can't seem to find them anywhere. They are for a 2008 graphite grey R6. Can anyone point me in the right direction?? Thanks
  2. Welshy81 replied to Welshy81's post in a topic in The Bar
    I think there's also a lot to be said about the attitude of the rider as well. I am riding the R6 no differently to the way I was riding the 125 on my CBT or the CBF500 that I done my DAS on. Yes it's a hell of a first bike to ride but I am riding within my own comfort zone cos I know that if I don't the bike will 'bite' me. I could quite easily go out and buy a 400cc bike ride like a complete idiot and come off, so it goes to show that the maturity and sense of the rider is vitally important. As for starting off on a 125 this was a no-go, simply becuase I'm a big lad and a 125 is just to small and light (as I found out on my CBT). I have also been an advanced driver in the emergency services for the past 10 years so I like to think I got a bit of road sense and experience! After many in depth talks with instructors on my DAS and motorcyclists in work I was told that a 500-600cc would be fine. Anything more would be a waste of money, i.e. increased tax, insurance, servicing etc. I think there is a bit of stereo typing with the R6. By that I mean as soon as someone says they have passed their test and want an R6 people rightly or wrongly assume they will ride around like Rossi! And for those who do they often come off and get seriously injured or killed. That's not the way I ride at all. Rant over!!
  3. Welshy81 replied to Welshy81's post in a topic in The Bar
    Thanks for all the replies. Well I have had my bike for about 3 weeks now and clocked up 500 miles. Just cant seem to go a day without taking it out for a spin! As for the wrist/palm discomfort that is without doubt getting better as I am getting more used to the bike. So far I'm well happy with my choice! However I'm not sure if its just me or what but I seem to find the turning circle on the r6 greater than on the cbf500 I was on previously. It may just be me being extra cautious not to drop it, anyone else agree with this??
  4. Welshy81 replied to Welshy81's post in a topic in The Bar
    Well after much thought and countless conversations with other bikers and a lot of mixed opinions I have decided!! I have passed my mod 2 test with only 2 minors and decided the only way I could make my mind up was to go test ride an r6. Went to a local dealership (I know the staff quite well) and was given the key to a r6 and told to go off for an hour on a test ride to see what I think. One hour later I came back with a huge smile on my face!! Yes this is an extremely powerful bike, no two ways about it but I rode it to my own ability and did not try and be clever with it by throwing it about and I managed the bike comfortably. The only dis-advantage is my palms of my hands were aching (I'm a big lad anyhow) a bit, buts that's to be expected with any sports bike. So I pick up the bike today!! whilst I am grateful to all the advice given to me only I know the way which I will ride it and I know that I WILL stay within my own skills/abilities because 1)I value my life too much 2)I ain't a hot blooded 21 year old who's just passed their test (I'm almost 30) 3)I cant afford to lose my licence. Think I have been well and truly bitten by the biking bug!!
  5. Welshy81 replied to Welshy81's post in a topic in The Bar
    Thanks for the replies. Having looked around on the net about the matter there seems to be a mixed bag really, a 50/50 split either way. As stupid as this sounds I really aint looking at a R6 because of its immense power but because of its styling and looks. I can honestly say that 'racing' and trying to 'keep up' with mates on other bikes really does not interest me and if I am a few minutes behind them getting somewhere then so be it. I have the up most respect for the r6 and know my own limitations and just because it can achieve silly speeds does not mean I would take it anywhere near that. For instance I already have a hot hatch which is easily capable of 150mph but its gone no where near that top end, I simply prefer to enjoy the car for what it is and would have the same attitude towards a bike. Any how I have to pass my test first and still got some serious thinking to do about the matter!
  6. Welshy81 posted a post in a topic in The Bar
    Hi Guys/Gals, I am new to the world of bikes after spending many years and money on sports/performance cars! I have recently passed my Mod 1 bike test and have got my mod 2 in the next week. I have already been biten by the biking bug! I'm just after a bit of advice on my first bike purchase. Im 29 yrs old and have been looking at some nice 07 plate r6's. I know that these are high performance bikes but have had mixed advice from my mates who own bikes. Some have said get a fazer/hornet to start with whilst others have said go for the r6 because I will only end up changing bikes after a short period of time because I will end up bored of a fazer/hornet and potentially lose money as a result. I am fully aware of the fact that I am inexperienced when it comes to riding a bike but if I were to purchase a r6 I can safely say I would ride it within my limits. Being a worker in the emrgency services I have frequently seen the consquences of not sticking to your own limits and I am also an advanced car driver which I have already found to be of great benefit when riding purely becuase of my advanced observations/anticipation. Any advice would be great.