clutch lever
The clutch lever for my 1999 xj600N is a bit bent and i find it really hard to reach when i change gear. i thougt it was because i had girly hands but even my mates reckon it shouldnt be that far out. i bit the bullet and bought a new lever but it is still the same distance away. everything is as standard on the bike as far as i know looking at the manual...is this a common problem? does anyone have any suggestions how to remedy this?
oil cooler
cheers matey gunna blank it off better than forking out for new bits at 95 quid! X
oil cooler
i have got a 1999 xj600N and as i was cleaning it yesterday i noticed that the two cylindrical bits on the lower end of the oil inlet and output pipes are starting to look a bit worse for wear ( i have looked in my haynes and cant find out what these bits are called but if you run from the oil cooler via the pipes downwards you reach two joiners on each pipe and these are starting to rot out)i have been to my local yam dealer and im gunna have to fork out 95 quid for each ,presumably it will include the inlet/outlet pipe as well. has anyone any idea where i can get them cheaper or can i either blank it off or replace with hydrolic fittings of some sort? Ideas please. X X
ehxaust legallity
pretty sure that they are writing the bike off at least all indications point that way anyway.he is claiming from the other partys insurance. fingers crossed it all goes well thank you for your helpXXX
ehxaust legallity
cheers gas massive help thanx X X X
ehxaust legallity
thanx for the advice..big relief hope it all goes through ok now fingers crossed x x
ehxaust legallity
need some advise ... my other half was beaten off his 1200 bandit (not his fault a car pulled out of a junction) he is claiming off the other partys insurance. the bike has been looked at by the insurance blokes but on looking at the exhaust which is dented they have peeled off the sticker that coveres the NOT in NOT FOR ROAD USE stamp does that mean he isnt going to get any pay out? the bike was bought from the dealer with the can on it and it is not declared on his insurance.he is really worried that hes gunna have a knackered foot and no bike and no money to show for it! advse please!!!
stolen fuel
gutted i went to go out and have a ride here on the sunny isle of wight and when i started the bike up i discovered that i had no fuel... bit wierd cos there was over half a tank last night when i out it to bed!! my bike is six foot away from my front door on my garden and some sneeky little fu**er has snuck up and laid between my bike and me other half's bandit (hidden from view by the bikes covers)and emptied my tank dry!Got a fair idea who dunnit i reckon its a sneaky weasley looking little bastard who lives across the road who repairs lawnmowers and rips off old ladys by doing odd jobs. if i find out its him im gunna have his life!!
BMW car drivers
okay here goes i live on the isle of wight and so far in my four years of riding i have been pushed into hedges,driven off the road, pulled out on and had fat greasy business type blokes sat right up my ass (in his car whilst on my bike ... easy tiger!!)all of these assholes were BMW drivers or Audi drivers occasionally. i hold my cool and vow to find out where they live and have them slotted but inevitabely loose interset and go home really angry. has anyone else had this drama with beamers they are the biggest bunch of wan*ers that ever drove the earth! cun*s
ye old bikers nod
hey no its may have died out on the mainland but im on the isle of wight and we still give a nod but i am trying to introduce the purple helmets left hand salute too!
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